
How oftern do you practice your Reserve drills?

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sounds like you find it a chore?

only takes a few seconds and keeps it fresh. I havent had a mal (touch wood). But from jumpers that have they say "I just went into automatic mode and did my EP and I was under a nice square reserve in no time"

sounds good to me for the loss of a few seconds in the plane or when you have just kitted up. ;)

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I suppose this poll is better suited for the Safwety & Training Forum. Anyway it raises an important subject. I do it before every jump, before boarding the plane AND on the plane while getting ready to jump. It sure is not a waste of time!

HISPA # 18 POPS # 8757

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before, when Im gearing up, on the way to the plane, in the plane, just before I jump.

we all do them all the time, its not just students.

You forgot to mention...
In bed when you dream of a bad opening...
In the office when you think back to your last line over....

I go through the motions before nearly every jump.
It must be something you can do without thinking about it.

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Several times on the plane. I also double,triple,quadruple check all of my flaps and straps that I can reach. I also check my pin and bridle several times. What else are you going to do on the plane ride up?



As a student i am forced to do my reserve drills time and time again before every jump, i also understand that once you are off student statis it is up to you to practice your reserve drills and im wondering how oftern you accually practice them?

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Its part of my visualization routine in the plane, so 2 or 3 times every jump.

I am on student status and I do my reserve drills everyday before the first jump. I was so worried about the diveflow that I forgot visualizing the Reserve drills on the plane.

I will remember to do it a number of times every jump. Thanks for posting this poll.

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What else are you going to do on the plane ride up?

hear, hear! or while lining up on jump run or just before getting into exit position or while loading the plane or while waiting for the plane or while walking to the waiting area. can you chew gum & walk? then you can practice you EPs & walk.

if you can do it in your sleep - then it'll really come in handy when you're life's on the line.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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If you are talking about going through the drill of pulling the handles, I do it when gear up, when I'm getting ready to jump in the plane and every now and every now and then even if I'm not Skydiving. If you are talking about how many times to I go through the procedure for handling the various malfunctions, I revise them about once a month and somtimes twice.

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before every jump I physically emulate pulling the handles, always. Plus, I think about it mentally a few times on the ride up. Why wouldnt you? It's easy and it keeps you focused on whats important, safety. You should have conversations about the dive flow, etc pretty much finished by the time youre in the plane, so that shouldnt affect your emergency procedure practice.

Or if youre a student, listen to your instructor.

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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In bed when you dream of a bad opening...

I just had that dream last night... lol. I dreamed that I had a lineover on borrowed gear, and executed my procedures, and then after I landed, I gave the handles to the owner (who hadnt seen the reserve ride) and said "I think these are yours"... it was kind of a funny dream [:/]

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I remember one jump about a year ago. I jumped a friends Nitro 88 (about 2.15 WL). I picked up the rig (almost packed so I finished it) and went to the plane for a hop'n'pop from 3200. On the way up I started getting a little anxious, not nervous. So I did like 10 practice EP. Third out, Took about a 5 second delay pull.......hello, anyone up there?.....lookin up finally blue canopy and ah, yes, about 5 line twists, andd ahh yes, here come the spins, fun fun!!! kick, kick, kick, 2400, kick, kick, kick 2000, reach fo handles, look up, only one more, KICK, and clear by 1700!! setup and nice swoop. sweet. I was ready at all times to initiate my EP, i just had altitude to spare. Both of the jumpers on the load were hoping to see my canopy exchange program, both saying "cut it, cut it!! under there deep brakes. (one of those jumpers actually packed the reserve I was wearing, I just think he wanted some booze on that cold winter day.)


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My ride to altitude:

Gear check as I board.
Strap/3 point harness check, 3 ring check after I buckle in.

Laugh at Terry. Laugh with Rob.

Strap check, 3 ring check, pull pillow, pull D ring.
Look around at others three point harness.

Laugh some more.

Look around at a few other altimeters and compare it to mine.
Look out the window, determine jump-run and find the LZ.
Put my goggles on.
Wait for the red light.
Wait for the yellow light.
Open door, look out for LZ.

3 point check, 3 ring check, pull check, pillow check, D ring check.

Check the spot (need to reinforce this one - a couple of bad spots relying on other people have put me off before).


This has become pretty routine for me. I guess it's part of wanting to developing good habits... I have a few friends who I've noticed have a similar routine on every ride up that includes the reserve-pull check.

Another reason I do this is because of that little piece of me that's hidden way in the back of my mind that is still scared shitless on every jump has me do it several times - just so I don't miss anything;).

- Jeff

"That's not flying, it's falling with style."

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Its a must for me that I go through "pitch, cutaway, reserve, in the plane EVERY jump!! Most the tiime I'll problably grab my handles closeto 7 to 10 times!! And Yeah I sometimes get picked on for it ...but owell !! :S

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I practice before every, and I do mean EVERY jump. Hop and Pop, high altitude, record, or just for fun. It is more than just a thought, it is habit. I have had one cut away (Jump 1014) and it just like I was trained.
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Practice them every time I have a rig on. I folded my reserve handle under once, and noticed it when I did a practice ERP. Thank goodness I did so, and/or I didn't need it just then!!! Practice makes automatic!!;)

Don't tell me I can't! I already know that! Haven't you seen my x-rays?

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I check my handles before I board the aircraft and I get a pin check, I recheck all of my handles again before I leave the airplane and I touch my handles in order (Emergency Procedures) before every jump. B|

Because as Poly used to say, "When it gets ugly, it gets ugly quick."
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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