
The Ranch versus Skydive Long Island?

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THE RANCH!!!!!!!

They usually have a most excellent party for 4th of July!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention, it's a kickass dropzone!

CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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how coud you be in town and MISS the ranch 4th of july boogie...thats just crazy talk...

SDLI is awesome to jump at to..but i mean come on..were talkin about the ranch here...theres no other dz like it..

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I'm down at Cross Keys on the weekend, jumping Sat and working Sun... so sorry I cant make it for the boogie [:/] But Ive been meaning to come up and check out The Ranch for a while. It also looks like there is some really nice hiking nearby.

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I'm in Manhattan (working) the first week in July (Next week!) with the 4th and 5th off. I'm bringing my gear. I've narrowed this down to the Ranch by bus or Skydive Long Island by train. All comments would be appreciated.

I am a SDLI native and recent vistor to the Ranch. While SDLI offers a view like no other, the largest landing area around (I mean come on the run way is 10,000FT long) and now a King Air that will do like 2500FT/min in the end its the tandems that get priority. The Ranch is just so much more. The tandems coexsist nicely with the fun jumpers. They rip up two twin otters doing 1600FT/min and you would never even realize that tandems are there. The atmosphere is so much better at the ranch. They make you want to skydive. Here's my break down:

SDLI (few hundred jumps):

King Air
Big landing area
Beautiful view
Majority of the people are friendly and cool to hang around with

Tandems come first.
Small fun jumper crowd (keep getting smaller)
13.5 50%
11.5 50%
Expensive tickets ($24 13.5, $22 11.5)

Ranch (about 10 jumps):

Two Twin Otters
Large fun jumper crowd
Plenty of coaches
When both planes are in motion its balls to the wall skydiving
Good balance between fun jumpers and tandems
The atmosphere is unreal there, you can't help getting on every load you can.
14K every load, every jump
$20 jump tickets (did I mention 14k every load?)

Small landing area
20 people per load with small landing area can get crowded
Both days I was there it took them a while to get both planes going, was waiting just as long as I would at SDLI to get on a load
Winds can be really funkie.

Thats my view. I will be making a lot more trips out to the Ranch now.

Is there a boogie at the Ranch on the 4th?

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Yeah I got nothing. Although the veiw of LI from 13k is unreal. Other than that I think I would have to visit the Ranch. Then again I enjoy hopping from DZ to DZ.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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