
Looking for a serious answer/advice

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Finally had a great weekend of jumping here in the Northeast. But towards the end of last year, there was a woman skydiver who obtained her C license before the September change and after taking over 30 jumps to get off of AFF (last year) and feels (believes) that she is all knowing in the skydiving world. She was in my opinion a reckless skydiver and has been talked to.

Well yesterday a full caravan load was out and everyone was under canopy and I noticed this woman flying toward me with her head completely turned the other way and down flying toward the landing pattern and more importantly towards me. I banked a hard right and spiraled down a bit to clear the air. I figured that it might just look closer. Until I got to the ground and a guy that I jumped with said nice response that I had to reacting the oblivious canopy pilot.

So my question is...this person is very difficult to talk to and thinks that she is the best of the best. How should I approach this. After a few issues last year and now this, I am at a point of not wanting to be in the air with her. The DZ is not full staffed yet so I am not sure what to do. The last time I spoke to her about an issue the response I got was and I quote: "How many jumps do you have? I have more then you so until you get to these numbers you don't have a right to criticize." That attitude pisses me off. Help!!!

Thanks in advance.

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How should I approach this

You shouldn't.

The S&TA should. Talk to the S&TA, have him/her talk to the other jumper. If not, then talk to the head instructor, any instructor or even the DZO.

If there is a problem, then other people have probably already noticed as well, trust me.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Make it a point to not jump on the same loads as her.

> "How many jumps do you have? I have more then you so until you get to these numbers you don't have a right to criticize." <

This is a very dangerous attitude that IMHO can get her and other people hurt.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
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As a jumper at the DZ in question I feel we (meaning
all of the regular jumpers who are there everyweek) should sit her down and talk with her, along with the entire staff. Not being on the same load may keep you and I safer but we need to keep everyone safe.
I will personally assist you with this task. And yes I have been on a load with this person and and it has come to mind about being in the air with her. I know
we and the staff have tried this before but the season in the Northeast will be starting soon. No more B.S. this time we have to get tough or she is out. Our lives depend on it!

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"How many jumps do you have? I have more then you so until you get to these numbers you don't have a right to criticize." <

This is a very dangerous attitude that IMHO can get her and other people hurt.


But we hear it all the time. Even on these boards.

I'm not there, so I don't know, but I think a whole group gettin' together and "confronting" her will do far more harm than good.

Think about it this way....if YOU were confronted by lots (more than 2) people, wouldn't you be defensive? I would. Especially if they're people who I don't respect (for whatever reason, right or wrong.).

My suggestion: go to the DZO and/or Safety and Training officer. Tell them there is a serious issue. Really let them know that it's important for eveyone's safety that this jumper be talked to. Tell them to talk to her...after all, it's likely they have more jumps than she, and since that's her position, she will probably respect them rather than get defensive.

Just my thoughts...


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As a jumper at the DZ in question I feel we (meaning
all of the regular jumpers who are there everyweek) should sit her down and talk with her, along with the entire staff.

Be careful how you approach her. I think that having a whole group come at her, isn't the best idea. It might look like a personal attack. Maybe the DZO and STA and some instructors should talk to her, explain to her that there have been a number of complains against her, and this is her last chance. If she messes up again, she can't jump there.
Good luck and be safe around her.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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How should I approach this.

Well, if you think you are up to it, then you approach it honnestly. Don't got up and start yelling in front of a bunch of peeps that you think she is reckless. Catch her when she is alone and ask "Can I talk to you about something?" Calmly explain what you saw and what you did and what the other said and go from there.

If you're not up to it, then simply advise the S&TA or the DZO (something you should do anyway)


The last time I spoke to her about an issue the response I got was and I quote: "How many jumps do you have? I have more then you so until you get to these numbers you don't have a right to criticize." That attitude pisses me off.

Experience is great.. but honnestly, don't take that attitude from ANYONE. This is just oppinion now, but I take a lot of advice from a lot of people... I ask for it, I look for it, I sit down and listend when others are getting it. But if this attitude is present, I take it with a HUGE grain of salt.

There's no "majic jump number" that makes the stupid smart or the unsafe safe and above all other things, there is always more to learn.

I hope all goes well.

Blue skies,
Safe jumps,

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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It is against my personal policy to report someone to S&TA for making some stupid mistake ONCE. However, if this is a pattern and the person is being a hazard for the others on regular basis, talking to experienced people who have a lot of respect at you DZ is probably the best way to resolve the problem. Someone with "I know everything" attitude will probably not listen to you because you have less jumps. This attitude already means that person in question believes that she does not need any advice, especially from new jumpers like you. Talk to those who have a power to ground her for a long time and make them explain to her that she still does not know shit and that she needs to follow safety requirements like everybody else.

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Sounds like she has a serious, and dangerous attitude problem. I, agree that the ST&A should handle it.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Thanks Fly Angel 2,
I just spoke to the DZ manager and we will not attack, not yet anyway. But this person has been warned last season many times and now Ist day back
and the same crap. It is fustrating to say the least.
Thanks for the advice, we will handle this with the
staff, not the people who want to kick her ass sometimes.


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You shouldn't.

Why shouldn't he? I think he ought to take the responsibility upon himself instead of relying on others to fix his problems (or hers) for him.

JJ - Pull her aside and gently explain what happened, and why you think it's dangerous. Don't be condescending, don't be confrontational, be concerned, calmly explain your side of the story, and be sure to listen to hers. There's no reason to be a dick here, and there's no reason that you shouldn't take care of this yourself.

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You should try to jump with her, become a friend, and teach her the art of accepting constructive criticisum.

I would say that outside of skydiving - this may be a really good idea. Unfortunately, we are not playing checkers here. We are jumping out of planes. There isn't enough time to dick around on this one. She could get hurt while you are trying to dilly-dally with her ego.

This persons perspective is a dangerous one. The best skydivers are inherently humble; particularly to those with more experience (i.e. jump numbers) then them. She will NEED to learn this.

I'm not sure what is the 100% correct way to handle this but I do have some political advice for you. You could:

1) talk to the S&TA and have them sit down and explain the situation

2) find someone of authority who you happen to know that she respects (perhaps a former AFF/AFP instructor) and have that person go over things with her.



Seriously though, this person needs to be condescended upon by someone who she respects in the sport. I doubt that she already thinks she know EVERYTHING. Who could?

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Hi Joe,

I'm glad you posted this item, as it raises the important issue of safety.

It sounds as if your attitude towards safety is like most people I have met while skydiving. If there is nothing else I have learned, it is knowing that I am responsible for setting my own boundaries and level of personal comfort. If your instinct is telling you that something's not right, it probably isn't.

I suspect you will find a positive way to resolve this if you consider previous advice to enlist the help of someone influencial at the drop zone. Confronting this person 'en masse' is asking for trouble, as it might create resentment and bitterness. I personally wouldn't willingly want to jump at any drop zone where such feelings run high.

Good luck.
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