
Who's this?

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I can't say who, but I can say when. It has to be verry close to 1977. Not the Northwest, since that was my turf, and I don't recognize anyone. Blast handles (yes, I still think they are good). Three rings, some capewells, some "wrap-wells", big jumpsuits. The guy in the white t-shirt, kneeling in the door looks vaguely familiar.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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I can't say who, but I can say when. It has to be verry close to 1977. Not the Northwest, since that was my turf, and I don't recognize anyone. Blast handles (yes, I still think they are good). Three rings, some capewells, some "wrap-wells", big jumpsuits. The guy in the white t-shirt, kneeling in the door looks vaguely familiar.

I beleive that is Lupe (sp?) Gonzales.

The pic isnt dated but I bet you are right on the year. Or damn close.
I cant tell what aircraft it is? If its a DC-3 could it be Southern Cross?

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Too easy for you?
Ok what about these?

No really, help me with the folks here, I know quite a few and some I've seen before....but.

Well, I recognize Bob Chaffin, Bruce Head, Bruce Cunningham, Scott Wall, Vickie and Lupe Gonzalez, Bobby Brown, Gary Hollingshead, Leslie Gott and a couple other faces who's names are lost in the haze of time.

This could have been at McGregor, TX in 1977 or McKinney, TX in 1978.
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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Where and when?

I think I know who the lady is but not sure enough to take a guess but the guy in the background looks like Ron Cox which would place the picture in the Dallas area.

Yup thats Ron Cox Sr. and Sherry Schrimsher

She cut herself with the POB and thats why her finger is in her mouth. That is the front of the Seagoville Hanger on the concrete. Packing:S:S

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Got my dad to look at the pic and rattle his memory a little. These are the names he could remember. Leslie gott, Bruce Cunnigham, David Arquest, John Embry, Bob Chaffin, Jeff Smith, Scott Wall, John O'Neil, Eddie Flores, and of course himself. Some of these guys I have a had a chance to meet since I got back into the sport. I always look forward to seeing the same people I watched growing up around the DZ, if I am lucky they will tell a good tale or two, if I am even luckier they will make a jump with me. Keep posting this kind of stuff J.

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Ok I found some old photos so I'll play along now.


Is that Lizard?

I am pretty sure Lizard flew back seat in an F-4.

I had lunch with Lizard and Dr Dave Holmes at Cal City once....telling war stories and shit. It seems like he said he was backseat in an F4...if my memory isnt going to hell.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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I'm pretty sure Lizard flew back seat too. And if I remeber he got to eject out of 2 of them. :( Your tax dollars at work.

I also remeber a really hairy round reserve landing he did at Elsinore one time in high winds at he top of a power line pole where he cutaway (with a knife) his reserve to keep from being fired.

He was quick and good.

Red, White and Blue Skies,

John T. Brasher D-5166

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Is that Lizard?

I am pretty sure Lizard flew back seat in an F-4.

Yeah, now that I think about it he flew F-4's for the Marines. The photo showes an F-105 and those were Air Force only. Oops!


Correct...Lizard was a RIO in USMC F-4s and never wore the oak leaf cluster rank. He was a captain, then reverted WO after Nam.


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