
WHITE is my new favorite color! ...

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... Because that's the color of my reserve!!!

Anyway... Normal skydive, get in the plane, leave the plane, try to form a 6 way star, never get more than the origional 4 in the star :S ... Break off, ... 3500 feet PULL! SMACK, WTF, I got spanked, canopy never done that before.. I'm immediately spinning on my back, look up and I see a huge mess with a line over in it, Look, grab, look, PULL, flip back to face down PULL, immediatly a WONDERFUL 193sq ft white canopy over my head..

I gotta give it to PD... That thing flew like my main, my reserve kicks ass.. According to paralog and my neptune, it looks like I leveled out at about 77mph after pulling for a few seconds, guessing that was my mal speed.. Crazy! :ph34r:

I did SOO much in SOO little time and didnt even think about it, I saw a mess and my EPs just happened before I could even think about it.. The training worked!

Also, my rigger kicks ass.. He had my rig to me before I went home tonight.. THANKS A BUNCH!

Oh, and one more thanks, the most important of them all, Thank you God for keeping me safe and being with me through this VERY exciting event :D

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Look, grab, look, PULL, flip back to face down PULL

Why did you wait to flip face down before deploying your reserve?:|

Because I knew I had plenty of altitude (2500+ feet) .. Why pull on your back when you know you have the time to flip, .. If I had not known my altitude or even questioned my altitude I would have pulled immediately. I pulled my main, recognized a malfunction, cut away, and pulled my reserve all within about 6-8 seconds, had a reserve around 1000 feet after initial pull altitude.. I knew I had time...

edited to add: I knew I had time because when I looked and reached for my reserve handle I distinctly remember seeing a bit 'ol 3.0 on my neptune :ph34r: I was amazed how cool headed I remained during this event, taking in and processing everything I saw immediately..

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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So glad you are safe. I have no idea what color my reserve is, and I don't think I want to know ;). At least not anytime soon :P.

Personally, I'm very happy that I got to find out.. Twisted as it may sound, I had a blast when it happened, I always thought it'd freak me out, I think I had the biggest smile on my face i've had in a long time.. Something I had always wondered was how I would react in that situation, now I know.. Only thing that sitnks is that I just had it repacked 15 days ago, the pack job only had 5 jumps on it, and after this upcoming weekend I wont be jumping for a few months due to military obligations, .. Alot of money for what may be 1 weekend of jumps!

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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LOL. I normally don't pack myself but decided I'd pack for myself since my reserve was due for a repack, but then didn't get to do it due to weather. So I'll try the packing thing when my reserve comes due for a repack in June. In the meantime I'd love to jump with you sometime, but I'm mostly RW, just learning to FF. Do you think we could jump together?

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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LOL. I normally don't pack myself but decided I'd pack for myself since my reserve was due for a repack, but then didn't get to do it due to weather. So I'll try the packing thing when my reserve comes due for a repack in June. In the meantime I'd love to jump with you sometime, but I'm mostly RW, just learning to FF. Do you think we could jump together?

:ph34r:Ahh, another cali diver! Yea, that'd be cool... I goto Perris sometimes, I will be at Elsinore for safety day next sat. (Probably go ahead and pass on the hanging harness stuff now :ph34r:) I just do RW.. Was thinking about some FF, but decided not yet, wanna get better at belly first..

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Definitely something to be proud of and grow on!;)

Really, really kewl to know that the awesome instruction provided us @ SDSD is CONTINUING to pay off.

Great job! Proud of ya bro!

Damn that is a beautiful reserve.....

Anvil Brother #69

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I just do RW.. Was thinking about some FF, but decided not yet, wanna get better at belly first..

Too bad more people don't have this attitude. Not to critisize by any means, but why don't you have a RSL? Do you have a specific reason for not having or detaching yours?

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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Nice one Nate. You certainly did have a permanent smile for the rest of the day. I'm glad you got a rental and we went out on that three way after you cut. It's good to get the next jump out of the way after a reserve ride.

Are you around this Saturday? If so I'll see you there.

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Because I knew I had plenty of altitude (2500+ feet) .. Why pull on your back when you know you have the time to flip, .. If I had not known my altitude or even questioned my altitude I would have pulled immediately. I pulled my main, recognized a malfunction, cut away, and pulled my reserve all within about 6-8 seconds, had a reserve around 1000 feet after initial pull altitude.. I knew I had time...

Just bear in mind that you may not always have time. Getting stable before deploying your reserve is a bad habit to get into, and people have died trying to get stable first. Reserves are designed to be deployed while unstable.

Congrats on saving your life though, there's no feeling like it the first time you do it.;)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I just do RW.. Was thinking about some FF, but decided not yet, wanna get better at belly first..

Too bad more people don't have this attitude. Not to critisize by any means, but why don't you have a RSL? Do you have a specific reason for not having or detaching yours?

Actually, I do have an RSL.. People I've talked to with RSL say that they felt the canopy open before they even had a chance to get their d-ring, .. I didnt feel anything until I actually pulled, .. For all I know it could have fired on my back and just had alot of hesitation, but to me it just didnt feel like it fired on its own... There was alot going on in those few seconds, and it really makes no sense that it would not have fired, but I do know that I flipped back over before pulling my reserve and I didnt feel ANYTHING until I pulled myself (which was all in very short time) ... I've replayed it many times in my head, there is alot of inputs to process in that short amount of time! :ph34r:

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Just bear in mind that you may not always have time. Getting stable before deploying your reserve is a bad habit to get into, and people have died trying to get stable first. Reserves are designed to be deployed while unstable.

Congrats on saving your life though, there's no feeling like it the first time you do it.;)

Thanks for the comments, and your right, I do know better than that.. I've read enough fatality reports to know better than that.. It was just in that situation I somehow figured what the hell, .. Like I said if I had any doubt of my altitude I would not hesitate to fire on my back (which as I posted earlier may have very well happened) .. People can dog the advice given on this site alot, but honestly I have learned a TON from people like you on this site and appreciate your comments B|

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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...Getting stable before deploying your reserve is a bad habit to get into, and people have died trying to get stable first. Reserves are designed to be deployed while unstable...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Not necessarily bad advice, but there is some wiggle room here. The main issue is that he was aware of his altitude and apparently kept his head during an emergency, two very valuable factors.

In the early '80's I read an incident report describing a jumper who chopped a malfunction above 2000' at a demo. He immediately pulled his reserve without stopping his spin, even though he had plenty of time to work with. The line-twisted reserve streamered into the ground.

My first reserve ride occurred as a student after I couldn't find my main ripcord. I knew I was taking too much time and was beginning to tumble. In one move I arched and pulled the reserve moments before the AAD would have fired.

I've since had two more reserve rides; during both I flipped over stable after the chop, with plenty of time left to pull. Both cutaways occurred at or above 2000'.

If the cutaway occurred under 1000', after, say, a canopy collission, I wouldn't worry about getting stable first.

Nice going on getting back in the air right away. In 1988 I almost went in following a real hard reserve pull. Instead of praising me for keeping my head and saving my life, the DZO kicked me out. It was three months before I approached another DZ where I didn't know anybody, asking for a repack and hoping they wouldn't ask why my reserve was unpacked because I was afraid if they knew what had happened last time they wouldn't let me jump there. That ride to altitude was the worst I've ever had. That old ratty Strato Cloud, open at 4000', never looked so good.:ph34r:


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A newbie question... as far as I understand, a reserve has right of way over all other canopies. I used to be under the impression (till I arrived on dz.com) that all reserves were white, but they obviously aren't. So, question: how do you know if someone else is under reserve, if it just looks like a normal canopy?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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A newbie question... as far as I understand, a reserve has right of way over all other canopies. I used to be under the impression (till I arrived on dz.com) that all reserves were white, but they obviously aren't. So, question: how do you know if someone else is under reserve, if it just looks like a normal canopy?

A couple things:

As you look around, you may see the cut-away main still floating down...

Also, a reserve wont have the d-bag / pilot chute behind it...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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but neither does a canopy that's been deployed by SL.

Depends on the SL-system. Sometimes the SL merely pulls a ripchord.
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
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