
New jumpers to Houston.....where is the best place???

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My boyfriend, Kevin Love, and I are moving to Houston and need to find a new home DZ. We both LOVE our home DZ now, which is the Farm, Hans you rock!!!!

Anyway, Kevin is an AFF, video, and canopy coach. He needs a pond to swoop and people to teach/coach. I just need a DZ that flies 7 days a week. I know there are several DZs around Houston but which ones are tandem factories and which ones are freefly friendly.

OH... I want a DZ that has freeflyers.

Can't wait to meet more jumpers!!!!!!!!

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Both are good, Skydive Houston and Skydive Spaceland.
Both have good swoop ponds, Spaceland is building a new pond for 09 Nationals that will be like Mile hi's.
Both have freefliers, Skydive Houston probly a few more. Spaceland has a good amount and some guys named Anomaly?
I think both are open 7 days a week, Spaceland is for sure.
Skydive Houston has one otter, Spaceland has 3 and 2 more on the way.
Some might call Spaceland a "Tandem Factory" because they do way more tandems, but when fun jumpers have their own plane they are happy.
Also Spaceland is doubling the size of their packing floor. Construction has already started.
Best thing to do is check out both and then decide.

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Both DZ's are good. I have worked at Spaceland for 5 years. Open every day but Christmas. Something for everyone: RW (everything from rookie 4 way teams to 150 ways), freeflyers, birdpeople, swoopers (pond and ditch). We have 3 Super Otters. Nice deli, huge manicured landing areas. Maybe not the greatest party DZ in the world, but how much that matters I guess depends on whether you go to the DZ to skydive or drink beer.

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I have to agree with most of what has been said. I regularly split my weekends at both DZs, jumping at Spaceland on Saturdays and Skydive Houston on Sundays. The two have totally different atmospheres and focuses. Depending on what you want you will fall into either one or be like me and jump both !!!!!!

Some canopies can be fun to fly, but treat you like their bitch on opening. -- Jarno

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You and Kevin in H-town? Saweet! Tell Kevin I want to get together with him this spring to train for nationals!

Both Spaceland and Waller (SD Houston) are good DZs, they're just different from each other. If either of you would like to talk about it, PM me and I'll get you my phone number.

Both are FF friendly, both have good student programs and both have ponds. Spaceland is building a new pond for the 2009 nationals, though, so I don't know what they'll have between filling the old one and building the new one.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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"depends on whether you go to the DZ to skydive or drink beer."

Wow, we do wait until the beer light is on at the end of the day to drink beer. As has been said. Both DZs are great and you should try them both out to see which is a good fit for you. They both have their strong points and weaknesses. Welcome to Houston. I think regardless of where you jump you will be happy with your choice.
Chris Scaife

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I guess depends on whether you go to the DZ to skydive or drink beer.

What if I go to the DZ to skydive THEN drink when I am done skydiving? Are you trying to say that people don't hang around SDS after jumping and "bond" over who did the stupidest thing that day?? or any for that matter? That is usually how we find out the dirty little secrets:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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There is always a group of skydivers hanging around after dark on the weekends drinking beer! We just don't have the volume of parties we used to have with Scotty Carbone. (Who can do that every night?)

The Anvil Brothers throw a great BBQ and party, the deli does specialty suppers, and the dz will bring in a keg for special events. Then there is the SCR ceremonies where the maggots buy the beer, and...whoa, I am getting out of my comfort zone here!!!;)

Blue skies,


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