
I'm starting to get it. Well, no. But I had fun.

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So there I am, getting ready, Pat McGowan the coach. Nice guy, really good at explaining what he wants (fun) and what he expects (effort, not perfection). Cool, as long as we're not looking for perfect, I'll be fine.

He asks me what I want to work on, and I explain I haven't any idea. We discuss recent comments made from other jumpers about me - such as backsliding and fall rate control - and we decide that we will start at the beginning...body position, relaxed but not lazy, and forward and back movement. That's all.

He asks me what my fastest and slowest speeds have been on my belly, and I tell him 104 - 146, as far as I know. He looks at me, and I can tell he doesn't quite believe me about the 146. That's all right, no problem, I'm here to work on fall rate.

First session: Enter with no wind, and lay on the grate. Let the wind blow me to the right body position. My job is to stay on the grate, no matter what else. Hold a heading, but stay floored. And then I feel the beginnings of the wind. Gentle, at first, and then soon, not quite so gentle. And then my legs start floating back, and my arms lift, and I am gently arching....and soon, not quite so gently arching, but pushing it hard...pelvis to the grate, I can feel the center-line. I am steady, no side movements at all, and I can feel the point of contact - the center - at my pubic bone. My hands are dancing in front of my face, and Pat rotates my shoulder, trying to see if I have resistence, or if I can get back to neutral with no difficulty. Fine. And then I am lifted and turned and pointed to the door by Christy, and I get my hands on the sides of the door, and try to swing through...and land on my face, half in and out.

Pat comes out, and is laughing. He says "wonderful body position, absolutely perfect!! You really are flexible!" And we set up for the next session. This time, it will be the same, but I will enter with wind, and stay glued again to the bottom. He will be looking to see pressure on my legs, no movement front, back, up, down. Just position and "rest". Fine, I can do this....

HA! Enter into the tunnel, and flop around like a fish. Poor Christy, she's trying to get me pointed in the right direction, and my body isn't helping. But eventually, we get pointed, I have eye contact with the wall...and again, arch. Arch. ARCH! And I am more aware of my legs - what they are doing, how far back they are, what the toes are up to...point them, get them extended without extending my legs....and again, my hands are dancing in front of my face. Pat grabs my arm again, and wriggles my shoulder around, trying to get me to relax. So I start twisting my hands around, snaking them back and forth, and watching the wind take them. Like a child exploring the wind out of the car window, I am playing in the slipstream, exploring the positions of my hands, and how they cup and release the wind...I am fascinated. And I am grinning. And there is Sparky, standing there, waving. So I wave back, and stick out my tongue. My legs are fine - the left one catches my burble and flops a bit, so I get it back into the air without thinking much...and I am steady.

And Christy lifts me up and out, and I crash onto the floor. I had a lightbulb moment - and I feel like I'm starting to understand what all the body parts are doing, and why when one thing happens, another thing needs to happen to remain balanced on that center-line, and that center point. I grin at Pat, and we get to debriefing and setting up the next session. Forward and back movements. All right, I can do this! I am having so much fun!! And I can already feel the burning in my bottom and my shoulders.

Sparky is inside, and is playing around, dancing on invisible strings, playing Simon Says with Christy. She points, Michael goes. She dodges him, points again. Sparky makes this look so darned easy...he's circling the glass bowl, darting here and there, like a goldfish in his orange suit. And I'm the bottom feeder.

And now, again, I dive into the tunnel, and get turned around (thankfully, with less difficulty). I sink to the bottom like a gently descending rock, bounce off the net, and can feel Christy and Pat grab. I get the signal to move forward, and I do...strong. Those two are holding me back from plowing into the wall. And again, and again, and once more. I am going slow, trying to feel the pressure, trying to find the balance point. And I think I feel it on the last one. And now back...arms forward, knees in, bottom slightly raised (because of the knees), and even though I think I'm moving slow, the coaches scramble to catch me...I've squirted from their grasp like an oiled eel. I feel them lose their grip, and come back to neutral, and try to align myself to the focus point on the wall. And I realize I am laughing out loud and grinning.

And again, out the door, although this time I do better and end up on my feet. But I'm tired, and I stumble to the bench. I ask Pat if he's having fun, and he's grinning. "You will NEVER need the kind of strength you have, Michele, ever ever," he says. "I bet you track well!" And on to the next thing.

I am burning now, my shoulders hurting, my bottom achey. My hamstrings are fine, my back is fine, but my calves hurt, too. And I think my hair is hurting. My hands are hurting, as well. But I'm grinning, so it's all good.

This time, we will try to "swim" I am to relax. Independent body movement, while holding the center point.

Pat enters into the tunnel first, and demonstrates. I dive into the tunnel, back to the grate, find the focus point. And the wind is blowing, my helmet is lifting, and I try to swim with my arms, and go sliding back. I open and close my legs, and don't move at all. I can independently move my legs, but when I move my arms, things happen. O.K., so that needs some work. And I lay there, watching my hands dance in front of me, and turn my head left, and then right, and no body turns at all, and I am finally able to move the shoulders and arms without sliding around, and that goal was accomplished. Barely. But I don't understand why...this one I couldn't feel, couldn't determine between why I would slide one time, and not others. And up, out, and crash into the wall. Someone's watching, and she's kind of surprised that I plowed into the wall - she flinchs back. I smile, and sit down. Whatever.

"Wow!" shouts Pat. "I've never been in there with the wind that high while I was standing!" I'm not sure that's a compliment, but I'll take it that way. I'm having fun, and Pat's having fun, and I hurt so much and am sooooo tired. And it's all good. We talk, he explains I'm lifting my chest when I was swimming, and thus the backslide. I tell him I wasn't aware of it, and he says "So what? You're learning." I feel better about it then, no doubt.

This time, I am to actually fly. No higher than Pat's chest, but fly. I am doubtful I will even make it to his chest, but I'll try.

And dive into the tunnel, still not doing well at that. And lay down again onto the grate. And then breathe, relax, and lift about an inch. And stay balanced, centerpoint stretched through, head up, hands dancing. And then the wind gets stronger, and I grin, and pop up above Pat's head and start turning. The tape shows me countering instinctively by laying my leg over, but I have no recall of that. But I'm back to my heading, and all is well...and then I tense up, and fall back to the grate. And I am moving forward, into the wall. And push back and adjust my legs. And then I relax, and pop back up. And Pat runs 'round the side and gets in front of me, and because I am trying to get the leg pressure right, I move forward into him, and slide down his belly. And I am laughing - that was a bit embarrassing, if you catch my - ah - "drift"...

But I did get some actual flight in, and now I am so tired I can't hold any position longer than 10 seconds, and so I am bouncing around, back and forth, and turning a bit. And now it's time to get out, and I get my hands correct, and pull myself through, and can't stand - my bottom is hurting and my legs are thrumming, and I stumble over to the bench and look at Pat. He's grinning.

"You did really well!!" he says, eyes sparkling. "Really well! Now, this time..." and all I can think is "we're done, I'm done, I've got nothing left, it's all gone, I'll just lay on the grate, I am whipped, it's all gooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee. O.K., I'll try...." as Pat is explaining what he wants this time....and then we realize that I'm done, the last one was the final session, and I breathe a sigh - a gasp, perhaps - of relief.

And we go out, and get changed - Pat in his skivvies so I had to pinch his bottom - and then we go watch the video and I get some homework and some serious discussion about goals and technique, and I explain I'm not looking to be the world's best by summer, I am just wanting to be safe and stay in control.

Now, that's an accomplishable goal.

Am I sore as heck today?
Um.....yes. I took a Bextra last night, and another one this morning. I don't think I ever knew I had some of the muscles that are hurting...

Was I humbled?
No, as I have nothing to be proud about with my jumping, there was no humbling. I knew I was bad...

Was tunnel time fun?
Oh, most assuredly.

Was tunnel time worth it?
Oh, invaluable.

Would I recommend it?
Without any reservation. I've learned a ton, and my body learned a ton, and I think this will be a regular thing for me, when I can afford it.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Last night, in the cool of the Southern California evening, I think I saw the birth of a Tunnel Rat.


Yeah, just following you, Mr. Accomplished Tunnel Flyer...LOL! Thanks for being there with me - you rock! (So does Rosa, who showed up to laugh at me, and RJF, for the same reason....LOL!!!)



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Okay Michele,

Now I REALLY want to get in some tunnel time. . .hmmmm, sounds like a lot of fun. . .

I Love to read your stories by the way. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Thanks for being there with me - you rock! (So does Rosa, who showed up to laugh at me, and RJF, for the same reason....LOL!!!)

No, Michele, I was soooo not there to laugh....no way...NEVER! I was there because I knew that it was your first time (I was scared my first time), and I was in the general area. I also really wanted to see you if only for a few minutes.

I wanted to tell you that you are awesome for going for a session. I was very, very proud of you when you finished. I am proud of you, still. That wind was cranked all the way, and I know how hard it is to fly with the winds cranked like that.

I have to say that you improved soooo much from the beginning to the end. It is always amazing to see that transformation. I saw the whole thing, girl! (Btw, Michael rocked, too. ;))

Anyway, thank you for making me that beautiful scarf. I wore it last night, and I was thinking that I will probably be wearing it the next time that you see me. (It's so soft and comfy!)

I love you, swootie. Take it easy today. Last night you worked it, girl! B| Congrats, again, honey, and you owe beer...lol.


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Pat McGowan is fabulous is he not?

I had an intensely good time there in January Michele. More fun than I could've imagined. Mainly due to Pat's attitude, willingness to teach and overall professionalism.

Also because Rosa was sweet and came out to meet me.

Glad you enjoyed yourself as well.

Blue Skies Michele,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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That was a good read. I had actually done some tunnel time in Orlando before ever starting solo skydiving. Since then I have done 65 jumps, but I have done about 90 minutes in the tunnel. I really attribute a great deal of why/how I have been able to pick up so quickly on alot of things in the air to the time I have spent in the tunnel. It's wonderful, I only wish that it was cheaper and more accessible for everyone.

To those who are nervous about going. Don't be. You'll be suprised to find out how you back or front slide more than you think.. B| but you'll love the time in the tunnel and learn so much. If you're ever in Orlando and want to see some of the best, check out Joao Tambor, Fabian and Juliana Raidel, they are like fish in the ocean.


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Wow, I'm soooo jealous!!!!

some day, hopefully I'll get some tunnel time!!

For now, waiting for a sunny weekend just to jump. >:(

Thanks for the great read..definately encouraged me to start saving for tunnel time (after I buy a rig, of course!)

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Great Story Michele!

Of course now you got me a little worried:S. I have a half hour of tunnel time the Thursday before the Sebastian boogie and then I have another half hour the Monday after.

I think I might be hurting really bad on Tuesday:D. But it sounds fun and educational.:D

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SDgregory, there's two things I can tell you I was grateful for.

1. That I don't usually freefall for 2.5 minutes at a time.
2. That I didn't have to think about flaring or landing a canopy.

You will be sore...but you will be amazed at your progress.

I had such a good time, even though actual "flying" time was low. I really had my body feeling the positions much more, and more thoroughly, then ever before, and I think I will be a safer jumper because of just that one tunnel time. And I'm not stopping at one....

My apprehension was unwarranted, and I had a most fun time. I kept cracking up, and just laughing out loud while I was still in the tunnel...and Pat and Christy had a good time, too.

Glad to hear some folks are thinking about doing this more seriously because of my write-up. Sharing experiences is what this place is all about.

I still can't believe that I didn't backslide whatsoever. Like taking your car to the mechanic's with that weird noise, and then it doesn't do it while he's listening. :S


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Now I want some tunnel time,>:(
Damn we dont have a tunnel in Oz[:/]
Anyone ant to sponser an Aussie Teacher to get a green card;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Love your story telling girly. I would never to come to laugh with you only at you....:P Other way around sweetheart. Sorry I didn't get to see you from the beginning it would have been nice to see your progress.

Tunnel has been fun for me.. as well as an expensive addiction.

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