
What the heck kinda exit is that?????

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If you go to the WFFC page and go to the other videos and watch Arano Rodriquez's video -

at about 1 min 49 sec a group exits the plane, group, what am I saying - it's a mass of humanity. They look like one of those Anaconda snake orgy balls. What is that exit called and what the heck are they hoping to accomplish by doing it?

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I've done a 3-way tube out of the otter and a king-air and have heard of a 4-way tube out of the cessna. Largest I've heard of is a 25 way, 5-people wide and 5-people deep going out of a C-130. Flew at 300 mph. The burble was so big that you could talk to each other in the formation. They're a lot of fun. Pull in to spin faster, relax to slow down. You can pull a lot of gs. First person to break before pre-agreed break-off time owes beer.


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I take it that can only be done off of a tailgate.
Looks like it would be hell to get out an otter door :|

Not so! I've done it out of an Otter.

indeed we did a double tube out of Kapows otter not long ago...spun like a banshee but we all stayed close when it broke and got several docks in after...
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Yes, most definitly Otter-do-able.

I've seen 8-Way tubes pulled out of Otters on more then one occassion... two interlocked 4-Way tubes.

I even saw a 9-Way tube launched from an Otter once. The afore mentioned 8-Way tube with a little gal tucked in (laying across) the center. ;) That was freaky to watch go out the door.

Tubes are definitly a good place for hard helmets and Cypress... and watch out for your handles... B|

Pick your tube-u-lar friends well.


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[Largest I've heard of is a 25 way, 5-people wide and 5-people deep going out of a C-130. Flew at 300 mph. The burble was so big that you could talk to each other in the formation

Your facts are correct. I was on it. Still the record,
Remarkable jump.....at the very least.

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Did a 4 way tube out of a Caravan CargoMaster. That's been the only one so far, but it was fun. Especially since it was with 3 girls and myself. Then we got a few sit docks in afterwards.

Maybe during this year's PR FreeFallFest we'll plan a bigger one out of the Skyvan.

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A "Horny Gorilla" and a "Magic Carpet" are very cool too.


I did about one MC a day at Rantoul this year. We had one the flipped over on its back and we were in a slow spin from 10K to the 7K breakoff. Hit 220mph max, averaged 180.

May you please describe the Magic Carpet? I wouldn't think it could get up that fast. Bozo, I'd like to see the 25-way video too if you could post it. Vordo (I'm pretty sure still jumping at Smith Mountain Lake) told me that story during a Christmas party.

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Magic Carpet. Linked exit. Rows of 3 with arms linked. After you link arms, you take the leg straps of the person in the line ahead. Works great with 9 or 12. More than that may be a little crazy.

Since generally women have weaker wrists, we put them in the front row.

Exit - the group links up on the red light and walks to the edge. The front row will feel like they are going to fall out. The front row bends forward for exit and straightens back out after. Rock forward, back, exit. The rear group pushes and everyone goes.

When it comes out, it slowly rolls over onto its back. You get to watch the plane fly away (very cool). Then, it can do anything. Most of the time, it will go headdown for a little while, thus a max speed over 200. With 15 people, it may bend in half. Just hang on.

Cool thing - if you pull your arms in tight on the legstraps, you will be in a burble behind someone and can hear other people yelling like on raft rides.

Breakoff - At 7000ft, let go and go to a round. It will probably blow apart before then on your first few times.

Best aircraft is a tailgate type.

Important safety notes - You may be in the burble, so be aware that your alti may not read correctly.
You can get bumped around, so people with leg strap throwouts need to have that legstrap on the outside of the group. Check all bridles and hackeys.

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