
Whats the best place to jump in georgia?

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Honestly, they're all good. Each dropzone brings it's own flavor to the mix, and each DZ has their pros and cons.

My suggestion to you would be to visit each one for a weekend and see which one "feels right" for yourself.

When you come to Thomaston (skydive atlanta) let me know and I'll show you around.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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My home DZ is the Farm. So i will have to go with thats the best..lol Thomaston is an awesome DZ as well. their king air is one of the fastest climbing alongside Mullins. I will be at Thomaston with a load of us from Tally for the halloween boogie so perhaps check it out then along with the roaming DZ crowd. the roaming Dz lot will be the ones surrounding a camper with free jello shots thats if jay and chiquita will be there.
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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You should also consider Georgia Skydiving Center in Rome about 20 miles up the road. They are a smaller operation than they were a few years ago but it is still one of the Friendliest DZ you will ever visit with a HUGE Landing area and incredible scenery.

The Farm is also great DZ that is right next to ASC. They have a much better landing area and great group of regular jumpers.

Thomaston and Monroe both have excellent reputations and make good alternatives depending on what side of Atlanta you live on.

I personally find many of ASC`s business practices unethical and therefore choose not to jump there.

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wow never heard of that crap before... If your planning on jumping this week-end i will be at the farm shooting video. All the tandem guys there are very proffesional and funny. But i do love the Fram and so do a few people from down here in florida. We don't mind the 4 hour drive each week. If your at the farm this week-end plan on camping out. Thats when the fun starts......
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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You can also camp at Skydive Atlanta. Although you'd better hurry . . . it's starting to get cold. ;)

If you're looking for nice, safe landing areas, you can't beat SDA (well, not in GA, anyway). We also have a laid-back atmosphere during the day, with lots of partying at night. But like Ian said, try them all and get a feel for which one you like. :)

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If your planning on jumping this week-end i will be at the farm shooting video.

I thought you and your lovely new bride were heading up to Harvest Moon this weekend?

Glad to hear you'll be hanging at the Farm. Planning a late arrival on Friday again? I should be getting there around 10:30.

bseries - if you aren't doing anything you should come by the Farm this weekend. Even if you don't jump it would be cool to see a new face. Usually about 10 or 12 people there camping on Friday nights, a pile more on Saturday.

Look forward to meeting you soon.
Killing threads since 2004.

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yes j was going to the harvest moon boogie but we have to leave early sunday as brandy has to work. I know selfish of her but oh well now im a married man.....lol hey make sure you have cold beer for us and not that honeybrown crap get some corona in...
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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hey make sure you have cold beer for us and not that honeybrown crap get some corona in...

Just call me beer bitch. Normally I'd tell you where you could stick your Corona, but being that you just got hitched and all I might think about bringing some Corona along.

Who all is coming and when are you leaving? I'm going to bring some wood out for the fire so hopefully it will be a bit better than last weekend.

bseries - sorry for hijacking your thread! Anytime is a good time to stop by. It's a fun bunch regardless of time of day or what is going on.

Edited: If you do make it just come to the hanger. There will be plenty of people around.
Killing threads since 2004.

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You can also camp at Skydive Atlanta. Although you'd better hurry . . . it's starting to get cold. ;)

Starting to get cold? I think is starting to get perfect!!! Finally getting cool enough that you can put on some sweats and wrap up in a sleeping bag for an amazing night's sleep!

Killing threads since 2004.

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Hey, you're a former NY boy, ok? It's not cold to you until it's 10 degrees outside. ;)

Although, I will say I was actually almost uncomfortably warm sleeping outside this past weekend. But I give it no more than a month before I'm crying about how cold it is. :D

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Hey, you're a former NY boy, ok? It's not cold to you until it's 10 degrees outside. ;)

Oh and do I miss it! This is the time of year that we used to start finding friends that would let us borrow their cars to go hiking and camping in the Catskills!

There is nothing I hate more than being hot, so I'll take throwing an extra layer or two on any day over sitting in the tent wondering when I'm going to stop sweating.

Getting back to the thread - I think these boogies toward the end of the month - The Farm on the 23/24th and then Thomaston over Halloween are going to be just perfect in every way.

The days won't be too hot, the nights won't be too cool, and there will be all sorts of awesome people hanging out and jumping and partying all weekend long!

Edited: formatting
Killing threads since 2004.

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If you like ASC I would also recommend coming out to Pell City, AL. We are owned by ASC and it isn't a bad drive....an hour and a half from ASC.
we have a big beginner group there and cater to those needs a lot. we've got rooms to sleep in and all that good stuf...we all go out to eat after the day is over and sleep there..
i would tell you to go check out all the dz's too though....since i work at Pell City every weekend...ive never been to another dz and sometimes wish i had that opportunity ;)

if you do come out...i'm lora...i do manifest..come say hi!

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Skydive the Farm is the best %$&*#ing DZ so far! If I am driving all the way from FL almost every weekend, then you know it is good. I have not been to Monroe or skydive Thomaston but I heard good things about them.....but if you want to go were everybody welcomes you with good prices and great people then you will be hooked there.

I just love the people there and plus there is now the Supper Otter, (you see good Karma will pay off).
Welcome to skydive The Farm! Truley the best little DZ in the world (since I came up with that saying).....and it is not even that little.
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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