
2 hours training for AFF?

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Sometimes you just get a quick learner. An athletic college student is probably the ideal student.

It usually helps if the instructor is in tune with the student.;)

not that i could really tune in for something overwhelming..

this is my AFF-vdideo: http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=6762602415940143879

my instructors were gabmling for who had to take two, who, my team ws the noe that lost. still, i probably was one of the few that passed his license requirements below the "normal" 80-100 skydives that are usually required with 61 jumps. lowest evver was around 40 jumps i believe..

i'm not saying i got mad skills (altough i ddo.. :D), but with a little of passion and a little of dedication, you could make it here..

those 10 accuracy landings really put me off.. :D:o:|

our requirements prolly relate to a B or even a C license, night jumps excluded.. water training, well, we jump in the part of the country where you have view on a lot of lakes anyway.. ;):P
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Sometimes you just get a quick learner. An athletic college student is probably the ideal student.

It usually helps if the instructor is in tune with the student.;)

not that i could really tune in for something overwhelming..

this is my AFF-vdideo: http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=6762602415940143879

my instructors were gabmling for who had to take two, who, my team ws the noe that lost. still, i probably was one of the few that passed his license requirements below the "normal" 80-100 skydives that are usually required with 61 jumps. lowest evver was around 40 jumps i believe..

i'm not saying i got mad skills (altough i ddo.. :D), but with a little of passion and a little of dedication, you could make it here..

those 10 accuracy landings really put me off.. :D:o:|

our requirements prolly relate to a B or even a C license, night jumps excluded.. water training, well, we jump in the part of the country where you have view on a lot of lakes anyway.. ;):P

Did you forget how to make a clicky? :P
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Do we really want someone like that to stay in the sport?

Completely off-topic, but you shouldn't judge a (potential) student on what he's saying before he has actually gotten some decent exposure to the sport. He really just doesn't know any better than what he sees on TV.
I mean, you gotta admit that Hollywood makes skydiving look easy..

That being said, he does kinda come across like an arrogant prick...or in other words: excellent skydiver material. :)
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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skittles i hav a video of you in a flat spin,uncontrollable for a few thousand feet.
at the time of the video you had a A licence
should i make that a clicky?
you recovered and they still keep you in the sport
it didnt look all that bad to me, he was just lucky he did not have line twist!

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skittles i hav a video of you in a flat spin,uncontrollable for a few thousand feet.
at the time of the video you had a A licence
should i make that a clicky?
you recovered and they still keep you in the sport
it didnt look all that bad to me, he was just lucky he did not have line twist!

Wrong Skittles. I never once went into a flat spin. I'm sure you are trying to defend your boy, but make sure you have the right guy before you post things like this. If you have video of me in a few thousand foot flat spin then yes post it up. Because if it was me and it did happen I don't remember it.

edited to take out the mean part. im trying to be a happier person. :P

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Sometimes you just get a quick learner. An athletic college student is probably the ideal student.

It usually helps if the instructor is in tune with the student.;)

not that i could really tune in for something overwhelming..

this is my AFF-vdideo: http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=6762602415940143879

my instructors were gabmling for who had to take two, who, my team ws the noe that lost. still, i probably was one of the few that passed his license requirements below the "normal" 80-100 skydives that are usually required with 61 jumps. lowest evver was around 40 jumps i believe..

i'm not saying i got mad skills (altough i ddo.. :D), but with a little of passion and a little of dedication, you could make it here..

those 10 accuracy landings really put me off.. :D:o:|

our requirements prolly relate to a B or even a C license, night jumps excluded.. water training, well, we jump in the part of the country where you have view on a lot of lakes anyway.. ;):P

Did you forget how to make a clicky? :P

i even forgot about this post.. now, when will they invent the breathalyzer for posting shit on dorkzone.. :$:$:$:S:S:S:):):)
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Here is a Skydive University Aff level 1. (TAFF) Our program has a 100% pass rate, and a 2 hour groundschool with a heads up student and the right instructor is totally possible and not uncommon.
We always release on a level 1.
You can watch all of our AFF levels on youtube.


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Our course requires a minimum of 20 minutes tunnel before the 1st jump.
This was an average student we have students doing up to 12 90 degree turns on a level 1 . Having the tunnel time takes the stress of the freefall and in turn taking the stress out of canopy contol.

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