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Eight over 2000+ jumps.

Sentinel AAD misfired at 3500', resulting in a canopy transfer to 26' lopo. Good times, crap gear.

I chopped pilot chute hesitation on jump 100. I'm really proud of that one. I knew what I'd screwed up before I was done pulling my handles.:o

Line over on borrowed gear.
Thanks you know who you are, and I'm sure you'll read this.:P

I landed a biplane after losing altitude awareness and sniveling into Cypres territory. Hypoxia, hangovers, stupidity and boogies are a dangerous mix. :S

Spinner caused when toggle came unstowed while pulling slider over risers. This would have been easily fixable with the luxury of more altitude.
Or easily preventable with better toggle stows.

At least 3 line twist, spinning high G chops.
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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One spinning mal caused by the slider tabs on a Safire 135 (=126 sqft), one lineover on a sabre 135, one spinner on a spectre 135. 2 intentional cutaways, and one time my FXC fired (at >2000ft) so I had 2 canopies... So, for me, about 1 reserve ride every 100 jumps ;) The 3 malfunctions were probably avoidable, since one was a slider problem that was later fixed by the manufacturer, one was caused by a tired packer and one was prolly caused by a brake fire... And the FXC fire, well I should've been open at >2500 ft instead of at 2100...

ciel bleu,

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One reserve ride with over six hundred jumps. Happened when two center line broken (both A and B) permitted canopy to close in on each other. After pumping toggles canopy reinflated and then deflated again. So I did not want to chance it with getting any lower, so I cut away.

Unknown why this happened to start with.

Just my two cents here,
Kenneth Potter
FAA Senior Parachute Rigger
Tactical Delivery Instructor (Jeddah, KSA)
FFL Gunsmith

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1 on jump 63. Probably poor packing job. I have a feeling answers will vary based on type of jump (CReW, early Tandems, etc...) and packing ability...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Two...one on #38 packing error, instand canopy on a demo main which caused massive line twists then once they were all out I say a perfect line over through the center cell.

The other was when my pin came off my bridle on #689. Hig speed. I had no idea what it was just knew nothing was out. Upon deployment of my reserve the main bridle wrapped around my right reserve risers making it impossible to get to my toggle on the reserve. I fought with it until about 500 ft and finally got it off and away, turned into the wind and landed in a field. Was very thankful I didn't have to land the reserve on rears. [:/]

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Once in more than 2300, at jump 1596: spinning mal on Stiletto 120. Have saved several rides by working the problem: two single unstowed toggles (not fun) and a few spinning, diving openings that I just gained control of at decision altitude. Also had a couple on a previous container where I was reaching for my handles due to PC hesitation. I used to open below 2000, not anymore. Altitude is your friend.

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For me, it's once in 426 Jumps. Very curious Mal, caused by a number of things (as everything is in this sport) Slider was hung at the cascades pinched by a tension knot, the pull tabs on the slider were involved in the tangles at the cascades, There was plenty of slack above & below the slider, lines with no tension were just flapping in the wind.
=========Shaun ==========

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one R- ride on my 150 jump.
spinning mal. under brand new SABRE II 150 ( 30 jump on this canopy) I had to send the canopy back to PD it had a design flaw that caused it to spin up on openning. They were real good about it though they ended up giving me a new replacement SABRE II and its been great.
You must be fast cause you were flying when I past you

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Hi 89,

"A failure is defined to be any malfunction or combination of malfunctions of a previously acceptable item which degrades any performance parameter to a level outside its specified performance limit, or fails structurally." Having said that , out of 40 years and almost 4000 jumps I've had about 10 good mals where I had to try out my reserve pack job. If you properly maintain your gear and stay within the operating envelope of your equipment then you should minimize the possibility of a "reserve ride!!"
"Don't push your operating envelope!!!" Had a frayed control line back in '79, thought it would hold up for a few more jumps?? 09SEP79 in front of manifest at 2.5K at Scare-Us-Valley it let go and I got to ride my 26' NAVCON!! Didn't have another reserve ride for 13 years!! That was in 93 so I guess I'm about due??? 'Ya never know, so have a good reserve and don't be afraid to use it if you have to. Just think of the great "No Shit!!" storys you'll have to tell!!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Hi 89,

"A failure is defined to be any malfunction or combination of malfunctions of a previously acceptable item which degrades any performance parameter to a level outside its specified performance limit, or fails structurally." Having said that , out of 40 years and almost 4000 jumps I've had about 10 good mals where I had to try out my reserve pack job. If you properly maintain your gear and stay within the operating envelope of your equipment then you should minimize the possibility of a "reserve ride!!"
"Don't push your operating envelope!!!" Had a frayed control line back in '79, thought it would hold up for a few more jumps?? 09SEP79 in front of manifest at 2.5K at Scare-Us-Valley it let go and I got to ride my 26' NAVCON!! Didn't have another reserve ride for 13 years!! That was in 93 so I guess I'm about due??? 'Ya never know, so have a good reserve and don't be afraid to use it if you have to. Just think of the great "No Shit!!" storys you'll have to tell!!!

Hey Billy Boy,

Checked my logs and guess what? I wasn't on that load with you, but I was at the dropzone and remember the NAVCON. When I started out, I wanted one so bad. But at $125 to $130 I just counldn't swing it.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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None, but only 40 jumps, and I try to avaoid packing myself. Which begs the question: Since most malfuctions are due to poor packing, why should newbies pack? Surely that just compounds the chance of an incident. Why not wait a while, then when you find you have a mal you're more able to deal with it?

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