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Hey Steve, I remember seeing the "JFK warfare Center" written on top of a repel tower in Ft. Sherman, Panama. I believe 7th SFG ran that school. Harry

I've been out since 1976. There's been a lot of changes since then. Soldiers from all over the world could be found at JFK Center for Special Warfare. It was mainly for Army Special Forces, but I recall seeing many Vietnamese and Israeli soldiers there in 1970.

There was a jungle school in Panama at one time. I think that has been disbanded....

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"Leg" is a derogatory term used by paratroopers to describe any one who walks to work.
Light infantry use a "straight leg" stride to cover long distances.
Their stride vaguely resembles the stride of Olympic race-walkers.
I used to be able to do consistent nine minute miles merely walking "straight leg."

Mind you, paratroopers soon find themselves reduced to "straight leg" walking shortly after jumping into combat, so the joke is on them.

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"Leg" is a derogatory term used by paratroopers to describe any one who walks to work.
Light infantry use a "straight leg" stride to cover long distances.
Their stride vaguely resembles the stride of Olympic race-walkers.
I used to be able to do consistent nine minute miles merely walking "straight leg."

Mind you, paratroopers soon find themselves reduced to "straight leg" walking shortly after jumping into combat, so the joke is on them.


I went through Infantry training prior to jump school. I remember many forced marches at Ft. Polk. This involved walking as fast as you could. The plan was to get a company of soldiers from point A to point B, as fast as possible. Usually you had a pack on your back.

This wasn't so bad if you had long legs. If you had shorter ones, like I did, it was really tough to keep up. It felt good to break into a run, but then you'd have a Drill Instructor jump all over you for running, so you'd go back to fast walking.

I never did know what being a "Leg" meant for sure. The term has been around a long time....

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