
Isn't it time you went in?

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Yeah - you should be able to trash pack both your canopies now for at least a couple of thousand jumps and hey, why not stop inspecting your gear too - thats jumping time you're wasting there.

You've had your mal - that means that fate wont come knocking again until statistics show it will..... right?

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Been reading this thread as it grows....people die on jump number 1 and jump number 10,000 for reasons that have nothing to do with the maths. Focus on what keeps you alive along with those with whom you jump, and what you need to do to keep it that way. It's easy to go in if you just leave to the law of averages.


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He wasn't happy, but followed my instructions to the letter. He was really shaken after we landed though. White as a sheet, and didn't get up for about 10 min. Don't you love that adrenaline hangover?

I posted it in incidents. Maybe if you did a search for Tandem double malfunction you'd find it.

It's the year of the Pig.

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read the first post only.

your premise is flawed. there are no statistical "laws". probability would be a better place for you to start but even there you will come up short. if a coin comes up tails 1000 times in a row, what are the odds, the probability, that it will come up heads? 50%.

no it is not time ANYBODY went in. it's not a nice thing.

now i go to read rest of thread and find out what an ass i have just made of myself.,
namaste, motherfucker.

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Isn't this a bit like a group of deployed soldiers talking about the probability they are going to get wacked on the next mission?

I much more prefer to think about the amazing crap I get to pull off this weekend. Skydiving is too much fun to concern yourself with such things. If you're worried about crashing, why are you jumping?

You ( Always ) have to be ready for a Mal... but no sense in looming over the prospect of having one.


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