
What to throw out of a plane?

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I have been thinking about a couple of old stories told to me by friends about mad stuff going out of planes.

I know we have raft jumps, car jumps, shopping trolley jumps etc, but what would be the weirdest thing to go out of a plane with?

I heard of some skydivers taking a huge bag of oranges out over the Sea at the South African boogie. They cut it open once they got stable and let the oranges fly.
Some went up, some went down and some just floated in the burble.
I have been told that the vid is pretty cool too.

I think it would be pretty cool to go out with a cow with 4 tubes.
1 tube on each leg would turn old daisy upside down and give a nice base in which to fly head down around.
Of course Daisy wouldnt have a rig or be alive as that would be animal cruelty.:o

Please excuse my warped sense of humor.

Anyone ever took roadkill out? :)


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Roadkill, DUDEyou been out in the sun too long:D:D:D

I'd like to take out a queen sized four poster bed, really solid and heavy base on it:ph34r:
I could roll around in the cot whilst skydiving, my 2 favorite passtimes;):ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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I was wondering about a chicken too.
Shit it must of had to flap all the way down to earth.

Why cant they fly?

From thestraightdope.com: Well, you can't blame the chickens. They started out flying, after all. At least their ancestors did. The ancestor of modern chickens, the wild red jungle fowl (also a darn good name for a rock band), wasn't a great flier, but he could get around when he had to. The entire poultry family (chickens, turkeys, guineas, ducks) are adapted to living on the ground. Their beaks are better adapted to pecking off the ground, their feet to walking instead of perching, and their wings are smaller than other birds their size.

Enter us. We take a perfectly happy wild red jungle fowl and start selectively breeding to produce bigger pectoralis muscles (that's the breast portion, for those of you who only see chickens in buckets) and eventually you get a bird who couldn't get off the ground if they thought of it, which they don't. Chickens comprise some of the thousands of artificial breeds that humans have created. Many domestic fowl, turkeys especially, have such large, um, breast portions, that they can no longer breed normally and must be artificially inseminated. This is a double whammy to the male poultry ego, such as it is.

Bottom line: those hot wings you like to wash down with your Pabst are really vestigial limbs. And if you can tell your buddies that at happy hour, maybe they'll let you drive.

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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A nice cuddly kitten.

We could start a new sport called "Cat Chasing." Oh, wait, I think I read about that once a few years ago. Never mind.

You can't do that - as soon as it's cute and cudly, people start giving a shit!
Kill cows all you want, just don't kill anything that's "cute".

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A nice cuddly kitten.

We could start a new sport called "Cat Chasing." Oh, wait, I think I read about that once a few years ago. Never mind.

Naw, cats and kittens just completey spazz when frightened. I tried bathing my boy when he was 2 months old, only had him for a couple of days and he was flea ridden. Holding him by the scruff may have worked since I just wanted to dip him in a bathroom sink of soapy water, but he would have none of that. Complete spazz and me afraid of being cut to pieces.

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I was wondering about a chicken too.
Shit it must of had to flap all the way down to earth.

Why cant they fly?

From thestraightdope.com: Well, you can't blame the chickens. They started out flying, after all. At least their ancestors did. The ancestor of modern chickens, the wild red jungle fowl (also a darn good name for a rock band), wasn't a great flier, but he could get around when he had to. The entire poultry family (chickens, turkeys, guineas, ducks) are adapted to living on the ground. Their beaks are better adapted to pecking off the ground, their feet to walking instead of perching, and their wings are smaller than other birds their size.

At work about a year ago, a wild turkey somehow flew into a 3rd story window, got stuck in the window, then the bloody mess fell out and plopped on the ground. Animal control had to come and clean up the mess. There was a blood streak for a few weaks before it was cleaned. The person whose cube was next to the window went home because of trauma that day. Almost unbelieveable that a wild turkey could somehow get about 30 ft in the air and enough momentum to crash through an office window, but it sure the hell happened.

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A nice cuddly kitten.

We could start a new sport called "Cat Chasing." Oh, wait, I think I read about that once a few years ago. Never mind.

Yeah, I used to have the book "Bedtime Stories For Skydivers". Had a story about the Cat Chasing Championships. Fucking hilarious... Unfortunately, I lent the book to a friend who then a few days later cheated on his wife, got caught, kicked out and all his stuff, including my book, thrown in the garbage... [:/]
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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1) Chickens, if you get away from the over fed roid eating type that you find at your nieghborhood grocery, CAN fly. They live on the ground and only fly to get to their roost where they sleep for the night. The smaller the breed the better they fly. We actually trim the wing feathers on one wing to keep them from flying out of the chicken pin. If you trim both wings (balanced) they will still fly out.

2) Wild turkeys most definatley fly. Again, they live on the ground and only fly up to their toost each night. but they normally roost very high in the top of a tall tree. No problem at all for them to get three stories high. Also illegal to shoot them while on their roost. If you are hunting them, you have to wait for them to get on the ground and them call them within range for a shot.

3) Cats. when reaching terminal, will spread out as wide as possible in a belly flying position and slow themsleves to rate of speed that gives them about an 80% survival rate. Normally only suffering from a broken jaw, which hits the ground on impact.

Chickens and Turkeys I know. The Cats I am only going on what I have read. On the net and even right here in these forums. Just search and see

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I was wondering about a chicken too.
Shit it must of had to flap all the way down to earth.

Why cant they fly?

From thestraightdope.com: Well, you can't blame the chickens. They started out flying, after all. At least their ancestors did. The ancestor of modern chickens, the wild red jungle fowl (also a darn good name for a rock band), wasn't a great flier, but he could get around when he had to. The entire poultry family (chickens, turkeys, guineas, ducks) are adapted to living on the ground. Their beaks are better adapted to pecking off the ground, their feet to walking instead of perching, and their wings are smaller than other birds their size.

At work about a year ago, a wild turkey somehow flew into a 3rd story window, got stuck in the window, then the bloody mess fell out and plopped on the ground. Animal control had to come and clean up the mess. There was a blood streak for a few weaks before it was cleaned. The person whose cube was next to the window went home because of trauma that day. Almost unbelieveable that a wild turkey could somehow get about 30 ft in the air and enough momentum to crash through an office window, but it sure the hell happened.

Wild Turkeys can fly very well. They roost every night in the tree tops.

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I know we have raft jumps, car jumps, shopping trolley jumps etc, but what would be the weirdest
thing to go out of a plane with?

http://60sjumper.skydiveworld.com/altus.htm mentions snakes, dogs, cats, a pig, lawn chairs,
hamburgers, etc.

I thought I read the following at the above site, but I couldn't find it. It was something like, "Back then
we could drink beer on the ride to altitude, but only the pilot was allowed to throw his cans out the


I think it would be pretty cool to go out with a cow with 4 tubes.

Yesterday I was working with pipe and vinyl hoses (engineering project). When I first read the
above, I understood "tube" as "device to convey liquid" and wondered if you thought milk tasted better
in freefall or were trying to get a milkshake or something. Then I saw the part about the cow being
dead and figured it out.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Years ago, when I first started, some of the experienced jumpers took up a watermelon. The plan was to drop it and chase it. (They made sure they were over a corn field) Anyway, they said they chucked it out the door and chased it...............................but once it got out the door they said they never saw it again.

I would have loved to see the thing hit:ph34r:
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if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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