
Lodi, Byron, or Monteray Bay

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I will be in San Francisco next Sunday with a free day for some jumping. Any thoughts, comments, recommendations, on these three choices? I have a co-worker who may want to do a Tandem, if that matters. I also plan on being lazy and using a packer, so availability of paid-packers does matter.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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If you mean this Sunday, the 27th, you might want to consider coming out to the American Boogie, at Skydance near Davis. $10 boogie fee (for one day) plus jumps ($19?) www.americanboogie.com, www.skydance.net

Monterey is pretty much a student DZ these days. Lodi has the cheapest jumps ($15 single ticket) and tandems ($100).

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I would say Lodi for the fact that they are def. prepared for tandem's, and we have lot's of packers. B|

Although hitting up a boogie is always a good idea. Lodi's next boogie is July 17th.
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

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Byron has packers (you can hook up with John King, international king of packing, in his own words), a King Air, Tandems ($170) and lots of RW and Freeflyers to jump with. And probably the shortest car ride. But phone first and see how the winds are doing, June is our Windy month. 925 634-7575

mad john

Main goals in life: Be on the "Jumpers Over Eighty" (JOE) World Record and attend the Lost Prairie Boogie once after I'm gone.

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