
CSS anyone??

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I think we should move FF Friday to Thursday this week. I have all my kitchen stuff in my trailer, so I was thinking about cooking dinner. Let me know if you want dinner (yummy chicken curry) so I'll know how much stuff to get. (It will be a late dinner because I plan on doing a night jump- I mean jump on the "sunset" load. :P)

I'll probably get out there pretty early (noon?) since Friday looks like sh*t.

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Dinner for everyone! :)
I'm making the chicken and rice. If you want to add something else, bring it. I think the beer supply is running low, so more beer would be good.

So on Thursday it's me, Joe, Eric, Ellis... Anyone else going to be there? David? Other GE Boyzz? Non-freaks are welcome too. (BB, that includes you. Too much flat flying recently. :P)

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Hey! Just cause I'm wearing booties doesnt mean I'm flying on my belly. :P I wont be able to make it tomorrow though. I F'd my shoulder up in my soccer game yesterday... so I'll be on the ground for a little. :(

Mike (do you have a mike number yet?): Yes... its SkyBlade from now on... haha

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Totally off topic, but if any of you happen to be a halfway decent VB.Net programmer, please let me know. I agreed to write a program for my boss, since I'm sick, but it's been so long since I've written code that I forgot how to do what I need to do now.



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Brian, BB, SkyBlade - Suck it up... you don't need a working shoulder. Just pull you're reserve every jump, I'm sure Margret won't mind packing it up for you. What would Redline do? Come on! To me it sounds like you're scared of someone stealing your precious little flatflying suit (with booties).

Until it’s settled through our combat speed star I’m assuming BK#1… lets face it I have more black and white then anyone else. How do you like that power play? And to think, this situation could have easily been avoided had you done a few more freefly jumps with us... like Eric (BK#3). Brian that puts you at #4
Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
"I need some skittles!!!!!" - Hispa #63

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My early classes tomorrow were canceled, so I'll be there. And if we actually have a decent number of people, and maybe a plane, I'll skip my AI class and make a day of it.

I got the movie Dropzone ready for the weekend.

Not sure about Redline, but I think we should make Joe Turbo. B|

And Mary, try not to cheat on us by jumping at TSP or TPS or whatever this weekend
Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
"I need some skittles!!!!!" - Hispa #63

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My early classes tomorrow were canceled, so I'll be there. And if we actually have a decent number of people, and maybe a plane, I'll skip my AI class and make a day of it.

I got the movie Dropzone ready for the weekend.

Not sure about Redline, but I think we should make Joe Turbo. B|
And Mary, try not to cheat on us by jumping at TSP or TPS or whatever this weekend

Did you just say Martha was PMSing??

Joe Turbo is too white....gotta be something like Genghis Kwon.

Shoulders....who needs shoulders just put both toggles in one hand and pull to your crotch. I'tll be even enough of a flare.

Beer will be supplied by myself. I can cook too if you want. I am a chef afterall. I'll bring my cooking gear if you want.

If Dave is bk1 and eric is bk 4 and bb is bk 3 does that make me honorary bk2 since I jumped a lot more ff jumps than both bb and eric?

I feel like chicken tonight...like chicken tonight!!!

dave...the drama continues...she told her about what happened.
I'll fill you in tomorrow. :) Exciting life of day's of our lives.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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Joe, are you drunk? I don't think anyone was named Genghis Kwon in the movie. Eric is #3, Brian #4, leaving Dawn as #2 because she hasn't been mean to me, yet. I might consider making you honorary #4 just to push "SkyBlade" to #5.

Hey Joe... did she suffer a "buffer overflow error" :P
Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
"I need some skittles!!!!!" - Hispa #63

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And Mary, try not to cheat on us by jumping at TSP or TPS or whatever this weekend

Cheat on my freefly boys? But I thought we had an open relationship... :P I SWEAR I was stuck on the ground with a sinus thing. :D

Nice job on the BK hostile takeover. Kept it short and simple, and no one was injured. Gotta love a freefly coup. B|

I borrowed my brother's copy of Old School (and Freddy Got Fingered), so we have that to watch too.

I'll be out there at 1:00 (later than I planned). I woke up this morning, saw clouds, and went back to sleep. Oh, well.

Joe/Turbo- I think I have all the stuff I need for the curry, but if you want to make something else, feel free to bring stuff.

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How long will frankenotter be there? I *MIGHT* be able to get out there this weekend if I feel better, but right now it looks doubtful. Speaking of which, I think I'm gonna have to stay home instead of going to bridge day with you guys. Being sick sucks. >:(


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Guess who?

Hint: Think of a conversation on a day with no jumping due to plane snafus, think Hungarian, then think of the original anti-establishment CSS numbering scheme.

(Yes BB, this would be before that WHUFFO started the whole BK thing. If anyone wants the true BK origin let me know via PM or e-mail. I won't recount the sad, sordid story on a public forum.)

Joe, I have some bad news. Yep, our S & the SS's Thanksgiving fund is still at $23, just like it was 2 weeks ago. So, if your band gets any other offers for work on the Sat after Thanksgiving ... you might wanna jump on it. Or else someone needs to get the word out .... or maybe contribute some actual greenbacks?? I'm sure the people on this thread really love you.

(I know I do ... though not as much as I love E****. You're welcome for the free rigging.)

I'm sure everyone loves your music, and I know some CSSers support you in Chapel Hill. I plan to do the same once winter gets here and I'm still awake at 11 p.m. BUT ... no one's handing over any cash, man.

On a more positive note, I'll bring accompanying food for Mike's 100th pig-pickin bash Sat. Hope to see all of you who aren't at Bridge Day there!

Madalyn - the invitation to your chicken dinner extravaganza was warmly appreciated. I hope you guys had a great time. (Love you, girl ... and love the new magenta in your hair! Glad your congestion cleared up and thanks for sharing your remedy.) As long as you guys have been watching skydiving movies, you REALLY need to get your hands on Gypsy Moths and/or Fandango for WAY HUGE laughs. I'll try to get them via Netflix if anyone's interested.

p.s. Dawn #2 - miss + love you!! Having a good week?

---- PMS-free-----

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On a sad note. Dawn #3 and her boyfriend Ross were in a major car accident in which the drivers of the car that hit them unfortunately didn't make it. Ross and Dawn are both in good spirits and doing well. Ross will probably be grounded till January at best and Dawn hopefully will be grounded shorter than that. Last I heard Ross had a broken collar and Dawn suffered ankle and hand injuries.

Keep them in your thoughts CSSers and freakflyers(Not that you're not CSSers but they were part of our small family)

Great jumps today...thanks to John Lyman who actually did a sitfly jump with Eric and I...that was a shock. Great jumps with Ellis, Marion, and Dave as well. Love you all.

Be good...Be Safe...Dave's mom.(huh?)

The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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Dawn #1 is that you hey dont give up on joe and the kwononites just yet ill do some leg work tomarow when im there for my 100th jump and well get the moeny besides we have well over a monthe to get it and i havent been there to donate yet eaither so im sure we can raise more money.

OKAY EVERONE THERE IS PIG TOMAROW.Keep your paints on joe the pig is already dead. anyway everone please put the word out to bring something with the pig i have spent 200 bucks already to pull this off and so far i have gotten more phone calls of whos not showing up then who is.

but im sure everone will bring whip cream lmao

I wont be out today cause i have to pick the pig and cooker up in the morning to early so i will be out saturday and staying the night. till then well see you guys

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p.s. Dawn #2 - miss + love you!! Having a good week?

Hi Dawn #1 :)- I miss and love you too!!!

See you soon! Say hello to instructor John!

PS: I'm adding your new username to the long list of things I don't understand in this world (as well as the confusing yet short history of the BK's).

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This thread ought to have it's own zip code by now.

Mike- I'm here this weekend so I'll help you with the food. I'll bring a bigass pot & burner for a side item to consist of green beans and potatoes. Let me know any other ideas or help you need.
I'm gonna have to get lunch now that I'm thinking about food.

I look forward to seeing everyone & their piece of blue sky this weekend

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I'll be there ....at least in time for pig and pie! We may make it Stuart's first big outing if he is up for it. I'll try to bring a side or beverage.

I've never seen Gypsy Moths all the way through, so If you get a copy of that I'd like to see it. CSS used to have a copy of Fandango but I think it burned in the fire. Heather might have a copy.

Love to all the Dawns and Mikes

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