
Packing time

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Currently takes me about 10-15 mins to pack my sabre 170 that has >700 jumps on it, but I dont generally rush and sometimes chat to people while Im doing it. I recon I could do it in about 5 at a push.

I have a brand new pilot 150 coming in a month. I get the feeling my pack times may skyrocket for a bit :(

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16-23 minutes because I'm anal about it.

I learned to do it one way starting out and continue to do it the same way because I've never had a problem and I'm one of those who subscribe to the idea of, "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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From laying it down to putting it on my back when I'm training or working, just about 6 minutes.

Otherwise it takes about 2 minutes less than the length of the call I'm on.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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From laying it down to putting it on my back when I'm training or working, just about 6 minutes.

Other wise it takes about 2 minutes less than the length of the call I'm on.

That is SO funny... Because my canopy has the same pack time - but I prefer 3 minutes...

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About 1/5 painstaking hours....>:(>:(>:(

Brand new at packing and brand new pilot 150. I'm good till the second S fold...then all hell breaks loose. I get my knee on one side to keep pressure, grab the other with my hand to start sliding (suffing) into the bag and everything goes to shit.

There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?

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1-6 minutes for sport main, 10-15 for tandem main. However I have been know to take hours, days, weeks, and yes even months to pack both. As a matter of fact, my first jump last week was on a pack job that took me 6 months. ;) Stupid Canadian winters. :S

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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What I do is put my left knee on the floor next to the stack. I put my right knee behind the stack forming a corner. I work the stack back into this corner when I fold the top under and finish forming the stack. Then I put my right knee on the stack BUT ONLY with a enough pressure to hold the stack in place. All my weight is on my left knee. I pull the left side of the bag over the left corner and put the gromment under my knee. Then I pull the right side over and around the other corner. After putting the bag on the stack, not the stack in the bag, as far as I can I set it up on the bridle end and straddle it with one knee on the rig side and one on the PC side. Finish dressing the stack into the bag and close the first one or two locking stows. THEN you can let go of it.

Some people have figured out how to put their full weight on a ZP canopy. There are as many ways to pack as there are people but this way has seemed to work for some. I had to do it slow to actually see what the hell I was doing when I started showing it to others.

Have fun.;)
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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To pack for other people 8-10 minutes. To pack my own about 2 hours. Since i don't get paid to pack my own i tend to leave it sit there forever...

Shh... you should know better. Packing for other people and/or having someone else pack for you is illegal around these parts.

Everyone on DZ.com:
Packs for themself, every time.

Is an incredible skydiver, whose authority should not be questioned under any circumstances.

Is the smartest person in the world.

Knows more than you.

Is awesome.

Gets laid daily.


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I pack more then 2000 a year

8 minutes, always the same unless it's a canopy I don't know or something is wrong ( step through, broken line ect, ect...,). I never change anything about what I do while packing. It works well so I do it the same way everytime, I have never been responsible for a reserve ride in 15000+ PJs.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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