
Get a new guy to jump tandem for first time?

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I have this friend who can drive a 1000hp race car, but is too much of a wuss to do a tandem. I told him that I would even pay for it, and jump with him on the same load. All he says is "no."

How do I get him to not be such a wimp? He's just scared, but I know it'd be much more fun than launching a n 8 sec car.... B|

Any suggestions to de-pussy him?

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Maybe that is his fear. He will love it so much and quit drag racing.

I actually got a friend of mine to jump who was a wuss. We went on a sling shot ride and he loved it. I told him if he loved that he would love skydiving. He did his tandem last year and said that was enough. He understood my obsession but the adrenalin high was to much for him. And that was his words not mine.

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No use pressuring anyone, it's something they have to want to do. I don't even bother asking people anymore, if they want to jump, they'll let you know. We all go through a spell of telling everyone we know when we first start jumping, I find that the less I mention it, the more they do. I have a few pics hanging in my office, I get a ton of people asking "Is that you" they could have given a rats ass less if I had bombarded them with the "Wanna touch me" speach...


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them with the "Wanna touch me" speach...

[Cartman] I just watched the Terrence and Philip movie. Who wants to touch me?



Yeah I hear ya. I'll just keep giving him crap cause I know he'll never do it.

oh well. :P

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You got it right pullhigh.
Ive tried to get a few friends to jump, and gave up. A few months later they asked me how to start.

Also, another good idea if they just wanna check it out is to just let 'em sit around the DZ while you jump. They might talk to some cool people and get a different opinion about it.

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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You will grow out of trying to get your friends to jump.

You think its the best thing in the world and don't understand why people would not want to do it.

Funny story...Just Wednesday I got a call from an ex teammate of mine (Frost 98-2002) and he has not made one jump in over six mths. He told me he didn't miss it one bit, that he missed hanging out with me, but not the sport.

He said he has tons of time, and tons of money to do all kinds of things...He is travenling alot, learning to play the drums, souping up his car, spending more time with his fiance, went out and got ALL of his pilot ratings except ATP, basicly doing all kinds of stuff, he can afford to eat out more..ect.

He told me he thought at one time how much those that don't jump were missing out..Now he thinks we that do jump are missing out.

BTW he had 3,500 jumps and Won Advanced 4 way at the nationals 1999...so he was good, damn good.

Just a thought.

Some folks are happy without skydiving in their lives...Hooknswoop comes to my mind.

And I don't jump like I used to either.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I have this friend who can drive a 1000hp race car, but is too much of a wuss to do a tandem. I told him that I would even pay for it, and jump with him on the same load. All he says is "no."

How do I get him to not be such a wimp? He's just scared, but I know it'd be much more fun than launching a n 8 sec car.... B|

Any suggestions to de-pussy him?

IS it anyone from that other message board? heh

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Never try to talk someone into skydiving.
They either really, really want to - or they don't.
I never try to talk anyone into it.

BTW, if he breaks his ankle on his first tandem, who do you think that he, and his g/f, would blame?

I learnt this the hard way, i got my friend to do his first jump when he really wasnt too keen on it and he has seriously hurt himself and will be on crutches for quite some time, but at least he doesnt blame me.

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