
Where to start?

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Ill be heading to the states some time this year and i figured i might as well take advantage and get some tunnel time in while I am there (no tunnel back home :( ) But where to start? I want to learn to free fly, my current experience is 120 jumps roughly mostly doing tracking jumps/ some flat 2 way/4way but not much/20 or so canopy jumps ect ect. I was hopeing to do an hour or more (depending on funds). Can someone give me the run down on how it will all work, can I jump right into some FF tunnel coaching/ recommended time? ect ect?


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Ah thanks for that exactly what I was looking for. No I have never been in the tunnel this will be the first time, I was not sure if you jump straight and and get coaching or there was a progression table of sorts. Depends on funds but hopefully more than an hour.

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I do not necessarily agree that you won't be able to progress into freeflying in an hour - if thats what you wanna do, thats what the coach will teach you.. You can easily split that hour into 4 segments of 15 minutes, where you'll most likely spend the first 15 mins finding your bearings in the tunnel, learning to walk, enter and exit the tunnel safely, and probably some belly stuff, basic turning and some levels..

Those 15 mins is normally all you need to be confident enough (safety-wise) to let the coach tilt you over on your back, and volia! you're freeflying.. as for how much further you'll get in an hour, it all depends on your talent, how quickly you pick things up etc.. backflying is essential for moving to sitflying, so your coach will probably keep you on your back for whatever is left of your hour after the first segment, but he might throw in some transitions and work in fixed sitfly-positions on the net..

go for it, it's crazy fun! :)


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