
Bizzare Dream?

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I had a dream last night that I was at my grandparents farm were either the world 100-way champs were happening or USA team were training. They were all dressed in red.

Before the jumped the jump planes flew in a circle with 4 in the middle. There were about 20 206s in the circle with a big chopper and 4 more 206s in the centre.

Didnt see the exit but the idea of the comp was to change formation 6 times and you got points for each jumper out of their slot. Formations I can remember were a star, a 6 pointed star :S and some other pretty things. The skydivers took up the whole sky and were partially obscured by the barn (I was worried they looked quite low :S) but then they opened and just dissapeared.

Why skydiving would take place at that farm I dont know... theres trees everywhere and a some buildings (its just a tiny 35 acre farm in the Cotswolds UK).

Whats going on with my head??? :S

But I do like the idea of a 100 way out of cessnas B|

UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.

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I'm sure that weird skydiving dreams must be common for us skydivers. I've jumped 4 times, and after my 3rd I had a dream that I was over a huge grid of high-wires :o. There was no way to not land near them or on them. I think this has partly to do with my concerns about canopy control (my skinny arms really have to muscle it to flare) and partly just a general stress dream about school. I'm sure if you think about your dream Tricky, you'll figure out what it means for you.
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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I had a dream a couple weeks ago that I was jumping from the space shuttle.

For some bizarre reason, I had to deploy early, and I wasn't allowed to use a full parachute -- I only had about half of a high-performance canopy.

About halfway to earth, a plane met up with me, and someone inside tossed the other half of my canopy across the sky to me. I had to attach it to what I was already flying for my landing.

Kind of weird, eh?

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In my skydiving dreams I always hit the ground with nothing out and then stand up, dust myself off and manifest for the next load!

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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In my skydiving dreams I always hit the ground with nothing out and then stand up, dust myself off and manifest for the next load!

I do the exact same thing, except after TRYING to get something out. Then when I get back up, I look around hoping no one saw my "Dangerous No-shute landing", and get on the next load w/out even checking out my gear to see what the problem was :S:D

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I had a dream where i base jump a very tall building and on the way down my rig falls off. I then call the fire dept. with my cell phone and they arive just as im about to hit the ground. They get off the truck and then just laugh as i hit the pavment.

ROTFLOL!! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. thanks!

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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