
Torn Canopy

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If a canopy has been torn, and later repaired by a rigger, is this repair safe to jump and is it going to last as long as the rest of the ZP canopy? And yes I know- this may very well belong under Gear and Rigging, but I am posting it more as a safety issue concern.

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Well..... from my rigging training I'd have to say that a properly repaired canopy should last as long as an undamaged canopy. But this depends on the type of damage that was done to the canopy. Riggers can repair only a limited ammount of damage. Master and Senior riggers can repair more damage then a normal rigger. If the tear was at a major seam or crossbrase thne only the factoy or Master/Senior rigger can fix it.(I forget which one.... Rob could you help clearify the difference??) If its just a hole and a patch went over it then there should be no major concerns to the canopy. Just make sure that it is not a "condemened" canopy. These are canopies that the factory says are no longer airworth for some reason.
Whoa... That was cool!

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To clarify: an FAA Senior Parachute Rigger is allowed to do simple patches in the middle of panels.
Master Riggers are allowed to do major repairs that include seams and line attachments. However, some factories (ie. P.D.) insist that any repair requiring replacing a bar tack be returned to the factory.
If the repair requires replacing a rib or an entire panel, the wiser riggers return canopies to the factory for major repairs.
If a repair is done neatly, it will last hundreds or thousands of jumps. Properly done repairs do not affect the way a canopy flies.

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