
Biggest Screw up?

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So if researching and getting started with skydiving has taught me one thing, it has taught me that nobody is perfect. There is absolutley no infallible person. Your instructor is not perfect, and shit can and does happen. That being said, have any of you, as an INSTRUCTOR screwed up badly? I don't mean having screwed yourself, but screwed up putting your student in danger?

This post was prompted by viewing this video:


Do any of you have any stories of personal mistakes that you feel really lucky didn't end badly, or hurt your student? Do any of you have experiences working with another instructor who was acting somewhat negligble? I know it may not be the most self-flattering thing to post, but we can all learn something from each other's mistakes.


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Woah, harsh words brother...

Dude tho I don't think that you are going to get many people to wilfulingly tell you that they personally endangered anyone in skydiving... let alone a student.

I don't think you have enough time in the sport to realize what you are asking... in spite of the harsh words above... your question is equally painful.
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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So if researching and getting started with skydiving has taught me one thing,

1. Nobody is perfect.

2. There is absolutley no infallible person.

3. Shit can happen

4. Shit does happen

5. We can all learn something from each other's mistakes.

Thats 5 things Ryan.

The only thing to remember is " YOU decided to jump" if you don't have the tools, don't jump.

Instructors, TM's, People in this sport are responsible for one person, them, to a point.

If you feel they should save your life, then sorry dude, your in the wrong place.

A little trust on the first jump OK, reserve side pulled for me on AAF 1, a wake up call.

" We can all learn something from each other's mistakes."

To the above =
This was MY mistake, you'll learn that you only learn from your fuck ups.

If your gonna jump, don't put the shit on other people, this is YOUR choice, not theires.

it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.

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Hey buddy, I totally do get that. I think you misconstrued my point completley. Perhaps this question was too much of a faux pau to put out there for people who don't know me to answer. However, never in my post did I hint that I expect anyone to be my failproof safety net. I know why the waivers are there, I think about them, and I sign them. And I know that when I'm unstable with no pull at 2000 feet, its on me.

I'm only interested, see it as voyeristic or not, to hear stories from people who have been here much longer, and seen much more than myself. I'm only interested to find out further what could go wrong, so that in the event it does, I CAN be my own help. The reason I posted this in the instructor forum is because obviously students and low experience jumpers are the most dependent, and least self-sufficient. However, this post could go for anyone, instructors, other jumpers, pilots, etc... The original intent (whether expressed well or not) was to find out when your actions have put someone else in danger.. Because that is a much different feeling than screwing yourself, and it is a much different situation to try to control (because in many ways it is beyond your control). Answer if you want to, and obviously most of you don't. But at the very least understand this is only an attempt to learn, whether or not it be pleasant to think about, read, or see. This was not intended to become a finger pointing, whistle blowing measure of incompetence, and I think by this post that that is clear enough.


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Just do a search or simply begin reading - there are thousands and thousands of postings here you can read through and probably find a lot of the stories you are looking for.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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I was helping by plugging in the King Air to the start cart. Once the engines were started and the pilot gave me the disconnect signal I couldn't get the damn plug out. I grabbed it with both hands and pulled with all my might. Suddenly the plug exploded out from the socket and I tripped into the turning propeller.

Hurt like hell.


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I'll bite. I have screwed up and put people in danger. Not as an instructor, but as a learning cameraguy. I was pushing the limit of being too close and too steep on a 15 way formation, got caught in the burble and came crashing through. I didn't hurt anyone thankfully but I could have killed someone. I learned my lesson and will not fly above formations again untill I get some wings and learn how to fly them.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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have you guys ever given a student a bad spot?? Man, I hate it when I do that.

"Gee, I'm sorry you landed off. Why did you land off? Well, it's kinda funny, see....."

Not too common, but sometimes stuff like that is what I need to slap me in the face and make me realize that geee, I really am still learning a lot...[:/]
=========Shaun ==========

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