
RoamingDZ.com Mountain Boogie Oct. 15-17,Revised

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BJ i am lost what could you all possibly mean. she knows what side her bread is buttered on..she better anyway. i still won the poker game j.
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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i still won the poker game j.

(Smack Talk)
You won because we only palyed at the same table for 5 hands and I was too tired to play it out so we made a chip count deal. Anytime you want we can play heads up for ANY amount you would like.

I will be bringing at least 3 Tables for the Big Tournament at the next Farm Boogie. Bring it on!!

BTW, The Friday Night before the Boogie I will also be hosting a $100 Buy-in Tournament at my house, There should be atleast 10 people playing. You guys have to drive by my house to get to the Farm. Stop on by if you really think you can play.
(/Smack Talk)

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so you want to get us drunk before you play us then. Only way you can win. I only play with guys who jump sunday and not let there women tell them otherwise..hehe is that a 100 jump minimum to play then??????????
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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If I remember Correctly, He Run like a squeeling baby from Half Dressed women covered in KY jelly.

Ha! Hey Jay. I think we covered that one in the other Mountain Boogie thread. Shrek's response:


yes but i had to edit a video you know me customers come first. i would of loved to wrestle but im a company man..hehe

Killing threads since 2004.

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do you ever play with girls?:D


Uh ya, where the hell were you raised.......Georgia?
I amolst won the last Texas Hold'em game...I had Lee worried but I came in second place.......not next time though.....................;)

I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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I don't know if I can afford to get a flight from ATL to Tampa. I may not be able to go..........this sucks I really want to go.

Oh and Lee got into a car accident down in Orlando this morning. He is ok! He totalled his car though. No more Montero..............I am not having a good day.
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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I don't know if I can afford to get a flight from ATL to Tampa. I may not be able to go..........this sucks I really want to go.

Oh and Lee got into a car accident down in Orlando this morning. He is ok! He totalled his car though. No more Montero..............I am not having a good day.

I'm sorry Brandy. That totally sucks!! Glad Lee is ok. Dammit, you've gotta come!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out. Check into flights from Chattanooga like Kitty suggested. Good luck and tell Lee, we drive on the right side of the road in the states:D
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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I don't know if I can afford to get a flight from ATL to Tampa. I may not be able to go..........this sucks I really want to go.

Oh and Lee got into a car accident down in Orlando this morning. He is ok! He totalled his car though. No more Montero..............I am not having a good day.

Figure something out! Otherwise we're going to have to find someone to share a bed with Lee so we don't have to pay extra.
the horror...................the horror.....................

Hey, how about Lance?! He looked pretty comfy lying butt naked between you guys on the trip back to Tally last time! ...Oh, damn. Nobody'd told that story yet had they?:ph34r:

Yep, I got the call this morning too. El Montero es para mierda. I think he called me about it before he called his own wife! Weird. He's lucky he didn't go through the windshield or that Semi he hit would have been totalled too. But what's the deal?! They've been married less than a week and they're already arguing in public about her obnoxious singing and his bottle-up-the-ass fixation. Then he drives himself into the back of a tractor trailer.
....Is there a counselor in the house?
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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But what's the deal?! They've been married less than a week and they're already arguing in public about her obnoxious singing and his bottle-up-the-ass fixation. Then he drives himself into the back of a tractor trailer.
....Is there a counselor in the house?

What? That sounds normal to me.. :P

Lee.. glad you weren't hurt. aaaaand hope you have good insurance. B|[:/]

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. I think he called me about it before he called his own wife! Weird. ....Is there a counselor in the house?

Uh I don't think so Robbie, Lee called me first! Then he called you.....don't think you are that special...
I am still trying to find flights but they are expensive!
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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