
How to break a Sabre in half...

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It wouldn't be the first time I have seen a Sabre "blow-up" like that. I have seen a Sabre 170 rip along the center cell, with only end tape holding the two ends together. From what I know the 170 that exploded was relatively new, but I don't know the exact number of jumps. Guess it just happens from time to time

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Back in '96 I had a Sabre 150 slam open and snap three suspension lines. It seemed to fly fine, passed all tests, so I decided to land it. When I tried to flare, it didn't slow me down...just bowed the canopy down a bit. I hit hard, but PLF'd and walked away uninjured(other than my pride). When gathering my canopy, the first thing I noticed was that the top skin of the center cell was split almost nose to tail. It was only intact for a few inches forward of the trailing edge. I then proceeded to get my ass chewed by the DZO for not choppin' it(which, with 3 broken lines, I should have).

I ended up pretty pissed off and sore the next day(not sure if it was the opening or landing), but I took my aggressions out on the canopy and ripped it to shreds. It was a few years old, and had close to 1000 jumps.


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