
Anyone else miss the old set rounds?

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Going back to the 80's when 4 and 8way sequential comps had half the dives picked from set dives.
Some of those set rounds were really things of beauty to perform and watch.

and what a relief to already know half the dives.
Getting to practice them over and again accelerated the learning and gave good sense of accomplishment.
Watching the world class competitors doing the same dives gave everyone a good range of flying styles to emulate.

Miss those set rounds.
Why did they get rid of them ?
Gone are the pleasant flow of those classic skydives. They got chopped up to help produce the block system.
The system that replaced them imho was ugly in comparison... and is probably reponsible for heaps of dirt-dive brain burn and tunnel time tinnitus.

Modern sequential while amazingly skilled just somehow lacks the grace of those old set rounds.

The world class early 4 and 8 way teams were relative work visionaries and uplifting to watch in action .
It'd be good to see some cruisy style put back into sequential. Where skill wasn't so attached to time and racing.
A free artistic round or two could break up all that tunnel time on show at the mo.

Might even make sequential good to watch for more than a few minutes.

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Does anyone have some diagrams of these old rounds ? I'd really like to see them. I remember when 4 Way and 8 Way first came in back in 1977. At the time I was a hundred something jump novice and thought of sequential as completely beyond me (my, how the learning curve has changed - for the BETTER). So I knew teams were sequencing, but didn't really pay attention to what the routines were. Then some years later of course, the block system came in. Sure would like to see what these dive rounds looked like, maybe even try a few for grins.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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