Gravity Rats Freefly Revolution IV Dec 1-3

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I know its early and I'm sure I will bump it as the days go by.
Just wanted to give some of the up and coming freeflyers an opportunity to hone in thier skills before it gets here.

The Gravity Rats Freefly Posse will be hosting the 4th Gravity Rat FreeflyRevolution at Capitol Skydiving on December 1-3, 2006.

Unlike before, this year you only have to bring yourself. We will be scrambling the teams up this go round to spice it up and make it more

The event will offer freefly competition opportunities for advanced,
intermediate, and beginner flyers. A new event added this year
will be the Rat Track competition... (bellyflyers welcome but no booties
permitted. lol)

We will have many of the same great prizes and are shooting for some cash
giveaways as well.

This year will include the first ever CSI Polyester Party!!!!!!!!!
So dust off your 70's attire.

Stay tuned for more details.

The G-Rat Crew

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We can't forget some rules, can we?

Gravity Rat Revolution IV :
“We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!” Competition Rules

We’re changing it up a bit this year. No teams, no free routines! We’re all Rats and we’re all going to jump together- scrambles style. There are three categories: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced- read below to figure out where you go.

New School (Beginner): You may be New School if: you have a pretty sweet sit (ie stable and can move around); you’ve maybe toyed with a little head down, but most of your jumps are sit; you watch the Gravity Rat Video and think, maybe that will be me one day.
Dive pool: (2 maneuvers selected per round)
*Sit Toe to Toe
*Sit Dual Flips
*Sit Dual 360s

Posse Regular (Intermediate): You may be a Posse Regular if: you have a pretty sweet sit (can take docks and easily maneuver); you’re digging the head down but may not be completely comfortable; you’re feeling like you’re about to hit the logarithmic growth phase of your learning curve (that “I get it” phase); you watch the Gravity Rat Video, and think, I can do some of that stuff, but those guys are still pretty cool.

Dive pool: (3 maneuvers per round)
*Sit Hand to Foot Dock
*Sit Foot to Knee Dock
*Hand to Hand (Sit or Head)
*Dual Flips (Sit or Head)
*Dual 360s (Sit or Head)

Original Gangsta’ (Advanced): You may be O.G. if: you attempted to sign up for “New School” and we laughed at you; you found time in your busy life to attend the Revolution, but you had to cancel a couple of freefly record invitationals and personally called Rook Nelson to explain that you have to hook up with your Texas homies; you watch the Gravity Rat Video and think, I am way more badass than those clowns!

Dive pool: (4 maneuvers per round)
*Double Spock
*Half Eagle
*Head Down Double Hand Dock
*Vertical Accordian
*Head Down Hand to Foot Dock
*Sit Single Hand Dock
*Dual Flips (Eh, you’re here to have fun too)

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Bryan x 2

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Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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where's the new school sign up sheet?

Please read the rules:

"Original Gangsta’ (Advanced): You may be O.G. if: you attempted to sign up for “New School” and we laughed at you."

You, sir, are an OG. Consider yourself laughed at.

Get that finger up baby.

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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are there any hotels nearby? What time are the scramble going to start Fri?

I'm sure there are hotels close- Bryan can help you there...

As for the schedule of events:
Friday- practice and play
Saturday- scramble and play
Sunday- (recover from hangover) and play

Hope you can make it out!!!

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