
Your Skydiving Goals for 2005?

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2005 Goals:

100+ jumps
B license (need water training)
Learn to pack (again)
Take Canopy course
Compete in the MWSL 4 way rookie team events
2 way sitflying
Tracking dive
Helicopter & balloon jumps at Summerfest
New wave boogies
3way rookie scrambles
Be on another 12way
Jump with Jeth & JustABill
Never stop learning

Well behaved women rarely make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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-Don't hurt/kill myself
-Get a lot better at swooping (while taking my time)
-Really perfect my 90 degree hook turn
-Perfect Headdown
-Visit a couple new dropzones
-Make 200 jumps
-Try to pay for 95% of those jumps by packing and editing

Thats about it for my goals this coming year

Edit: i meant my goals for this coming year

--I don't even know enough to know that I dont know--

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i just began skydiving but my first goals are to complete my AFF jumps and then get my A license then i'll go from there

Yep me too. Come Febuary / March i should be qualified. Yippie!!!

if you wanna see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain

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Good thread Dumpster:)
For 2005 i would like to accomplish:
-Working at the DZ as a tandem vidiot.
-200 team training jumps
-win a medal at nationals
-improve my headdown flying
-learn to back track well enough to lead a tracking dive.
-Take a canopy control course
-consistently hit the entrance gates
-compete in a low level swoop comp.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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- stay alive
- learn as much as I can about 4-way and being a good teammate both on the ground and in the air.
- do as much as I can to help my team grow
- put continuous effort to stay in a good physical and mental shape, and improve my individual flying and canopy piloting skills.
- have a lot of fun ;)
- start looking for independent job by the end of next year so in future I will have more time and money to work even more on all stated above.

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1) Better, smoother swoops., swoop a pond.
2) Get Headdown!
3) At least 200 jumps

I'll be moving next year to some unknown place (applying to colleges out of state), so I can't make my goals too tough because I have enough to worry about:) I do hope to save enough $$ to buy another canopy by the end of '05, but considering I won't have a job after July, I may have to hold off on that:( .


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1. Don’t Die
2. Don’t get hurt
3. At least do 200 jumps and get my C
4. learn to freefly get the sitflying down
5. Fly the shit out of my canopy and get one step closer to swooping
6. Buy a base rig
7. Do 1-10 BASE jumps
8. Night Jumps (if all goes well I might still get to do that this year)
9. Get better at canopy control
10. Get better at canopy control
11. Get better at canopy control
12. Get better at canopy control

That’s all I can think of right now:)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Attend the AIC course
Attend a tandem Instructor course
Attend advanced canopy course
Attend rigger course
get pro rating
Purshase 3 tandem rigs
purshase 3 student rigs
work as T-I and rigger to pay off credit cards (see above)
Attend second coach course (directorship)
Attend second Staticline course (evaluatorship)
Discuss with local FSDO about skydiving opperations
File notam with FAA
Purshase USPA group membership insurance
Lease a hanger
Lease a plane
Install a whoffo or newbie in a puppet resigme as DZO
Sweet talk a national director to aquire s&ta
Sell home and all possesions (except gear)
Move into hanger
Aquire dealership from gear manufactures
Aquire tandem I/E rating
Bust 1000 jumps
Attend AFF Instructor course
Provide a safe and fun place to jump
Hold massive boogies, with no registration fees
Stay sober
fun jump

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