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I dont drink.
This was not a philosophical choice for me. I stopped 8 years ago rather than be a dead guy. I think I made the right choice :D

The problem?

I dont buy beer.

I do not buy beer for myself. I do not buy beer for others.

If I do something that would normally require that I buy beer, I'm not buying any beer.

If folks want beer, more power to them :-) They'll have to buy their own. I'd be more than happy to buy some rootbeer for everyone :-)
If folks want to drink beer while I'm there, once again, no problem with me. Watching folks drink beer doesnt bother me. I'm just not buying it.

Anyone think this will be an issue for me when I return to the DZ?
If so, whats the best way to handle it?

Wait till someone tells me I have to buy beer and just tell them no?
Make a general announcement upon my arrival that
I'm not buying anyone any beer so dont bother telling me to?


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Bring soft drinks, juices or waters.

It's not the alcohol content that's important, it's the sharing of stories and information that happens while the beverages are being consumed.

Much respect to you for getting and staying sober. :)

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I was hoping that it would be just that simple :-)

Skydiving folks are the coolest around. I've missed them in my abscence and am very excited to return.
I've wondered about the beer though, before I laid off jumping I still drank so buying beer when required was not a problem.

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I dont drink.
This was not a philosophical choice for me. I stopped 8 years ago rather than be a dead guy. I think I made the right choice

The problem?

I dont buy beer.

I do not buy beer for myself. I do not buy beer for others.

If I do something that would normally require that I buy beer, I'm not buying any beer.

If folks want beer, more power to them :-) They'll have to buy their own. I'd be more than happy to buy some rootbeer for everyone :-)
If folks want to drink beer while I'm there, once again, no problem with me. Watching folks drink beer doesnt bother me. I'm just not buying it.

Anyone think this will be an issue for me when I return to the DZ?
If so, whats the best way to handle it?

Wait till someone tells me I have to buy beer and just tell them no?
Make a general announcement upon my arrival that
I'm not buying anyone any beer so dont bother telling me to?


As a Member of the LDS church, I too abstain from drinking. I feel that it is one of the better choices i have made for myself.
However, I do get called on Cases of beer. Right now I think i Owe 2 or 3 cases I've been called on in the past month or so. No problem, i choose not to buy beer, I just buy $20 in bottled water - Our DZ needs that more than we do beer, people can get dehydrated/heat stroke out there, we need all the H20 we can get.
Ask KansasSkydiver, I have reported a number of times with a stack of bottled water for the DZ.

Blarh, I admire your decisivness and think that there should be no problem with your decision... Stick to your guns - but if called for something you did, pay up ;)
=========Shaun ==========

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hey more power to ya im one of those that dont drink or ill die too.good luck in your recovery.at my dz they know that i dont drink they just dont know why.i think they are starting to figure it out though.and that doesnt really bother me.when i go to rantoul i guess ill take a book with me so i will have something constructive to do at night.if you go to rantoul look me up ill be in the ark section.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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Here's a suggestion and a question, first the suggestion:

By checking your profile I see that your home DZ is my home DZ (I'm racking my brain trying to place who you are, sorry sometimes I forget names). A few skydivers there also do not drink beer but rather enjoy Smirnoff Ice or stuff along those lines. I don't know if this fits into the same category as beer for you or not. With all the times I have brought beer, sometimes I would bring a couple sixes of Ice instead. This was highly appreciated also.

For the question, I've been jumping at that DZ for 3 years and my A license# is 38667. I noticed that you have 68 jumps and your A license # is A17647. I was just wondering if you arn't accidently using your USPA number instead of your A number?

There's my two cents, hope it might help.

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Hi Herv,

Easy answers B|
I quit jumping 8 years ago for various reasons. Mostly financial. Then, just to make sure that I stayed away,
I broke my back in a car accident. By the time I was fully recovered from this, which took several years, I had aquired the "habit" of not jumping. Skydiving was no longer a part of my normal life.
Until one day about 3 months ago when it suddenly occured to me "Hey, you are no longer broke, broken, or screwed up. Go get back in the saddle!"

I will be making a "Comeback" starting in Sept :-)

This is why you have never seen me there. I have not been to Hazelton in 8 years. I've been in contact with Darlene via e-mail though.
Unless you stop jumping, you WILL eventually meet me :-)

That is definitely my A license number, not my USPA number which is 90818.
In 1990 or so when I got it they were at 17xxx, in
y2k, 10 years later, I guess they were in the 30k range.
On the last thing, the whole point with the beer is that it contains alcohol B|
Smirnoff ice, while a tasty alternative I'm sure, is no different.

See you in Sept B|


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I'm sure that people would understand perfectly. I have one suggestion for you. Instead of shouting your slab of root beer at the end of jumping purhaps shout it during the day when people are buying drinks anyway. I'm sure that would be highly appreciated.

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I don't drink either, but not for religious or philosophical reasons, it all just tastes like crap. I have bought beer though, but wouldn't hesitate to buy soda or water of equivalent value. I would expect to get some crap for doing so, but it would all be good natured crap. Don't worry about it, water, Dr. Pepper, Red Bull, anything....

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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I expect there are more people than it seems at an average DZ that do not consume alcohol at the end of the day. I'm not aversed to drinking a beer now and again, but I don't enjoy consuming mass amounts of alcohol like some skydivers do. I think if you take up a non judgemental stance, that you dont drink alcohol, and not try to bash anyone for doing so, no one will give you shit. Like I said, theres probably more than you think that are like you, they just dont pipe up because every other word you hear at a DZ is BEER. Gets kinda lame sometimes.

blue skies

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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Just buy rootbeer.....See the beer rules...especially #9.;)

Hmm, I have a lot of firsts to go! They had best like rootbeer B|

# Completing the student course of instruction - done
# First four way - done
# First eight way - not done
# First CRW - not done
# First time in the peas - not done
# First night jump - not done
# First kiss pass - not done
# First competition - not done
# First water jump - not done
# First naked jump - not done
# First jump on your own pack job - done
# First dead center (measured by a judge or electronic scoring pad on a three or five cm disc) - not done
# First jump on a new main or new rig (purchased, not borrowed) - done
# Any license, award, rating, or badge - fractionally done
# Getting your name or photo in "Parachutist" Magazine - not done
# Gross safety violations not resulting in serious injury or death - not done
# Any jump ending in "00" - not done
# First cutaway/reserve ride - not done
# First jump from an aircraft not normally used at home drop zone - not done
# First jump at a new drop zone - not done
# First demo jump - not done
# First save (you riggers thought you were getting off easy) - not done
# Vomiting in the airplane or on another skydiver - not done
# First round canopy jump (Geez, used to be the other way around) - not done
# First broken bone - not done
# First camera jump - not done

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I agree with some of the other people on this. Buy 3 cases of coke or something instead of one case of beer. However, make sure you get it to the dz during the day, and not after you are done jumping like many people do when they get beer.
This is so everybody can still drink your coke or bottled water during the day, when they are thirsty and can't drink beer.
Also, at our dz, we have the option of dropping $20 into our beer fund box when we are called on beer. This way everybody is happy.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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