
Learning to Swoop...A YouTube Saga

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If you see a white Safire 129 being jumped in your neck of the woods, watch out, this guy has mad skillz.

Holy hell, it's like watching a train wreck, somebody has hopefully pulled this guy aside for a talk about basic canopy control, progression, downsizing, and general safety.


"Just downsized from Triathlon-160 to Safire 2 - 129.
Learning to swoop, jumps approx 100-166.
ANY suggestions / drills / comments WELCOME!

Jump# in the corner.
All videos are at 2x speed!"

We're not fucking flying airplanes are we, no we're flying a glorified kite with no power and it should be flown like one! - Stratostar

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Aggressive downsizing,
Working his risers like an ape,
Can't fly straight or plan a predictable approach to save his life,
Pays no attention to obstacles such as other canopies or people on the ground, boxing himself into a corner where sooner or later he'll either be forced to turn into the ground or hit someone, cuts people off, flies erratically through the pattern,
Can't keep the damn thing from popping up and dumping him on his ass, does not understand the art of a decent flare yet,
Hasn't yet mastered standing up his landings,
And he's "learning to swoop". He's only trying to fly about 700 jumps beyond his skill level, what could possibly go wrong?

This ought to be good. Anybody want to bet on a femur inside of 2 years? Although judging by the way he sets down it'll be one or both wrists, first.
(gets the popcorn going)
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Can't keep the damn thing from popping up and dumping him on his ass, does not understand the art of a decent flare yet,

You are definitely jealous... Ever heard/seen Nick Batsch ? he does exactly the same. Pop up, dump on the ass, get distance world record :) That guy Andrei is the next supaswoopa :|
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Can't help but wonder what the leadership at the DZ is saying to this jumper. I would expect it to be something about traffic avoidance at the very least. I don't worry so much about him crashing himself... but murder is inexcusable.
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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Its videos like this that make you hope that they they "just" break a leg when they learn their lesson. I hope they don't kill themselves or others.

If he flew like that while I was in the air, I'd break his fucking legs!
"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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This is the classic problem with people doing things completely wrong, but not getting hurt and therefore walking away under the impression they're doing it right.

I'm not talking about the big downsize, the poor canopy selection or the high WL for his jump numbers, just the way he flies. Not even the poor traffic management and lack of a pattern, just look at his hand movements when he flares, every one is a 'panic flare' way down to 3/4 brakes, then a pop-up and shit landing.

Again, because he's walking away, he thinks he's doing it right. One thing that the newbies don't seem to realize is that no amount of 'gear' is going to make you look like anything but a newbie. You'll see them buy smaller rigs, smaller canopies, fancier helmets and jumpsuits, and then strut around the DZ like a horny rooster. However, the moment they leave the plane, they're the same newbie they were the week before, this time just dressed up like a more experienced jumpers.

The point is that it shows. Your lack of experience and skill shows through no matter what you jump. When you push too hard and jump the wrong stuff, you end up looking worse, not better. Before you were the new guy, and performed like the new guy, nothing wrong with that. Now you look like the new guy who's in way over his head.

Anyway, the guys name in the comments, and it seems like he's from the Seattle area, maybe Shelton. Hey Shelton jumpers, watch you backs under canopy.

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My favorite part of this, is that the comments section is filled with people telling him how bad of an idea it is, why he is making a mistake, there is no one there saying, good job keep it up.

Yet he still thinks its a great idea. Not to mention the camera, which I know zhills doesn't allow before 200 jumps, same as sebastian. And I just want to see him in free fall.

Ask and you shall receive, here he is in free fallhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h9I9O-1EUU

He was actually better in freefall than i expected, but his landing scared the shit out of me.

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OMG! :(:S>:(
What disturbs me most is the way he ...well, it's not really a pattern and that he obviously doesn't pay much attention to other jumpers (who obviously fly a clear pattern) Or the way he crosses the runway at only about 100 feet. Sigh.

The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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I'm not talking about the big downsize, the poor canopy selection or the high WL for his jump numbers, just the way he flies. Not even the poor traffic management and lack of a pattern, just look at his hand movements when he flares, every one is a 'panic flare' way down to 3/4 brakes, then a pop-up and shit landing.

Again, because he's walking away, he thinks he's doing it right....

Yeah - it's the first thing I noticed too. Can't flare worth a damn. I'd guess he is afraid of the ground when he is coming in on a sub-conscious level.

Depending on where he learned I can overlook the wingloading somewhat. It's not _that_ out of line for a starting jumper. Though, the small canopy plus slightly more aggressive wingloading doesn't make this easier that's for sure.

Not to mention camera @ 100ish jumps... sigh. Let's just do it all at once.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Honestly I was a bit taken back at a couple of those DZ's not grounding him. Guess I'll never be an S&TA/DZO with my mentality.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Because no one at the DZ knows who the heck you are...No one really knows your jump numbers.

Sure, manifest might know your jump numbers...but manifest is in manifest and they can't keep an eye on everyone at the DZ because they are busy manifesting.

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I really don't give a shit about his jump numbers. One jump and landing like those in the videos should have been enough for someone to say something. He flys no pattern and just goes where ever the fuck he feels like. He's a canopy collision waiting to happen. If I knew who he was I would never get on a load with him.

My first time in Eloy, there was an older guy that flew a total shit pattern. He cut off a bunch of people on the way down and was just clueless. While this jumper was picking his gear up to walk back and pack, the S&TA (Brian I believe?) was already walking out to have a talk with him. I would be surprised if nobody has said anything to this kid.

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Honestly I was a bit taken back at a couple of those DZ's not grounding him. Guess I'll never be an S&TA/DZO with my mentality.

I wasn't. Those two are famous for talk and short action.
I see the same shot every time I go there.

Still, nobody has put a name to him?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
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I can't tell for sure, but it looks like I was one of the guys he cut off at ZHills (we have a lot of orange Pulses). I remember a guy cutting me off and talking to him, he "didn't see it the same way I did". He said the same thing when he cut off an organizer and was talked to by staff then. Didn't really see him after that.

My memory sucks, that's really about all I recall

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