
how many jumps did you make in 03

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About 350, down from just under 400 last year. I don't do much 4-way video anymore (don't have any instructors' ratings), but 2003 was the year that I finally had a few good head-down jumps towards the end. Mostly free-fly with a few R/W jumps, mainly because when I started jumping I did a lot of R/W. Some of these R/W folks say they won't do VRW (free fly), but they are my highly valued friends also so I will always find some time to jump with them.

The friends will always keep you coming back, even if you're sometimes not sure the weather is good enough to go up.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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I made 49 in 2003. My total # of jumps is 50 so not too bad. I made 3 in March and April (which were S/L), 1 in May out in Victoria,B.C. which was my first freefall, and then the other 45 at Skydive Burnaby back home in Ontario between June and beginning of October. All and all a good skydiving year for me. Taking a break till the spring due to lack of funds and using the weather as an excuse as well. I wish I was farther south so I could jump year round but to be honest, financially for me it works out better to make skydiving more of a seasonal activity based on not wanting to freeze my balls off up there.;)

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~200 mostly 4way.
About 30 hrs of tunnel.
Around 20 Tandems.
5 video jumps.
6 2way coach jumps.
10 freefly jumps.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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1110 in 2003.
Over 8000 since 1997. -Tony

Jerk ;)

Yeah, but how many of those did you get to do more than just look at a formation?

Wanna do some 4 way this Saturday?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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