
Most famous skydiver...

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Patric de Gayardon

The greatest skydiver ever.

Yes! When I read the title of this thread that was the name that came up right away. Then I read all the posts and realized no-one was thinking outside the US. Besides there's a big difference between "most seen" and "most famous".

People from all over the world -both skydivers and whuffos- have seen Patrick on his board over the Alps or base jumping in the Sotano de las Golondrinas or with his wingsuit over the Grand Canyon, and do know his name and who he was. That is "being famous" to me.

And yes he was the greatest so far.

Blue skies,

astroboy :ph34r:

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For me, the most famous and the model is Smaranda Braescu, a women that was called "Queen of heights" and that was a pioneer of skydiving. I hope I'm not boring...:P
If you want to know more about her, there is an article at this link: www.airclub.rdsnet.ro/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=75

what would be a woman without her dreams....

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I would probably have to say Patric de Gayardon becasue i am new to skydiving and i think thats the first famous skydiver i ever heard about. Also my non-skydiving friend from italy had heard about him apparently he is lot better known in France/Italy. Also what about Adrian Nicholas, in the UK he has been on several tv programmes with his wing suit and Da VInci's parachute.



"All men can fly, but sadly, only in one direction"

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For me, the most famous and the model is Smaranda Braescu, a women that was called "Queen of heights" and that was a pioneer of skydiving. I hope I'm not boring...
If you want to know more about her, there is an article at this link: www.airclub.rdsnet.ro/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=75

You are not boring.
I did read the article. She did pretty amazing stuff for that age.

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I'm dating myself but, when I was active in the sport we had Jaques Istel (D-1) Steve Snyder (D-5) Jim Arender (D-13) Dick Fortenberry (D-18) Loy Brydon (D-38) Arender was famous as the "Camel Kid" and Dick Fortenberry was famous for winning the 1962 Word Championship. I've jumped with all of them and served in the Army with Fortenberry when he was a CWO-2 chopper pilot and Loy Brydon when he was CSM of 5th SFG.

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Ok, who's the most famous skydiver ever??? Not to us skydivers, but to the general public...

Most famous person to skydive, or personmost famous because of their skydiving?

I'd have to go with former US President Bush for the first part ... Patrick for the second.

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Ach, wanneer je in Nederlandse spreekt...
verzwak ik. Helaas, ben ik te oud voor je.
Mijn andere held is Arie Luyendyk;
alstublieft, te geven hem één kus, voor me. :S

--Dag, vriendje... kusJe B|

van die oud Hemel-Hagedis (SkyLizard)

Vijftigste verjaardag, volgende week...
en gepensioneerd maar niet dood. ;)

"Ah but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." --Bob Dylan

Perfect speed is being there at the goat roast.

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Saw an ad in an old skydiving magazine (L&B and cypres) congratulating Patrick on breaking the altitude record without oxygen. Did a quick search and found this post by Mads Larsen confirming the record.

The more I find out about the man the more in awe I am - truly one of the greatest ever.

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Ach, wanneer je in Nederlandse spreekt...
verzwak ik. Helaas, ben ik te oud voor je.
Mijn andere held is Arie Luyendyk;
alstublieft, te geven hem één kus, voor me. :S

--Dag, vriendje... kusJe B|

van die oud Hemel-Hagedis (SkyLizard)

Vijftigste verjaardag, volgende week...
en gepensioneerd maar niet dood. ;)

??? What the heck is THAT mess !!![:/]

I musta got out over the wrong planet again!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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A rough translation :

Oh, when you speak in Dutch I get weak. Unfortunately I am too old for you. My other hero is Arie Luyendyk, please give him a kiss from me. :S

From the old skyLizard.

Fiftieth birthday next week...
and pensioned off but not dead yet. ;)

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A rough translation :

Oh, when you speak in Dutch I get weak. Unfortunately I am too old for you. My other hero is Arie Luyendyk, please give him a kiss from me. :S

From the old skyLizard.

Fiftieth birthday next week...
and pensioned off but not dead yet. ;)

[:/] I had to ask..[:/]

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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It is the world's worst Dutch, Twardo. :)

good thing I speak english, Huh?? :S

You Do !? :P:P:P

The 'AirTwardo' crew is headed to Holland for a week in August...
Maybe I should memorize that quote, see if I kin git luckie!


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Anybody have any old Playboys
with the "Pushed To The Edge"

Where the writer did several different
sports like racing cars, cliff diving and sky diving?!

I don't have them myself...but the Chicago Historical Society certainly does! I made a photocopy of the skydiving article, but I can't remember where I put it. :S It was a neat series, though...I'll see if I can find the dates of the articles again.

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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