
St. Michael, patron Saint of parachutists.

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I recently learned that St. Michael is regarded as the patron saint of parachutists, some references mention military parachutists in particular.

One reference mentions that St. Michael refers to the Archangel Michael who lead a host of winged angels to drive demons from heaven. Can anyone confirm this connection and/or elaborate on how it came to be associated with parachuting ?

I have found a link on the internet to a "Venezuelan Prayer to St. Michael, Patron of Parachutists".
My understanding of Spanish is non-existent;
I'd be happy if someone can translate it for me, I'm quite interested to know the words.

Glorioso San Miguel Arcángel, Tú que libraste
las más enconadas Batallas contra los
mensajeros del mal y del odio;
tú que salistes victorioso de las asechanzas
malignas del príncipe de las tinieblas,
salvaguardando de sus garras a toda la humanidad,
te suplico me brindes protección de todos aquéllos
que me desean el mal y evites que las armas del
demonio sean esgrimidas contra mí, cuídame
de los enemigos silenciosos y ayúdame
a ser justo para que, con mi actitud,
a nadie ofenda, ni resienta y, por el contrario,
viva en paz con los hombres, para llegar
dignamente a Dios.

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Yes, ask any chaplain in an airborne unit and he will give you a Saint Michael's medal with Saint Michael on the front side and the unit insignia on the back side. Around the engraving it says "Saint Michael, Patron of Paratroopers, Protect Us. A card I got with mine had a prayer as follows:

"Angelic Michael hear my call
As through the sky I now will fall.
Satan you wants cast from here,
Aid me now to conquer fear.
My static line have hooked to hold,
and then my chute to make unfold.
Suspension lines untangeled be,
and opened up my canopy.
From other jumpers float me clear
as safely down I persevere.
On angels wings I hit the ground,
My father's favor I have found.
In thanks Saint Michael I do pray,
For God has helped me,
All the Way!


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i'm pretty shakey but it doesn't really say anything about parachuting. something like :

glorious st michael the archangel,
you who liberated us inattle from messengers hate,
you who were victoriuos over those of bad principal,
protector of all humanity'
proect me from evil and the army of demons
and silent enimeys
protect my actions that i don't offend an one,
and to the contrary lie in pace with humanity
for the glory of god

thats the basic idea kind of in the ball park anyway.

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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Nothing wrong with asking saints to intercede - or Mary for that matter ;)

I didn't know that angels could be saints. I assumed that only humans could be.

Here's my skydiving prayer:
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death - may it not be now. Amen.

Nice to know that there is a patron saint of parachutists.

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The prayer of St. Michael used to be said regularly in the Catholic Mass.

St. Michael, Archangel,
Defend us in battle
Be our defense against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him
We humbly pray,
And cast into hell Satan,
And the other evil spirits
Who prowl the world
For the ruin of souls.

He's also the patron saint of Police officers, as well as paratroopers and other dangerous professions, so we've been hanging out for a long time.

I've had my St. Michaels medal for 16 years and was afraid I'd lose it once I started skydiving. I got a more permanent reminder.

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