
Best dropzone to move to in Europe for the summer?

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I work the oil rigs in Canada and I will be saving money for the winter to buy my own rig and take the summer off to jump as much as possible! I hold a USPA A license that I acquired at skydive Madrid (it's an awesome dropzone but I would like to be closer to a city). I am looking for a good dropzone that jumps 7 days a week and is close to a city with decent night life to go out every now and again. I was thinking Gojump in Gransee (near to Berlin) would be a good choice. If anybody has any suggestions, or things to say about this dropzone it would be appreciated! ;) Blue skies!

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Due to large cities usually having large commercial airports; you're never really that "close".

Empuriabrava with short trips to Barcelona would be a good choice. It's also Europe's largest dropzone and a windtunnel next door.
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Empuriabrava is undoubtedly one of the worlds best situated dropzones. Unfortunately I think they have lost their mojo. Jump prices are over $36 and a pack job costs almost $9 and they will only pack fun jumpers after they do tandems and students. A wind holding is put on as soon as a sparrow farts.

Last 3 times I have visited there has hardly been enough fun jumpers to put a plane in the air.

Having said all that, I will be there for 3 weeks in July. :)

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hi dude
and my favorite Russia-http://www.aerograd.ru/en/en-about/
have a fun :));)

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Klatovy and Algarve don't do 7-days-a-week all summer, only during the boogies when they bring the big planes in.

Skydive Spain is supposed to be fantastic. (http://www.skydivespain.com/) A lot of people who are disappointed with EB lately have started going there instead.

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You've mentioned GoJump/Gransee. It is a great DZ near Berlin and they operate 5 Days the week (Tuesday and Wednesday off). The Dropzone is really busy with lots of tandems and they operate at least one PAC750, sometimes two.

If you stay near Berlin, you should also give Funjump/Fehrbellin a try (Mondays off). Not as many tandems than Gojump, but really nice people floating around even during workdays. Funjump operates a C208B Supervan. And if you're in freeflying, you have no other choice than visiting Fehrbellin during the famous Skyparty in mid august :)

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