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D B Cooper Unsolved Skyjacking

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What do we do if we actually solve this thing on DZ?


Move on to the Lindberg kidnapping? ;)

Who "really" killed President Kennedy ?

Which really is it....Taste Great or Less Filling. ?? :$

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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What do we do if we actually solve this thing on DZ?


Move on to the Lindberg kidnapping? ;)

Who "really" killed President Kennedy ?

Which really is it....Taste Great or Less Filling. ?? :$

Where are all of those Kruger Rands?
I don't care how many skydives you've got,
until you stepped into complete darkness at
800' wearing 95 lbs of equipment and 42 lbs
of parachute, son you are still a leg!

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The spirit of the day is evident here at DZ. I think most of you are thinking that we have actually made a link. Prison records - will tell the story. If the FBI doesn't jump on this they are idiots - ...
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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What do we do if we actually solve this thing on DZ?


Move on to the Lindberg kidnapping? ;)

Who "really" killed President Kennedy ?

Which really is it....Taste Great or Less Filling. ?? :$

Where are all of those Kruger Rands?

Why is the RUM gone ?! B|

~ "Pack Fast, Pull Low... and Date Your Riggers WIFE!" ~

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What do we do if we actually solve this thing on DZ?


Move on to the Lindberg kidnapping? ;)

Who "really" killed President Kennedy ?

Which really is it....Taste Great or Less Filling. ?? :$

Where are all of those Kruger Rands?

Lots of Kruger Rands down here but I don't know if they are those kruger rands...:P

btw, how do you "inadvertantly" teach someone to skydive ;)

Hey Jo... let us know how it goes if you contact Mayfield and he talks to you!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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btw, how do you "Inadvertantly" teach someone to skydive ;)

Hey Jo... let us know how it goes if you contact Mayfield and he talks to you!

:ph34r: "INADVERTANTLY" I was being kind and giving him the benefit of the doubt and a way out of self incrimination. The same with that he may have known Duane under another name - remember Duane had a way of disappearing.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Which really is it....Taste Great or Less Filling. ??

That means nothing compared to the bigger question about whether your chocolate is in my peanut butter vs my peanut butter being on your chocolate.

Really [:/]
Owned by Remi #?

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:)Mr Mayfield and found him to be very nice and that the negative things I have heard are not true at all.

:)has not served time except for one civil matter and he does not fit the description of "Cooper" at all. Hence he was not considered as a suspect at that time nor at this time.

:)because of Duane's cameleon abilities - to see if he has ever run into him in the past - since Duane obviously spent a great deal of time in WA and OR over a period of yrs.

:|The guys who perpetrated this fraud and slander should in my opinion be prosecuted.

B|I myself got caught up in the hype for a couple of days and for that I apologize to ALL including Mr. Mayfield.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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:|The guys who perpetrated this fraud and slander should in my opinion be prosecuted.

B|I myself got caught up in the hype for a couple of days and for that I apologize to ALL including Mr. Mayfield.
What part of this are you calling fraud and hype?

I've jumped at his D.Z. and know for a fact that a lot of people burned in there, that shouldn't have. He was told by the F.A.A. that he could never operate another Drop Zone anywhere. Would they have done this if he hadn't done several things wrong?

In the Oregonian Newspaper he was accused of having a stolen aircraft on his Drop Zone, while authorities investigated his part in several drop zone deaths.

I'm sure Ted has explanations for all of this, but the bottom line is that he was a scary individual to have running a Drop zone.

There are plenty more Ted Mayfield stories out there, and they're not all based on slander and hype.

Personally, I liked the guy, but that doesn't erase some of the things he's done over the years.....Steve1

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:|The guys who perpetrated this fraud and slander should in my opinion be prosecuted.

B|I myself got caught up in the hype for a couple of days and for that I apologize to ALL including Mr. Mayfield.

What part of this are you calling fraud and hype?

[:/]Steve: it is evident by the sites we were invited to look at - WWW.KOIN.Com - the televison segments. Two guys claimed that Mayfield was "Cooper". That is the only issue I have any concerns about. Anything else Mayfield may or may not have done is not relevant to me and my purpose..
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Two guys claimed that Mayfield was "Cooper". That is the only issue I have any concerns about. Anything else Mayfield may or may not have done is not relevant to this thread.

As relevant as any one of a number of other "facts" surrounding the D.B. Cooper mythology.

Jo, while you may have "started" this thread, it "belongs" to dz.com. Please don't try to limit what other people can and can't say on the topic. That is not your job here.

Further, if you have any personal issues with individuals, please take them to Private Messages and off the Forum.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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:|I apologize to all. I was wrong.

:|I was unaware of past interviews and the feelings of other jumpers about his past actions.

:PUnfortunately I seem to run on one track and use a teachers tactics when they are not called for. Again I apologize to everyone. Sorry.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi skyjack,


He has not served time except for one civil matter

Let me disagree with you on this. And one does not go to jail in a civil litigation matter.

Ted has been convicted in both federal and state courts. He has served time at least three times, or so he told me on a trip we did back in '02.

I've known him since '64 and made most of my jumps at his dz's. I just NEVER sent a student there.

And a prudent jumper would never go on a demo he organized. [:/]


PS) In his defense, he is the most optimistic person I have ever known.

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Hi skyjack,


He has not served time except for one civil matter

Let me disagree with you on this. And one does not go to jail in a civil litigation matter.

Ted has been convicted in both federal and state courts. He has served time at least three times, or so he told me on a trip we did back in '02.


Those are the facts as I know them, Jerry.
I know a bunch more, but it isnt worth arguing about with people that heard this and that from somebodies cousin 20 years ago.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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"Ted has been convicted in both federal and state courts. He has served time at least three times, or so he told me on a trip we did back in '02."


PS) In his defense, he is the most optimistic person I have ever known.

Hi Jerry,

:POk Guy's - see how naive I am. I spoke with Mayfield and he told me that he had only been in jail one time and that was in the early 90's for a civil matter.

Does anyone know where he spent time and the dates?????????

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I know very little about the US legal system: is "negligent homicide" classed as a civil matter?

In the Oregon case, Ted Mayfield—a sky-dive operator implicated in the death of thirteen parachutists in twenty-two years—pled guilty to negligent homicide after supplying a client with a backup parachute device that he knew was defective. He received a sentence of five months in jail, plus three years’ probation. The court also required him to pay $5,675 in restitution and to refrain from any future involvement with skydiving.

I haven't read the whole tortuous legal document (http://lawweb.colorado.edu/profiles/pubpdfs/ramsey/Hastings.pdf , above quote taken from p36) but it seems from a skim-read that this was a "criminal sanction".

Jo - re your question about dates - I am assuming May 1995 from this footnote in the above: See Man Gets Jail in Sky-Diving Deaths, PORTLAND OREGONIAN, May 19, 1995, at B4,available at 1995 WL 3601458. Article does not seem to be on the net but I guess someone who knows what that reference means should be able to track it down.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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"Ted has been convicted in both federal and state courts. He has served time at least three times, or so he told me on a trip we did back in '02."


Hey Guys - I am interested in anything anyone knows about Mayfield having been in Jail or Served Time in any institution prior to 1971.

From 1945 to 1971 - Those are the dates. I don't even know how old Mayfield is---that would narrow the dates somewhat. Remember that Duane was in 6 federal prisons for a period of 17 yrs during that time. I am sure he was held in many a county or city jail also - awaiting trial, sentencing, etc.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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:oThis thread had almost a 1000 hits this week. I am in awl there are so many people following this story and are willing to help me in any way they can.

:)You ALL are amazing and from the bottom of my heart I say "Thank You".
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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My two cents

I've seen the youtube story, and articles about Ted in the paper.

According to the two guys on tv, it seems Ted was nailed for armed robbery in 1971, just before the Cooper heist.

Then, as mentioned earlier, the stolen plane which resulted in jail time in 1977.

Then, he has the two counts of criminal negligent homicide from 1994. Someone else mentioned he got nabbed for stealing electricity during the mid-80's.

So, it does appear that teddy has seen the inside of the county and federal jail systems.

I hope that clears things up.

I can't believe he told skyjack he had only been in jail for a "civil" matter.

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