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On 2002... I'm thinking incident 4 and incident 6 are the same... it's Chris Salin. Chris normally jumped at San Marcos but he was killed in Spaceland. [:/]

I don't remember of there ever being an fatality at San Marcos since Michele died in the mid-air prop strike.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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On 2002... I'm thinking incident 4 and incident 6 are the same... it's Chris Salin. Chris normally jumped at San Marcos but he was killed in Spaceland. [:/]

I'm almost positive you're right. Chris has been the only swooping fatality that I've heard about in Texas this year.


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There were 2 at Spaceland, and none at San Marcos. 4 and 6 are the same incident. I was at San Marcros on the 14th and never saw a pond to swoop and as of April 15th... nothing exciting had happened.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Thanks guys. i'll combine the details. Not sure why I though they were two different incidents, guess due to differences in the dates (probably due to Chris passing away several weeks later) and jump numbers.

This thread appears to have moved from the Incidents forum, although I'm not sure why. I have an idea but since the purpose of that forum is to "learn from fatal ... incidents" I thought it was topical. Would have been nice to have an explanation. Also, why does this thread not indicate that it's been moved?

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since the purpose of that forum is to "learn from fatal ... incidents"

That's a bit of selective quoting.... there's more to it as should be clear from reading the whole set of post guidelines.

The incidents forum is for discussing actual incidents. This post is a link to a site about incidents. I see the link, but it's not what that forum is for. The Incidents and Women Only forums are heavily moderated for obvious reasons. Don't be surprised if your post is on the cusp and we opt for being less lenient than in other forums.
Safe swoops

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Thanks guys. i'll combine the details. Not sure why I though they were two different incidents

Whoa! Whoa! They are two separate incidents. Both at Spaceland.

The first one is Shane (& I feel like an idiot because his last name escapes me right now), the second is Chris Salin. The year did not start off very well for Texans. :(

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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