
"Late Jake" the Colorado jumper??

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I was digging around through some old photos of my Eloy days and came across one with Late Jake far off in the background. I hadn't thought about him in a while.
He was amazing, doing sit ups between loads and always packed for himself. He was in great shape after bricklaying all those years.
He used to bring this scroungy little poodle named Timmy with him. Timmy used to run out into the LZ to get a Scooby snack when Jake landed.
Does anyone know if he's still kicking. I think he would be in his late 90's by now.

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The last time I saw jake was just after 9/11 at z-hills (SDC).

Jake was still getting older wanted a 70-80 way for his bday.

The sit up days were over when we met him something about he was runnin a bunch of mules for tourists or hunters and one rolled over on him.

Mule that is:ph34r:. He may have fully recovered by now or gone the other direction. The folks at SDC loved the guy. Like everyone else.

Check with TK or Mr Pip.


One Jump Wonder

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I don't know where he is or what the deal is, but I do remember the last time I saw him. Lost Prairie, about 5 years ago, did a four way with Late Jake and two others. The second point was a right hand donut, and Jake was on my right. We got there about 11,000 feet, no problem, and the next thing I know I hit line stretch and was under my main.

Whoops! Why in the hell did Late Jake dump me out?? It was cold up there, but I enjoyed the view and the long canopy ride back to the DZ. I landed and found my group, and politely asked Late Jake what happened. All he said was "I don't know, we were going on to the next point and the next thing I saw was you deploying and I thought "I wonder where he's going?!?!""

All I could do was laugh.

Turns out he took my pilot chute hackey as his grip rather than my leg gripper. Oops!

But at least I can say I was once dumped out by Late Jake.

Chris "Q" Quaintance

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I spoke with Joe Pete today. Late Jake is now 87 and still kicking around Steamboat. He's getting pretty blind. He still works a bit and wheels and deals in real estate a bit. Joe Pete just saw him yesterday. He doesn't jump anymore.

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