
Flying vs. Falling

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Thats not flying, thats falling with style!

I think it is flying though, you are in control of your actions and movements, not simply falling and being a slave to the laws of gravity...

What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you?
Throw your pilot chute in defense!

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My friends get mad at me whenever I mention we were flying.... they all remark with, "you're not flying, you're falling."

So what is it... flying or falling?

Obviously it's both. Whuffos don't really understand (and are quite surprised to learn) the relative motion of skydivers jumping together and the degree, and the speed (such as while tracking) at which a skydiver can maneuver horizontally, adjustment of relative fall-rates, etc. They cannot conceive that a jumper can track at a horizontal speed of over 40 mph for well over a half mile across the ground. Explain it to them, or better yet, take them onto the skydivingmovies.com website and let them see it for themselves. Show them a good 4-way team turning points. Show them wingsuit flight. Show them expert BASE jumpers covering huge horizontal distances off the cliffs of Norway. Show them jumpers tracking away from each other at breakoff.
If they persist in arguing the point after that, just smile at them, and say "whatever". Arguing skydiving semantics with non-skydivers gets pretty old after a while.

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definitely flying... like a controllable guano, but still flying.
swimming in the water, flying is in the air
if driving a plane is flying, then sailing a boat is swimming.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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According to Websters, I believe it is both...

1 a : to move in or pass through the air with wings
b : to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space
c : to float, wave, or soar in the air

1 a : to descend freely by the force of gravity

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Falling while in freefall ,flying while under canopy. IMO you have to be able to gain or maintain altitude in order to call it flying

Haven't done much RW, have you?
Try telling an AFFI he doesn't need flying skills to perform well, as long as he falls with style.
By the way, when you're under canopy, unless you're in one hell of a thermal, you'll be losing altitude, too, not gaining or even maintaining it (except during a flare.)

Enough semantics.

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My friends get mad at me whenever I mention we were flying.... they all remark with, "you're not flying, you're falling."

So what is it... flying or falling?

A good answer is
"It is controlled falling. You can manoever yourself while you're falling, so you fall slightly slower, fall slightly faster, move sideways as you fall. I have a video that demonstrates this. [Play the 400-way world record video; point out the magic of flying bodies including breakoff] Explain that breakoff is to spread out the people so they have room to open parachutes without crashing into each other. You can even form your body into a diving shape called 'tracking' which makes your body like a glider, causing you to fall diagonally - like a crude, poor glider - essentially moving forward at 100mph while falling at 100mph, yielding a 45 degree angle as you fall. A glider is always falling (relative to the air it's flying through), but we call it 'flying'. My body can be made to behave like a glider, albiet a poor one gliding at a steep angle, but still like a glider in every other way as this 400-way video proves. [Play the breakoff again] And, you know how a leaf rocks back and fourth as it falls? I can do the same thing in the sky too. And by moving my arms and legs around and changing the curve of my body, I can stabilize myself and accurately control the sideways motions of my falling and also slightly change my speed of falling. You saw the video. While school teaches that all objects fall the same speed, they also remind that there is air resistance. An inflated balloon falls slower than an empty balloon. By spreading out and crunching up my body and changing the curve of my body, I can change my falling speed, since this changes the total amount of air resistance on my body. That means I can "float" above other falling people. Much like an falling expanded balloon floats above a falling empty balloon. As you can see in the 400-way video, look at those people floating above those people. In conclusion, the truth is both you and I are correct. I am falling, but I am flying too because I am manipulating my ability to fall. Also, as you saw from the 400-way world record video, the sensation is very much like flying."

I wrote these above words. Bring up this thread for whuffos and show them. They will be suitably impressed.

As a computer technican capable of writing 5-star rave-review user-friendly instruction manuals for computer newbies, you can see I am good at whuffo-izing skydiving lingo.

Tip: If you have a pocket computer such as PalmPilot or PocketPC or Symbian, convert one of the skydiving videos (preferably a close-up of a smaller way such as 4-way, easier to see on a small screen), for showing off to whuffos. If you carry around a laptop, keep the 400-way video handy for proving your point. You can skip to the exit-to-breakoff and show only that two minutes of video.

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If you throw two rocks out, can one speed up and dock on the other rock? Can one be thrown out 3 seconds BEFORE the other one and FLY up to catch it? Sorry, it's flying, at least flying relative to others, hence the term "relative work" which is what formation flying was called for years. BS, BD

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My view on the subject is that you are falling but you are in control of how it is you are falling.

I'm a studying pilot as well and you don't see me say i'm falling when I am doing it. Unless I am stalling :P, then I am falling..

Skydivers don't can only down, they can not go back up. Sure they can slow the rate of a skydive or increase the speed in which they descend, but they just do not go back up. Well, without all that wingsuit/carbon fiber wings etc etc.

But, if you want to think you were flying, it's your choice! you're the one that is up there and they are down there!! so, fly little bird fly! :)

-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-

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Skydivers don't can only down, they can not go back up. Sure they can slow the rate of a skydive or increase the speed in which they descend, but they just do not go back up. Well, without all that wingsuit/carbon fiber wings etc etc.

I was thinking that flying meant that gaining altitude was a requisite as well but it was not indicated in the dictionary.

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My friends get mad at me whenever I mention we were flying.... they all remark with, "you're not flying, you're falling."

So what is it... flying or falling?

Tell them... "If riding in an airplane is flying, is then riding in a boat swimming?" SHUT-UP AND JUMP!!!

Give it a few years, you're still a low time jumper, if you keep going at it hardcore, you'll soon have no whuffo friends... all your friends will be jumpers... :P... yes, be afraid, be very afraid!

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