
Langar Boogie 2 - sept 9th - 17th

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good luck paul hope you all crack the record there where a number of freeflyers about doing jumps as well as coaching but i mainly jumped with people i had already arranged to meet. perhaps drop a line on www.ukskydiver.co.uk forum and you may get a answer as there are a numer off langer jumpers there ?:)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Thanks for the news guys, hope no more minor accidents and a better second weekend.

I agree that maybe the Langar Boogie on weekends looks like a invitational event for experienced FS jumpers because they organize big ways, but I thing this is what happens every time, Langar has a reputation in FS.......and this year there are many CRW and FF groups as well.
And maybe there is difficulty to operate so many aircrafts and everybody must be careful with the traffic.
Midweek maybe is better and depends how fast are somebody in packing, he can manage 8-10 jumps in a day with good weather.

I jump mainly midweek and I have done 4-5 jumps in Langar in a day with moderate weather and very few people in the dropzone.

I don't think would be a problem in the boogies for 8-10jumps.

Maybe I am wrong but anyway, see everybody tomorrow.


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You should get back to work before I tell Matt you are posting on Web Pages!!!

Yeah, it was super slow, but that is normal with large formation loads.

Also, there was a little extra stress with the Beech and what was going on, but c'est la vie.

Normally langar send the loads, I would imagine it was just because there were so many people around and the big way people needed some extra time.

The skyvans were also relative slow getting to altitude, so as there is some sort of limitation to take offs and number of planes in the sky, that would have slowed it down too.

Matt..... Joni's on the internet and not working!

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This was my first time to Langer and was surprised at how slow it was in turning the loads around. they will have to get slicker as i would think twice about coming to the next one. Like jo i didn't get all the jumps i was looking for, i had to travel 6.5 hours to get there.

With 2 skyvans and 2 caravans there should have been enough lift capacity even with the loss off the beech99, which i only found out about on arrival. I wasn't impressed while the bigways got priority.

i cant comment on the rest of the boogie as i was there just the 1st weekend but i compared it to other places i 've been and it fell far short off expectations for such a large dropzone with their reputation.

i did enjoy myself as i got to meet a lot off friends from here and elsewhere:)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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I agree with Billy's last response 100% and it didnt get better the last weekend even with the beech...though the beech gave us 15K which was nice. Same slow ass loads though and I would have to think long and hard about going to the next one unless something was done about that.

That being said I still had a good time, met a few good people, and jumped.


There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?

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did any of you guys think the manifesting situation was er, slightly slow and unorganised?
I was expecting to get alot more jumps than just 11 over 2 weekends....

Maybe I'm just being greedy :P

If I went to a DZ advertising a boogie with 4 / 5 planes and got only 11 jumps in 2 weekends, I would think very carefully before going back (assuming weather was jumpable on all 4 days).

I don't think you are being greedy at all..

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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The weather last weekend was not great - there were a few holds due to cloud / fog both days.

I still managed 5 jumps over the weekend on the big way jumps.

Obviously the formation loads are going to take longer but the Beech was flying a lot of loads (we would take off for the formation loads in the skyvans and the beech would take a load to altitude, drop and then pick up the jumpers for the formation load).

Had a great time both weekends ;)

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The weather last weekend was not great - there were a few holds due to cloud / fog both days.

I still managed 5 jumps over the weekend on the big way jumps.

Obviously the formation loads are going to take longer but the Beech was flying a lot of loads (we would take off for the formation loads in the skyvans and the beech would take a load to altitude, drop and then pick up the jumpers for the formation load).

Had a great time both weekends ;)

I agree entirely - I was there for the 2nd weekend and I had a great time too. Langar did a great job of getting the loads up where possible from what I saw - they can't help the weather!

Big congratulations to Audrey on her 1000th, Fiona on her 1000th and Caroline on her 2000th! :) :)

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