
Low speed shelf backfly video

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Anybody able to post a link to somebody backflying a shelf at low wind speeds?

By backflying a shelf I mean - pelvis high/straight, feet down, arms straight hands high, but at low (comfy belly) wind speeds. I'm told it's not just for carving. That one can fly around in that "backfly shelf" position in any direction. But I've never seen a video of anybody just flying that around different directions in a backfly shelf at low speeds.
Dan Wayland

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But what exactly you want to see? Coz if you want to look at flying as you describe it - One can show you exactly what you describe)
Comfort belly flying wind speed will be comfort (i.e. not low) for such backflying (we call it "Neo" position/flying ref to "Matrix" movie))
Yep we using it as exercises not dedicated to carving
Why drink and drive, if you can smoke and fly?

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Neoflying sounds like a great name for the body position I'd like a video of. Ideally, I'd love to see a video of somebody demonstrating the ability to fly the "Neo" position forwards, backwards, up, down, turn, and sidslide just like the videos that are easy to find demonstrating full directional control over belly, back, sit, and headdown.

My use of "low" in the description of windspeed may have been misleading. I meant "low relative to speeds where a headdown shelf is comfortable and belly is uncomfortable." This "Neo" backfly shelf would ideally be getting flown around at wind speeds where it would be comfortable/easy for the same person to belly fly.

Oddly, there's just nothing out there that I can find of this. It seems no more exotic than knee flying to me, but I just couldn't find any vids.
Dan Wayland

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Sorcery! Burn him!

That video is pretty much it. Thanks!

Interesting that the flyer isn't going toward their feet. Seems like when I put my feet down I head towards them like an in face head up carve. Can't hold still. Maybe I need to play with letting my head and shoulders drop a little lower maybe....

But that's pretty much the backfly "Neo" shelf I was looking for. The feet are down, hips are straight and up. At first his hands are behind his head but then they're up high like I was thinking. Interesting. Witchcraft.
Dan Wayland

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Interesting that the flyer isn't going toward their feet. Seems like when I put my feet down I head towards them like an in face head up carve. Can't hold still. Maybe I need to play with letting my head and shoulders drop a little lower maybe....

But that's pretty much the backfly "Neo" shelf I was looking for. The feet are down, hips are straight and up. At first his hands are behind his head but then they're up high like I was thinking. Interesting. Witchcraft.

H-mm at the moment when my hands are behind my head on this video there actually is some tend of forward moving, which I had to compensate but when you let your hands up you will get the prety of FFWD/REW control (just pushing air with forearm)

Without video it's hard to give advice but most common problems student have because their heels are not pushed down enough...
if you push them such wa that they became bihind your knees you'l get the understating of full power of the dark side... sorry the neo position ;)
Why drink and drive, if you can smoke and fly?

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