
Logging tunnel time?

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Hi folks,

Had my first 10 minutes of time back at Christmas down in Perris, going back down in a couple weeks for some more. I'm realizing that I'll probably be racking up a fair bit of time over the next year, and was wondering how people track their tunnel time.

Do y'all use a logbook? Mental math? Just forget about it and have fun?


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I get dvds every time I fly. I usually fly between 15-20 minutes per session. I have a giant ass stack of dvds at my house that I occasionally count to get a rough estimate of how much time I have. Too much of a pain in the ass to actually log it. But then again, I'm lazy.

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When I started flying the tunnel, I logged it in my logbook. Just highlighted it and marked the entry as 'T1', instead of a jump number.

After a while, it made more sense to put it in a separate logbook, so I could slack on logging it for a couple of sessions, etc. I just snagged a different logbook for tunnel flying, and jot a quick entry every time I fly (was this team training? Belly/back/sit/HD/all-around freefly? Time flown, cumulative time...any good things I want to remember so I can pull them up on video later. That sort of thing).

If you're interested in doing it, it's good to go ahead and start now, while you're at the beginning. It'll get away from you pretty quick.

Also, keep in mind that tunnel time shouldn't be logged towards freefall time in the sky. It's just a nice thing to be able to go back and say '35 hours of tunnel time, X of which were belly, X of which were freefly," etc.
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