
Looking for info for Lodi trip

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Hi All, I am planning to make a trip to Lodi in the next couple of weeks, and was hoping to get some up-to-date information about the place. Is it cool to camp there or do most people stay elsewhere? How busy is it on the weekday/weekend? How many jumps should I expect to reasonably do in 4-5 days? What's the best deal on tickets (own gear)? Are there coaches for freefly available?

First time down there, any info appreciated!

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Very Cool DZ.... take a tent, and you can camp on the dz by the hanger. there's bathroom and toilets on the dz.
Most people camp or there may be bunk house rooms availible...
You could do 50 jumps in 5 days quite happily if your quick at packing and the weathers good, expect 5 - 10 loads during the weekdays, and 30 + loads each day during the weekend..
It was $650 cash for tickets last time i was there.
If your going give TJ landgren a shout, he's a dam good coach, as is mike, but i don't know if he coach's or not!! www.norcalalliance.com
have fun, look after yourself there, its a pretty experianced dz so keep your head up and watch what your doing if you dont want your ears boxed...

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