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DB Cooper

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It would be NICE if you guys would stop saying inappropriate things about nuns, good girls and Tina.

NONE of you knew her. Every young lady or MOST young ladies do have their wild streak in their early 20's at least that is the way it was with my own children. Tina did NOT deserve to have to be talked about the way some of you guys have addressed her in this thread. How many of you would say these things to her face?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"DUH! Case Closed! The FBI does NOT want the TRUTH to be known!
That is pretty damn obvious when a dumb ass old lady on the phone and a key board sits on the other side of the US and does more than the FBI did in 42 yr F-g yrs."

Jo, nobody has come close to what the FBI has done with the Cooper case. did you send hundreds of soldiers looking for Cooper, have you spent hundreds of hours talking with actual witnesses, not just a few minute phone conversation. track down suspects stating they were Cooper, did you have the Air Force up looking for Weber clues? how many people have helped you vs the amount the FBI has used? you are one sided on this issue, you have done more investigating on Weber than the FBI has, but you haven't done as much as the FBI has. I think that's a fair statement.

The FBI makes mistakes just as anyone else has, I believe you have made many. The FBI does not see Weber pointing out things in Washington to be any type of lead, I point things out to people all the time.

Duane told you on your trip that he could of been the ground man, then in time of death he becomes Cooper? two different stories from a man known to change his identity in order to escape reality. how can you trust anything he said? the love you have for him is blocking the truth from yourself. I just don't see the connection, you try to show it, but it's all Circumstantial, or hearsay evidence.

did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed.

according to Agent Carr, the bag looked like this...
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Pics of the 2 watches and the mouse have been done - I did not do the knife because that is something that needs to be delivered to a lab.

The package will have to be signed for and I do NOT know what agent to send them to. IT WILL NOT BE FRED GUTT! Suggestions and addresses - please.

Actually thinking about doing a copy to a TV station and/or attorney that will also require a signed receipt. Then I will know when the FBI has them! I am also requesting a phone call stating they have received them!

They WILL go out tomorrow as I have to do a letter to accompany the package. If any of you have a GOOD suggestion as to what I need to say - Please help. I will be coming back to the thread this evening when I get ready to do the cover letter to go with the photos. Perhaps you guys can help with the cover letter. Needs to be short and to the point about why the pic are being sent to the FBI. I would love to address the negligence of the FBI in NOT providing me with the Jefferson file - and for the first time and asking for your help to do something right the RIGHT WAY!

Blevins & Bruce need to STAY our to this as neither of them can stay neutral and pleasant.

I am sure 377 might have some good points and perhap he could be in reciept of the other signed copies.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"DUH! Case Closed! The FBI does NOT want the TRUTH to be known!
That is pretty damn obvious when a dumb ass old lady on the phone and a key board sits on the other side of the US and does more than the FBI did in 42 yr F-g yrs."

Jo, nobody has come close to what the FBI has done with the Cooper case. did you send hundreds of soldiers looking for Cooper, have you spent hundreds of hours talking with actual witnesses, not just a few minute phone conversation. track down suspects stating they were Cooper, did you have the Air Force up looking for Weber clues? how many people have helped you vs the amount the FBI has used? you are one sided on this issue, you have done more investigating on Weber than the FBI has, but you haven't done as much as the FBI has. I think that's a fair statement.

The FBI makes mistakes just as anyone else has, I believe you have made many. The FBI does not see Weber pointing out things in Washington to be any type of lead, I point things out to people all the time.

Duane told you on your trip that he could of been the ground man, then in time of death he becomes Cooper? two different stories from a man known to change his identity in order to escape reality. how can you trust anything he said? the love you have for him is blocking the truth from yourself. I just don't see the connection, you try to show it, but it's all Circumstantial, or hearsay evidence.

did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed.

according to Agent Carr, the bag looked like this...


When the going gets tough, the Weird get Weirding.

I seriously doubt that Duane spoke in tongues to her, as Jo

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Warning: Off-Topic Post

~ I have one too. :)

* I wrote this almost a decade ago, got to thinking about my father on this Memorial Day and thought I'd share it.

They truly were our greatest generation.


Picture it...
A 17 year old kid out 4 wheelin’ in a jeep with buddies, cruising slow through the tall grass following the river. Been going pretty much ‘balls out’ all morning to get to the spot you're at, but experience tells ya it’s time to maybe play it a little safe and take it easy thorough this particular section.

You come up to the top of a rise in the terrain and there it is, just a few miles ahead...

The last standing bridge across the Rhine river into the heart of Germany.

The day is March 7th 1945, and the ‘kid’ is my father.

A small town boy from Illinois that quit high school to fight for his country, in the 'latest' war to end all wars.

Trained as a tank driver, he was somewhat surprised to find himself reassigned as a machine gunner on the lead scout jeep in a re-con unit for the 9th armored division.

He said it took him all of 4 hours to figure out why he'd been ‘reassigned’, or rather...
just ‘why’ the seat he was now filling was EMPTY!

Sitting up high, on a jeep mounted .30 cal machine gun for the 89th Cavalry (mechanized) Re-Con company ‘C’, 9th Armored Division...was a job with shall we say, a rather significantly high ‘turnover’ rate.

I’d heard the story many times, and my dad took me to see the movie about this important World War 2 battle back in 1969 when it came out.
I've always, from that time, wanted to see where he'd fought, where he'd walked, what was left of ~

“The Bridge At Remagen”

Last week I went.

Faith and I entered the town from the opposite direction that my dad did six decades ago. It’s a small, quaint, sleepy little village along the Rhine.

As we came into town and followed the narrow streets down toward the river, I looked up and said, “It’s farther down to the right.” She asked how I could possibly know that and I pointed out the high peak a mile up river and told her that’s where the 88's were positioned to shoot straight down on the American attackers.

I had seen the little black and white photos dad took, hundreds of times, and the images were ingrained.

A dozen blocks more and I turned down an alley that lead right to the approach to the bridge.

~ ~ I've been a lot of places and seen a lot of things, but nothing could prepare me for the rush of raw emotion and sense of awe that I felt, standing in the shadow of the black stone relics I had been told about since a child.

It was all I could do to keep my composure and sit on the steps leading into what is now a museum, looking across the river at the matching set of black stone towers that once held machine guns aimed at my father.

Faith touched my shoulder and handed me the hat that earlier that morning I’d sewn the 9th Armored patch from dad’s uniform on.
Squeezing my hand as I took it from her, she said simply, “I’ll meet you inside” and knowingly walked away.

I must have sat there for an hour, thinking of the 17 year old kid.....who lied about his age so he could join the Army. The kid who grew up without a father, who sent all his money home to his mother to help raise other kids in the family.

The kid who crawled in the dirt beneath me, with bullets and anti-aircraft shells impacting all around him, and what he must have been thinking then.

I’m sure he wasn't betting on another day alive, much less having a son that 61 years later would be sitting here gazing across the same expanse of water.

He'd come home from that war, married the prettiest gal in town then supported them both while he earned a Masters at Bradley University. ....Not too bad for a High School 'drop-out'!

It was getting hard to breathe and even harder to see, so I walked up toward the door to the museum inside of the once heavily defended towers.
As I reached for my wallet to pay the admission fee, the older German gentleman at the door pointed to my hat... ”Father or Grandfather” he asked, ‘Father’ I replied with a tightness in my throat...

”Go ahead in please, he's already paid ”.

I just nodded and went in. I couldn't muster any words...

The museum was interesting, it told of the history of the bridge and the town. It highlighted the strategic importance of capturing this ‘highway’ across the Rhine and how it likely shortened the war by at least a month and probably saved 10,000 lives all told. I read everything in there and took well over 100 pictures, but I kept wandering back outside.

I crawled all over the structure and walked in and around places not usually ‘open’ to the public. I found a rusty piece of iron and stuck it into a bullet hole in the stone face, chipping out a small rock.
Maybe a hole from bullet that was meant for my father...I dropped the stone in my pocket.

To me... more precious than gold.

Took one more pass through the inside to be certain I hadn't missed anything and then it was time to go. I again nodded to the man selling tickets, this time I was able to thank him properly. He handed me a pen and said, “You MUST sign the guest book”
...took me to a small corner that I hadn't noticed, opened the book and patted me on the back before returning to his job at the door.

I didn't pause for a moment before I began writing...

10-10-06 - James Twardowski
Proud son of Arthur Twardowski - 89th Cav. Re-Con 9th Armored Div.
"It’s with honor and respect that I walk in your footsteps Dad. After seeing all of this, I know that I could never fill your shoes. I love you."

It’s been a tough few months for my family, dad has suffered a series of major strokes and other serious medical setbacks.

He’s been in the hospital for some time, and we’ve been told, he won’t ever come home.

He’s done quite well for himself, and us.
...he’s getting the best care possible, but all we can really do is try to make him comfortable until the end. My father and I have always been close.
It’s a constant cloud over me of late, and of course the sadness of what’s coming does weigh.

For some reason, for a while that day anyway, that weight seemed off my shoulders. I was walking a little lighter, a bit straighter...

I’d actually gotten to be with the ole man again, in a way I’d never imagined, a way I'll never forget! I don’t particularly have a lot of pride in who I am, what I’ve accomplished...

But thankfully, there IS some of him inside me...and ya know...that’s enough.

Wonderful post AirT. Reminded me of the stories my dad told me, over and over..... When you dad was going over the bridge at Remagen, mine was in Belgium, south of Brussells, fixing jeeps and artilllery that the 7th Inf and 3rd Army had gotten shot-up at the front.

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Bruce Smith wrote:

7. Himms never talked to Tina when she lived in Portland, and I find that incredulous, in particular since the money was found at "Tina" Bar and she split for the convent shortly afterwards.
9. On a personal level, I strongly object to Ralph's insistence on being paid for an interview on Norjak. The taxpayers already paid for the information he has, and I think he is duty bound to share it with the public. Yes, interviews with pesky journalists are a chore, which is why I offered to buy lunch for him and his wife as a way to lessen the sting of talking to me.


Had to come back to your 'top 10' list again, Bruce. I've been thinking on it....

I agree with on #9, it does seem a bit tacky to be charging for his knowledge of the case. But in my brief conversation with Mr. H a long time ago, I got the impression he was pretty tired of all those people with all those crazy questions and, at times, unpleasant, disrespectful behavior. It might have been his way to weed out the crazy, obnoxious, unpleasant people he was forced to deal with over the years.

On your #7, yeah, was it coincidence or not? Tina lived n east Portland, Mr. H is from Portland, and the money is found at Tena Bar, west of Portland. Truth is stranger than fiction, you can't make this stuff up! Also, I think it's "Tena" Bar, and "Tina" Mucklow. Another nebulously nefarious twist in the Cooper Vortex.


The sign at the beach says "Tina Bar," not Tena Bar. I posted a pix of it on the Mountain News some time ago.

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"did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed."

Trust me on this one!! Nobody needs MRShutter's help. That's like putting grease on the railroad tracks at Pike's Peak. Weber was Cooper. Game over. Ask someone who knows. You have the list.

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"did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed."

Trust me on this one!! Nobody needs MRShutter's help. That's like putting grease on the railroad tracks at Pike's Peak. Weber was Cooper. Game over. Ask someone who knows. You have the list.

sorry Mr. Deception.....don't have time for your childish games today...... Bah bye.......B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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***"did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed."

Trust me on this one!! Nobody needs MRShutter's help. That's like putting grease on the railroad tracks at Pike's Peak. Weber was Cooper. Game over. Ask someone who knows. You have the list.

sorry Mr. Deception.....don't have time for your childish games today...... Bah bye.......B|

I wonder man..... if he like dropped acid with all those dudes too man.... like wow man...

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******"did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed."

Trust me on this one!! Nobody needs MRShutter's help. That's like putting grease on the railroad tracks at Pike's Peak. Weber was Cooper. Game over. Ask someone who knows. You have the list.

sorry Mr. Deception.....don't have time for your childish games today...... Bah bye.......B|

I wonder man..... if he like dropped acid with all those dudes too man.... like wow man...

wnder if he still believes in Santa Claus? I'm sure the Government and McCoy had a hand in that too B|:ph34r::D
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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according to Agent Carr, the bag looked like this...

Could not download that pic.
If it is a picture of a white bank bag,
yea the money was inside of that but it was placed inside of another container prior to being taken onto the plane - per the Co-pilots description.

Tina is the ONLY one who knows the answer to what that money was in when She presented it to Cooper.
Of course the whitish bag was there, but IT did not go out of the plane in that bag alone.

Remember that in 1990 I saw the damn BANK BAG in the van. I opened it up and Duane said it was an old bag from a WA bank. I remembered what it said.

How many time in the beginning did I ask the FBI and everyone else if there was ANYONE out there counterfitting souvenir items - like the Sea First Bank bag?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, nobody has come close to what the FBI has done with the Cooper case. did you send hundreds of soldiers looking for Cooper, have you spent hundreds of hours talking with actual witnesses, not just a few minute phone conversation. track down suspects stating they were Cooper, did you have the Air Force up looking for Weber clues? how many people have helped you vs the amount the FBI has used? you are one sided on this issue, you have done more investigating on Weber than the FBI has, but you haven't done as much as the FBI has. I think that's a fair statement.


That is a FAIR statement: I would not want to count the hours nor the people I have spoke to in an unofficial capacity. BUT, my research involved passengers and the crew (limited with the crew) and those who supposedly know the crime, such as Himmelsbach, Tosaw, Cossey, the other chute guy and the list is endless.

Yea, also a lot with individuals like BK and many many others who chose not to make public spectacles of themselves. There were investigative journalist who also did research on my behalf, historians in several area who have made their expertise available, the list goes on and on.

I have done more than my share in the last 16 yrs. I left the first 2 yrs up to the FBI, but they just dismissed Weber based on prints alone in 1998.

Then in 2003 they did ask for DNA, but did not return that DNA until 2007.
Pulling the dates out of my head so sorry if I am off a yr here and there. I am unable to retain all of this in my head.

I will note that someone earlier mentioned the instance in which Cooper offered the stew some of the money. He was giddy per the stewardesses statements....provide either by the FBI or someone involved with the case. Not one time did I ever hear that the stewardesses ask Cooper for money. Supposedly his offering money to them was spontaneous on the the part of Cooper.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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***as long as the case remains open, the file will remain closed....

If these files are so confidential, and 100% non-eligible under FOIA...then why did they open them up for Geoff Gray? He's not a LEO. He was a guy writing a book, yet he was allowed access. The ice has been broken. You can make the request for free. They can only say no.

It's still different from opening them up to the public. I don't think they will release anything, but go ahead a try, can't hurt.....
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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*********as long as the case remains open, the file will remain closed....

If these files are so confidential, and 100% non-eligible under FOIA...then why did they open them up for Geoff Gray? He's not a LEO. He was a guy writing a book, yet he was allowed access. The ice has been broken. You can make the request for free. They can only say no.

It's still different from opening them up to the public. I don't think they will release anything, but go ahead a try, can't hurt.....

Yes. My suggestion for public release was probably too much to expect. But I think Citizen Sleuths might have a shot at seeing them, if the request was written up properly.

I think the only way would be a Political backing to put pressure on them. I doubt they would listen anyone else. that or, do like they did with the Alcatraz escape and hand it over to the US Marshal.....
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I don't know what to tell them about the items - I get too wordy.

Please help.

2 watches and the "mouse". I am with-holding the knife because I want the "lint" in checked against the cord he cut on the plane. Since one of the WATCHES is very expensive I damn sure am not sending them or mouse to the FBI.

If someone wished to call me I promise never to harass you - but I need some help with this - what I wrote they will never be able to follow.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Sgt Cindi West called me this evening to inform me that the son of Earl Cossey will be addressing the media on Thursday morning to announce the family's increase in the reward, and to strengthen his appeal for the Good Samaritan to come forward.

I will be there and give you a full report.

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Blevins wrote:

There will be one KEY piece of information on the case that the FBI has never made public, and on that, they should continue to withhold that information as a control. This is because they would need something in their back pocket to either confirm a suspect for sure, or to eliminate him...should a viable suspect be discovered.
One of the Big Questions is WHO should receive these files for examination. I suggest that no matter who actually makes and pays for this request...that the files should go to the Citizen Sleuths.


Why just one key piece of evidence, Blevins? What make one the magic number? I'm betting at least one key piece of evidence has been held back.
And why should CS get the information? Why not Georger or Robert99, or MrShutter45, or whoever? What is so special about CS getting first dibs? Just making stuff up again...??


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Shutter says in part:


'think the only way would be a Political backing to put pressure on them. I doubt they would listen anyone else. that or, do like they did with the Alcatraz escape and hand it over to the US Marshal.....'

It may be that the FBI turned that over to the Marshals Service because they are the ones who often end up with the responsibility on escapees from Federal custody. The spy Christopher Boyce ('Falcon and the Snowman') is a good example. The rumor was, that Reagan said if they didn't catch Boyce, he would dismantle the Service. I don't know if that's true, but he did fire the ATC's by the thousands. Who knows? He probably just wanted Boyce caught and tried to light a fire under the Service. And they came through for him.

I actually sold Boyce a car when he was on escape and robbing banks in Washington. But that's another story. If I made the details on that public, I would just get slammed. That story goes only to people I trust, and privately. No, I didn't know he was Boyce when he came to the used car lot where I worked. Certainly found out the next day, though. :)
Both Boyce and Lee are now free...and behaving themselves. :)

Both Boyce and Lee should have been executed.

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Blevins wrote

I have another suggestion. Perhaps 377 would be willing to pay for the files, should FOIA and the FBI decide to release them. These requests can be quite personal in nature, in other words, it's okay to state in your request why they should be released. There is a fairly good case for it. The Cooper hijacking is more than four decades old, there has been no solution, the files will go to an impartial investigative group (Citizen Sleuths) that the FBI has already trusted, etc.

Not a good investment Robert. I have a lot of experience with FOIA and federal discovery in criminal cases. It's naive to think that the Feds are going to show you anything juicy just because you fill out the right forms. They have many legal ways of withholding requested info through FOIA exemptions, redactions, etc. They also have the opportunity to "overlook" the existence of targeted info should they choose to do so. You never see what is withheld.

Call me a cynic. The Feds involved in responding to discovery and FOIA requests too often think laws are something you must obey absolutely, but their own compliance obligations are flexible.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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******Boyce and Lee are now free...and behaving themselves. :)

Both Boyce and Lee should have been executed.

Well, that's an opinion. You're getting into death penalty stuff now, and I have a few problems with it.

On this issue, we will have to agree to disagree.

Blevins, Do you understand that what Boyce and Lee did for money and drugs was extremely damaging to the security of the USA and the entire western world? No telling how many died as a direct result of their activities.

Then there is the infamous Walker family spy ring that sold information on Naval code equipment. One estimate of the damage to USA security of their activities is that if the USA and USSR had gotten involved in a shooting war in that time frame, the USA would have lost as a direct result of the Walker family.

Treason is not small potatoes. So far as I am concerned, you could also line the entire Walker family up against a wall and shoot them. And if they had a dog, shoot it also.


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Call me a cynic. The Feds involved in responding to discovery and FOIA requests too often think laws are something you must obey absolutely, but their own compliance obligations are flexible.


BINGO! Same with the Law. Look at the facts that have been DISALLOWED in the Trayvon Martin incident. The jury will not be able to use - this kids drug record, suspensions from school, and past fighting. The defense will also not be allowed to present the kids text or other social media and past fighting problems,

The system is going to prosecute a man who man have over-reacted, but when you hear the tape you know the agressor was the deceased. The evidence of marijuana use and prior fightings should be allowed...along with the tapes.

If I was sitting on that jury - no way could I send that man to prison. The man over-reacted and being the adult should have backed away. But the way I understand it he did attempt to leave and that is when Martin attacked him....guess it will all come out in the trial.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Treason is not small potatoes. So far as I am concerned, you could also line the entire Walker family up against a wall and shoot them. And if they had a dog, shoot it also.

I would have been good with taking all of their ill gotten money away.. and shipping them off to the Soviet Union... let them live in Soviet bliss bliss with no money as wards of the Soviet State, in all of its splendor

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*********Boyce and Lee are now free...and behaving themselves. :)

Both Boyce and Lee should have been executed.

Well, that's an opinion. You're getting into death penalty stuff now, and I have a few problems with it.

On this issue, we will have to agree to disagree.

Blevins, Do you understand that what Boyce and Lee did for money and drugs was extremely damaging to the security of the USA and the entire western world? No telling how many died as a direct result of their activities.

Then there is the infamous Walker family spy ring that sold information on Naval code equipment. One estimate of the damage to USA security of their activities is that if the USA and USSR had gotten involved in a shooting war in that time frame, the USA would have lost as a direct result of the Walker family.

Treason is not small potatoes. So far as I am concerned, you could also line the entire Walker family up against a wall and shoot them. And if they had a dog, shoot it also.


Blevins can afford the luxury of non-involved bloviation.

He has no stake in anything except for himself.

Blevins could be turned on a dime and come out the other end
screaming 'his rights' on some internet forum, like this one!
No mystery there! Somebody always has to clean up their
messes at the beach of Holiday Liberty -

Shapeshifting and skinwalking to suit compelling personal needs
is the issue.

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