
How much tunnel time do you have?

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So how much effort have you put into this so far?
In comments you can say what you are working on now, what your future tunnel plans are, how long it took you to get to a certain level, etc.

Please, just a short poll reply, lets not make it a discussion of various tunnel topics that may arise :)
Thank you for you feedback! :)
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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The only time I have been in the tunnel was back in 92 or 93, went to a wind tunnel boogie at the pidgeon forge tunnel and got about an hour. Going to tunnel camp in March with my 4-way team out in Denver. Scheduled for 2.5 hours right now but might pick up more.


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Man, I used to be real good about logging how many hours I had, but school got in the way big time of keeping track for the last year. Now I'd say I'm around 140 hours. Working at XP on HD stuff and learning to fly the fun fast air.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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The only time I have been in the tunnel was back in 92 or 93, went to a wind tunnel boogie at the pidgeon forge tunnel and got about an hour. Going to tunnel camp in March with my 4-way team out in Denver. Scheduled for 2.5 hours right now but might pick up more.

we are going to break you :P

I didn't know your previous time was way back and in Pigeon Forge. Kim and I did our 1st tunnel time in PF before she took AFF. You are REALLY going to like this other tunnel.

For me - about 20 - 25 hours, big camp in Lone Tree. 20 campers so far.

We've done a yearly camp for the last 6 (?) years. I had to step into the second camp and make sure it went ok when our organizer had to bail and since then have organized each one (except last year when a good friend did a good one at SVCO). Lots of team time and shared time helped add up my hours (also lots of advil, and stretching).

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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It's definitely over 10 hours, but I have no idea how much. It didn't occur to me to log it initially because I was just flying and had no notions of transferring anything to skydiving. By the time it ever came up, I couldn't begin to have re-created my time spent in the tunnel anyway. The best I can do is estimate an average of 10-20 minutes a week for the last couple of years (essentially since SVCO opened--or close to it, anyway).

I'm working on HD stuff--primarily transitions right now. Future plans? More of the same. I'm looking forward to learning eagles. I'm not anywhere near ready for them, but hey, it's a goal! ;)

TPM Sister #102

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Yes, Pro flyers who are instructors are kinda out of reach for us - regular flyers - time wise and skill wise. Then again, I am sure those guys didnt have to pay full price for their hundreds of hours. ;)

The OP is geared more towards the average joe flyer or beginner to advanced tunnel flyer, who pays for his flight time.

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I'm curious--of the people who have over 10 hours, how many are instructors? Not that I have to tell any of you, probably, but *I* most definitely am not.

Not me... And my tunnel time is in excess of 10...

4way training = lots of tunnel time (like 6 hours per training camp, multiple camps per season, back in the day when I was on a team) = at 1/4 the rate per minute... That freefly learning alone stuff is expensive.:P And I probably have 5 hours of that too.

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I love to see all of my tunnel junkie friends answering this survey. ;)
I am not at all surprised at the results so far considering it is in the wind tunnel forum and there are many junkies here. I have about 15 hours, but hopefully will have closer to 20 by the end of this year. I am working on supported HD at XP right now. I suspect I will be doing that for MANY more hours!

Tunnel Junkie Since November 2005! ;o)~
TPM #46
Paraclete XP TPM Delegate

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something over 5 hours of belly flying so far (SVCO and Bedford) ... hope to get somewhere close to 10 when I'll celebrate the first full year of being a skydiver :)
tdog is right - 4 way camps are cheap and effective way to build tons of tunnel time

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No clue how much, but definitely more than 100 hours.
I've been seriously addicted since 1999, never been instructing or working as a coach. But at my home tunnel, I get treated almost like an instructor...

No.1 reason NOT to be an astronaut: ...You can't drink beer at zero gravity...

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4way training = lots of tunnel time (like 6 hours per training camp, multiple camps per season, back in the day when I was on a team) = at 1/4 the rate per minute... That freefly learning alone stuff is expensive. And I probably have 5 hours of that too.


You are mistaken my friend, it was 1/3 rate per person cause the fourth person was our coach!!;):P

I think I just hit the 20 hour mark, I did 2 hours in the Eloy tunnel for work last week, and in a couple months here I'll be in the Bragg tunnel for a week, I'm sure I'll get another 5-10 hours there.

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--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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