
Old Timers, How many sport static lines did you make?

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I was on Fort Bragg in late winter/early spring of '87 I started my S/L progression. Must've done at least 10 S/L jumps until I had 3 DRCPs done correctly. Then I had to do another 10 more clear & pulls until the day we finally got a CH-47 which has a tailgate. I got up to the edge of the ramp, got in a hard arch, and hopped off so I would be facing the relative wind. It really was the first time experienced true stability. From there on out I progressed right thru all the levels with no problem. I believe it was Gene Paul Thacker who signed me off student status after jumping out of his Twin-Bo at Raeford. ;)

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Steve, Army Jump School has always been at Ft.Benning from the beginng.I went through jump school at Benning in 1950.I think Bragg started a jump school there around 1955 and Campbell had one too(I think).............POP

http://home.hiwaay.net/~magro/abncertif.html ;)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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After jump school in March-April 1982, my first duty assignment was 9th ID at Ft. Lewis, Washington.

I joined the parachute club and did my 5 static lines in June '82. My first CP was off the ramp of a Chinook CH-47. The CH-47 was a dream to exit for your first freefall. Just a bunny hop backwards and you're face into the relative wind.
I'm back in the USA!!

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15 static line jumps 1975-76. Just couldn't get stable.
Finally did a clear and pull on #16.

Then of course my wife takes the FJC, does 2 s/l, 3 drcp, and a hop n pop on #6, all just to make me look bad[:/]


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1978, that was the plan, went to a boogie in NC while still a student, planes were a DC-3 and Twin Beech, was on the 3 with a big way for my last 20 sec jump, pilot forgot and finally made a pass at 8K, instructor Jack Reed was yellin to count to 20 and pull, I was thinking "if I pull at 20 I'll be way off the landing area", I pulled at 30, landed great but the instructor chewed my butt , good times
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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I'm not an old timer (started in 1992 and retired in 2004) but I have 5 static line jumps on modified T10 rounds with belly mount 28' round reserves. I did 5 jumps at Skydive East in the summer of 1992 before transitioning to an AFF program.

Loved it. Although the landings hurt on some of those hot summer days, I'm glad I experienced it. I loved the emergency procedures for a total mal. It went something like this (forgive me if I forget); "1 thousand, 2 thousand, 3 thousand.... nothing...... Look (by bending at the waist to look at the reserve on your belly. reverse the arch and go butt to earth), Grab (the silver ripcord), Close (your legs), Pull (the ripcord), Punch (the reserve pack to push the reserve out into the relative wind). I think that is pretty close to what they were.

Fun times. I still have my photo of me in my jump boots, mechanic coveralls, and motorcycle helmet.

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15 static line jumps 1975-76. Just couldn't get stable.
Finally did a clear and pull on #16.

Then of course my wife takes the FJC, does 2 s/l, 3 drcp, and a hop n pop on #6, all just to make me look bad[:/]

Sounds like me too. Just couldn't get stable, probably from the fear, but finally managed it. All my friends who started later who I jumpmastered and trained did it in 5 with no problem. Made me feel like an idiot, but I guess I am.;)
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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While I do not yet qualify as "old timer" that is the same type of static line progression I went through in 1997.

2 static lines

3 PRCP's on static line

followed by the first freefall

Wow, I didn't know they used that method past the 80's anyway.

I did 4 in the UK in 1990.
"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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Skydive East

I did 4 static lines there also before going to the Herd for my AFF level 1. It was only 20 minutes from home. Didn't know any better, but glad that I had the chance to jump them.

My Ground School instructor for AFF at the Herd could not do a proper PLF so I had to show him how.

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1975 5 static lines, inc 3DRPs, then a horseshoe mal for my first FF. Scared the crap out of everyone except myself, being rather busy trying to clear it. Got the reserve out at 500 ft, was very glad the Sentinel 2000 didn't fire at 1000 as it was meant to. JM's made me do another DRP before they let me go FF again....

So 6 in total.
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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hate to admit it. but hell I'm nothing if not honest. I was a sucky student. I used up the alphabet and then some. and yes i got the bowling speech:P once i got off the dope rope and got to terminal it was all good thought.

i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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I just about quit because of the fear when I first started; did 7 SL jumps, and probably wouldn't have made any more.

But the first freefall absolutely cured me of that fear, and just left me with the more realistic fear of what might happen if I didn't pull.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I just about quit because of the fear when I first started; did 7 SL jumps, and probably wouldn't have made any more.

But the first freefall absolutely cured me of that fear, and just left me with the more realistic fear of what might happen if I didn't pull.

Wendy P.

I think a lot of people quit due to fear in the static line days. There was a lot to learn and a lot to remember.

With the invent of the tandem, there isn't a lot to learn or do on the first few jumps. And for those who go on their initial fear of the unknown has also diminished.
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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I think a lot of people quit due to fear in the static line days. There was a lot to learn and a lot to remember.

With the invent of the tandem, there isn't a lot to learn or do on the first few jumps. And for those who go on their initial fear of the unknown has also diminished.

I had 5 takeoffs in an aircraft before I ever had a landing in any aircraft :o. I had never been in an airplane before my first jump. I got scared and rode it down (what would have been jump #5) :$. He (Billy Reed) made me do two more static line jumps (I guess to prove the point I was serious?) and then "mmmm, freefall :-)"


edit to say this was 1978
WSCR 594
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9 but I still did a full style series on my first free fall

On purpose? :P


No but it was all good.

I finally got stable subterminal, progressed to terminal and then specialised in flat spins for another 20 jumps.

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9 but I still did a full style series on my first free fall

On purpose? :P


No but it was all good.

I finally got stable subterminal, progressed to terminal and then specialised in flat spins for another 20 jumps.

All I can say is yippieeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Round and Round and round and rounddd and rooooundddd and woooohl round? Puke Puuke Puuuuuuuukke.

Nice start!
WSCR 594
FB 1023

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