Mile high

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So I had a big trip planned this weekend to Deland, ZHills and Sebastian. It appears that the big storm traveling across the Midwest is ending up there this weekend and I cancelled my trip. I'm heading up to Denver instead to and will be visiting MileHigh for 3 days straight. I've done a few searches but can't find much on this dz. I've read some of the reviews under the dropzone section but most are outdated (mostly bad). What's the vibe at this dz for funjumpers? Any regulars on dz.com? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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It's not hard to find people to jump with on the weekend. A lot of the funjumpers do freefly; a few groups that do belly. When it's busy, they put the tandems on the King Air and the fun jumpers/AFF on the Otter, so you should be able to manifest 4-5 loads. It's not uncommon for the winds to pick up to 15-25 MPH in the afternoon, so check the weather before you go and try to get most of your loads in before noon. Here's a link to the METAR for their airport, if you're into that sort of thing:

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