
Lost Gear, Cranky Property Owners, and the Law

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Hey everyone, a while back I talked to a friend at St. George who had a cutaway, and the property owner whose land her main landed on would not allow her to come on his land to retrieve her gear.

It got me thinking to write a law journal article on the subject, maybe some kind of a "bust card" type thing that DZs can have to back up skydivers who want to do nothing more than go get their valuable gear.

It would really be helpful in doing this to get some true life stories of this kind of thing happening to some of you. If you'd allow yourself to be quoted, it would be even better.

My motivation in doing this is to help everyone who runs into this kind of problem, but I'm sure there will be some jagoff who wants to debate libertarian property theory with me on this crap...I'm not interested in that...so, if you want to flame, start another thread flaming the living crap out of me, but don't get in the way of the good deed I'm trying to do here.

-Terrasino Rodriguez

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I know a skydiver who lost his main in Farmer McNasty's field a few years ago. Everyone knew where it was, FM even admitted to having it but wanted a lot of money before he'd part with it. One phone call to the police solved his problems. People like to think that the law is as simple as finders keepers, it isn't.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Want a "typical lawyer" reply? "Maybe"

generally speaking, you have the right to go on to someone's property to retrieve your own. GENERALLY speaking. The ins and outs of it are going to be what my research and article will be all about.

The thing is, lots of DZs have mostly nice neighbors. Some skydivers dont respect others property, and they change that relationship. Other times, the neighbor is just a bitter slack jawed redneck loser and his brother in law is the sherrif and your new main becomes fertilizer in his tabacky field.

I'm hoping to make a nice little guide that every DZ can quote to the dumbest cop in any jurisdiction (even florida) and show them that they have the right to go get their gear.

Or, in the case of when/how they cant, at least my advice might keep the skydiver out of trouble (at least as far as going to get a chopped main is concerned - youre all on your own for the child support payments and valtrex prescriptions).
Goddamn Dipshit Rodriguez Gypsy Dildo Punks!

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I know a skydiver who lost his main in Farmer McNasty's field a few years ago. Everyone knew where it was, FM even admitted to having it but wanted a lot of money before he'd part with it. One phone call to the police solved his problems. People like to think that the law is as simple as finders keepers, it isn't.


Would this be the Greensburg Farmer McNasty?

We had a run in with him when a guy who worked at SDGB, had a cutaway, his main landed on the edge of his pond. After about 30 minutes of endless searching, we pull up in McNasty's driveway(at this time we didn't know who he was)I immed. saw the main by the pond, told my husband, he politely asked McNasty if we could go get it, as he started in the direction of (not expecting any trouble) At the time Mcnasty, pulled a gun out of his waist area and threatned me & my husband. Gave us a lecture about dumping "trash" on his property, my husband still keeping his cool, tryed to explain that a canopy is a life saving device, he replied, I'm not talking about the parachute, I'm talking about the skydivers! As he cocked his gun. We immed. left, went back to our dz and called the sheriff. Since we're in this little po-dunk area, no one is skydiver friendly, except the skydivers...ther sherriff slapped his wrist and told him "no-no" the sheriff returned the canopy & lectured our DZO for a bit. That was my first hand expierence. A few years back, one of the TM's at SDGB, landed in his field with a student, Mcnasty drove to our dz & pulled his gun on the TM there...This man is truly a waste of flesh...

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I'm trying to follow your story, but I'm a bit confused at one thing... What does "immed" mean?


We immed. left, went back to our dz and called the sheriff.

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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well i jump at "dropzone x" and we have a farmer mcnasty and boy do i have a story..well not really a great one but one that you might beable to use...

a little back story.....

there used to be a dz at the same location as out dz is at curently (we moved earlier this year to the "new" location) and they were not very respectfull to the surounding land owners with the old skydivers having cut the fence before and letting his catle out onto the airport because they didn't want to walk around the fence and such things..... the old skydivers were not very friendly to this guy...

now my story....

arond march of this year i was up on a 3 way sitfly jump with my friens and we had a good jump and deployed... as i was just under canopy i saw a freebag floating down and linked it to my friend sam. he was going for the dz so i followed his FB down, the main was no where to be seen... as i landed in the field right beside our dz there was a man on a horse and that's when i saw his main, still in the bag (his pc half hitched itself around itself and had enough drag to open his container butnot enough to get the canopy out of the bag) well i collected his FB as i landed right next to it and then walked twoards the man on the horse and the main canopy. firstthing he said to me was that i owed him fifty bucks. he wanted 25 for my landing and 25 for the garbage that landed too... well i am very polite to him, calling him sir and everything... he told me he didn't like having skydivers land in his field and they spooked his cattle and all.. i completly agreed that it wasn't good to land in his field and that it was only because my fellow jumper had to use his reserve parachut that i landed there to get his freebag and main. he said he didn't like us landing in his back yard and how would i feel if someone was alway landing in my back yard... (well i live about 5 miles from a another dz and so they could land in my back yard if they could sink in acanopy in a 60x40 area) and my bck yard is right next to my house, we were standing about half a mile from this guys house, not really "in his back yard" more like "in the back forty" (or 200 acres) well i getthe stuf and walk out to the street about 400 yards away and get a ride back to the dz.. he then comes to the dz and demands fifty bucks for the landing from the dzo, the dzo pays it and has a nice chat with him and it is deamed that all jumpruns will be spoted way west becasue of the posibility of having to use his field as an "out" or as a landing after a cutaway, he tells us that there is a 25 dollar charge for any landin in his field, and to walk to the nearest gate and not drive in his field and we are all cool with that. well then a few weeks go by and no trouble and the new polocy comes out that he is going to call the cops onus if he sees us in his field because his lawyers told him that if he charges us mony for landing then he is giving consent to us landing there... so now if we have to land in his field we find the fastest way outa there and hope the cops don't show up........

a point....

it was made mention by one of our pilots that if we do have a malfuncton and cutaway we can land in his field because we are an "aircraft experiancing an emergency" and he can't get us with trespassing if that happens. but luckily it has worked so far that just by spoting the plane diffrently we completly avoid this...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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There is no such law as 'trespass' in Scotland.B|
Before my southern friends chip in, this is one area where Scottish and English laws are different.
There is 'willful damage to property', which I'm guessing a skydiver in distress doesn't qualify for.
That said we still get farmer Mcnasties, but also a fair amount of farmer Mcnices too.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Not really.

We have a Mcnasty near Hinton. £2000 fine if any of us or gear lands on his property.

Acouple of summers ago a tandem master cut away from a bad main.
The main landed in his back garden and his 2 kids freaked out coz they thought there was someone falling to their death.

Anyway the guy is a lawyer or barister or some other piece of pond life and took the DZ to court and got some sort on injunction against the DZ forbiding anyone to land on his property.

There is an arial photo near the manifest hut with his fields clearly marked as a no go area.
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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