
WFFC asking -- would you go to WFFC 2008?

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I just got a call from Beth at the Freefall Convention office. She recently spoke with convention owner Don Kirlin. Don is interested in hearing from skydivers about possibly resurrecting the Freefall Convention in Rantoul, IL this summer, tentatively from Friday, July 18 through Sunday, July 27, 2008. This is the week BEFORE both Summerfest and the Lost Prairie Boogie in Montana. Hosting the Freefall Convention is a major investment, so Don is trying to see if there continues to be a huge amount of interest. Please share your thoughts here on dropzone or (even better) on the www.freefall.com message board. Thanks.... chango rodriguez (for WFFC)

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I loved the convention and went the last 4 years it was held (The "Bad" Years as I kept being told and still had the time of my life)

I definitely want to see it come back.. But I think it is already too late for this year. If they were to announce a return in 2009 and start NOW pushing the event, there would be even more desire for the return and people could arrange vacation time.

Issues with vendor participation could be hopefully worked out and a TRUE Family reunion could happen.

To bring it back this year and have it flop would surely put the final nail in the coffin for good. I would rather see a HUGE effort put into planning a 2009 WFFC than to have a small 2008 convention that kills it off for good.

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I love the convention...with the busy blue skies, the smell and taste of good food, the nightly parties(with or without a band), even the days it rains...the jumpers have always come up with somethin' crazy and fun to do. So i'm sure if it is by chance lacking any fun...wait how would it be lacking fun again? :)

I'm not weird...just cool that's all...!!!!

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I don't really think we need a new thread but I'll put in my .02 I kind of agree with Jay but I will say again that there is no reason there can not be a small convention this year. By small I mean I would not count on it being any bigger then some of the other larger boogies the last few years, 300-400 people. The boogie circuit has changed and I think it is going to be a major undertaking to ever see the 1000+ person event.

I would entertain helping out both in promoting and on site.

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I just got a call from Beth at the Freefall Convention office. She recently spoke with convention owner Don Kirlin. Don is interested in hearing from skydivers about possibly resurrecting the Freefall Convention in Rantoul, IL this summer, tentatively from Friday, July 18 through Sunday, July 27, 2008. This is the week BEFORE both Summerfest and the Lost Prairie Boogie in Montana. Hosting the Freefall Convention is a major investment, so Don is trying to see if there continues to be a huge amount of interest. Please share your thoughts here on dropzone or (even better) on the www.freefall.com message board. Thanks.... chango rodriguez (for WFFC)

How many times is this going to come up?:S

Man, Beth and Don must have the same phone conversation over and over. I could have sworn I read the same statement in the other two threads about this....

Here is a portion of my thoughts posted in another thread. And I would advise to budget it for 400 people -a regular boogie, as mentioned before.


The last day of the 2006 WFFC there was a meeting held that lasted for 3 hours; several key players were involved and we were assembling a committee for WFFC 2007. It was a difficult decision to be able to commit to the WFFC at the level I would expect of myself. I finally committed and changed my dates for SF and was creating additional “events” inside the Convention in hopes to drive more jumpers there. Well, unfortunately we all know what happened. As 2008 approached, SkyFest was beginning a new venue and I was uncertain when or how much I would be involved with WFFC. As luck would have it with SF and SD Carolina I am certain I can give the support the WFFC deserves, if the opportunity arises. I have contacted Don in regards to what I would be able to offer to support his event. I do believe there is hope in increasing their numbers but we are on borrowed time and every passing day only makes it worse. The WFFC needs to be “reborn” IMO.. But I am afraid that if it doesn’t happen soon, very soon, we will lose a big part of Skydiving history. If its not already too late.

Boogies like WFFC, Couch Freaks, Summerfest, LP, Dublin and SkyFest draw large crowds for different reasons. The WFFC cannot survive with only 400-450 jumpers, not without reducing amenities to the size of the other events. Don has a tough decision to make and time is very short, I wish him and the WFFC a bright future and I hope I can be a part of that.

Oh and one more thought, I hope he is not going to make a decision based on what or how DZ.commers respond???
Statically speaking only half will show that are on a "list".

Oh oh oh someone start a list....LOL

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All I can say is that if not for the WFFC I would never had made a skydive. My first tandem was at WFFC Quincy 1999 with BillB|,,,,,,,Thanks for a great ride Bill...

Because of the WFFC I have had the opportunity to jump from, Casa's, Skyvans, PAC 750's, Bell Hellicopter's, Mullin's King Air and the totally awesome DC9 passenger jetB|. If I had more money and time I would have jumped the ballons, bi-plane and WWII Bombers.

Because of the WFFC I got to do a three way with a member of the Golden Knight Black team on jump #20!B| Because of the WFFC I have met so many wonderful skydivers....from all over the world.

Because of the WFFC I have enjoyed many nights dancing to great bands, drinking lots of free beer and enjoying many many naked or nearly naked people (must be the free beer;)).

All I can say is thanks Don for the awesome memories.!!!!

If you decide to throw one more great
boogie, I'm there.


Oh by the way, because of the WFFC I got to meet brother muff himself, Johnny Gates,,,Muff Muff....

Have a yippee ki ya day!

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All I can say is that if not for the WFFC I would never had made a skydive. My first tandem was at WFFC Quincy 1999 with BillB|,,,,,,,Thanks for a great ride Bill...

Because of the WFFC I have had the opportunity to jump from, Casa's, Skyvans, PAC 750's, Bell Hellicopter's, Mullin's King Air and the totally awesome DC9 passenger jetB|. If I had more money and time I would have jumped the ballons, bi-plane and WWII Bombers.

Because of the WFFC I got to do a three way with a member of the Golden Knight Black team on jump #20!B| Because of the WFFC I have met so many wonderful skydivers....from all over the world.

Because of the WFFC I have enjoyed many nights dancing to great bands, drinking lots of free beer and enjoying many many naked or nearly naked people (must be the free beer;)).

All I can say is thanks Don for the awesome memories.!!!!

If you decide to throw one more great
boogie, I'm there.


Server issues . . .

I'd like to come - but I don't have that much vacation avaialble and I'm going to Lost Prairie and Skyfest.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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If they shrink it down and try to make it affordable, I think a lot of people would go. They do need to remember that times have changed. People can jump turbine aircraft anywhere, and they don't have to pay top dollar to do so.

They won't get 3000, but they'll get enough people to have a fun time.

Low registration fees and cheap lift tickets are key. This probably means using local aircraft.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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All I can say is that if not for the WFFC I would never had made a skydive. My first tandem was at WFFC Quincy 1999 with BillB|,,,,,,,Thanks for a great ride Bill...

Because of the WFFC I have had the opportunity to jump from, Casa's, Skyvans, PAC 750's, Bell Hellicopter's, Mullin's King Air and the totally awesome DC9 passenger jetB|. If I had more money and time I would have jumped the ballons, bi-plane and WWII Bombers.

Because of the WFFC I got to do a three way with a member of the Golden Knight Black team on jump #20!B| Because of the WFFC I have met so many wonderful skydivers....from all over the world.

Because of the WFFC I have enjoyed many nights dancing to great bands, drinking lots of free beer and enjoying many many naked or nearly naked people (must be the free beer;)).

All I can say is thanks Don for the awesome memories.!!!!

If you decide to throw one more great
boogie, I'm there.


Server issues . . .

I'd like to come - but I don't have that much vacation avaialble and I'm going to Lost Prairie and Skyfest.

:D:D:D:DYeah!!!! We love Lost Prairie....ok I will be quiet now so that we don't get the thread locked...sorry for the hijack:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Jim Rasmussen and myself are definitely in.
We'll be camped across from the swoop pond, like every year, for the whole strech and doing CRW.
I appreciate the fact that they've always been very accommodating for CRW jumpers.
Good jumps from great aircraft. Fun camping rain or shine. Good food, friends, family and a shit ton of silly string raids from the golf cart on all drunkards alike!
That'd be great! We've been going since Quincy, so please bring it back.
And no worries J, we'll make SkyFest as well.
CRW Skies,
April Schuldt
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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I loved the convention and went the last 4 years it was held (The "Bad" Years as I kept being told and still had the time of my life)

I definitely want to see it come back.. But I think it is already too late for this year. If they were to announce a return in 2009 and start NOW pushing the event, there would be even more desire for the return and people could arrange vacation time.

Issues with vendor participation could be hopefully worked out and a TRUE Family reunion could happen.

To bring it back this year and have it flop would surely put the final nail in the coffin for good. I would rather see a HUGE effort put into planning a 2009 WFFC than to have a small 2008 convention that kills it off for good.

He is correct. Two year lead time would be good. Get Perris to bring the JET.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Does anyone else here see the irony of low registration, cheap jumps and make sure Perris brings the jet all in the same thread.:D:D

Someone else did hit one nail on the head. There is no reason to bring aircraft 3/4 of the way across the country unless it's not costing an extra dime. Well there are reasons but i'm not going there.

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Does anyone else here see the irony of low registration, cheap jumps and make sure Perris brings the jet all in the same thread.:D:D

Someone else did hit one nail on the head. There is no reason to bring aircraft 3/4 of the way across the country unless it's not costing an extra dime. Well there are reasons but i'm not going there.


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