
Where to skydive in Brazil?

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Hi Joey,


a good dz in Brazil

There used to be a full-time dz in Campinas; but I have heard that it has closed. Your best bet today is probably the dz near Boituva.


It has been nearly 23 yrs since I have been to Brazil and things do change.

Jerry Baumchen

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Hi there. The only dropzone that has loads during the whole week in Brazil is the biggest one in Boituva, SP (its called Centro Nacional de Paraquedismo). It's a big DZ with several different schools operating off the same runway and they have some Cessna Caravans, some are shared between schools and others are exclusive. If you google words like skydive + boituva you'll find the place (it's a small town about 1h n half hours drive from Sao Paulo main airport). Be careful as the weather can get a bit sketchy sometimes also if you are unlucky, they have need about 7-10 people to put a load on air so on a slow week day you might not jump (only happened to me once and I go there about 3-4 times a year).

Second choice would be a dropzone in Rio de Janeiro (another town about 1h from the main city) but I've never been there. I know that they operate a Caravan during weekend but not much else, sorry.


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