
WFFC-Its going good!

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Good day everyone,

I contacted information at WFFC for 2006 in Rantoul and found, to my dismay, that there is no gear rental there. I am C license with 320 jumps. Right now I do not have my own gear available yet.

Right now, the problem is the cost of gear.

Now I heard of vendors with demo gear? Do you know if I can use (rent) gear, such as a demo from Skyfest (or the like).

If so, how can I hook up with some?

All I would use is your average PD-190 / 210 range type main.

If so, what are the restrictions on demo gear? Just one jump? No specialty (balloon, biplane, etc)?

I just moved to Missouri (from FL) for 6 months and Rantoul is temptingly close by so any kind of comments will be appreciated.

Blue Skies,

Chris - C30317

Just to recap:)http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2306774#2306774

We should be able to help you out. We may have to work around other customers that would like to "demo" it but atleast we can get you in the air.
Come finds us when you get there.

J Schrimsher

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Quad City Skydiving Center, Inc. is running the AFF concession again this year and I will have some rigs available for rent during the convention. Feel free to call me and we will see what can be done.

Thanks and Blue Skies,
Dennis Jensen
Quad City Skydiving Center, Inc.
(309) 269-7535 cell
Be Safe and Have Fun, in that order!

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Thinking of heading up to Rantoul for a few days, when is the best time (besides the whole event) ... thinking a long weekend over one of the two weekends?

Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.

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Sorry about that I am in the middle of SkyFest right now. I will have the switches and a still waiting on the answer for the reserve. But we can always have PD ship to us if we need.

BTW its thursday and we have over 130 people registered, from 8 different countries and 23 states!!

The Pitts, King Air, Casa, Otter, 2 Caravans, & PAC 750 are already here and flying!!

see you soon.


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Jerry & Art - you guys are doing an excellent job at stepping up and helping add some value at the WFFC. I know there are a lot of people who truly want that event to get back on track. It's always been fun and I hope to be there again next year. :)
Safe swoops

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almost. I'm flying out tomorrow night. Had I not had a dinner appointment tonight I would have driven out. I'm flying out tomorrow night (Friday) and then leaving for Rantoul on Monday.
Stupid client stuff is getting in the way of my fun.

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u will prob be able to rent from the student operation there $75 should get u the rig for all day to jump what u want leave credit card as deposit and id MONEY TALKS im sure u will get a rental worst case u goto manifest the loudspeaker who has a 190 to lend or u can borrow my crossfire2 120

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Just out of curiosity... If the jet was not able to be jumped last year and they knew that they would have to go through all this... Why did they leave it to the last minute to get all this done?

I am starting to think that all these threads on dropzone.com are just a big scam and that the jet is allowed to be jumped and you guys think it will be better as a suprise.

What days will the jet be at the WFFC? And why in my dreams does it have a big double mansion door like to a house on the side with bricks and lanterns? and a little garden? why is it not just a normal door?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Just out of curiosity... If the jet was not able to be jumped last year and they knew that they would have to go through all this... Why did they leave it to the last minute to get all this done?

:ph34r:Ben and Pat having been working for years to get that jet up to speed. Just to give you a little hint, head down to Perris Valley and stop in Pat's office. Ask him to see the paper work on the jet. There are about a dozen file cabinets filled with paper work on that jet.


I am starting to think that all these threads on dropzone.com are just a big scam and that the jet is allowed to be jumped and you guys think it will be better as a suprise.

:ph34r:That statement also got to me. Do you really think that Don would be holding back that kind of information? Don would have the word out so fast to get WFFC numbers up, that your head would spin.

There is so much going on behind the scenes that make WFFC happen. When are you going to get it? Don and the WFFC have nothing to do with slowing the process down to allow the jet to be ready to fly jumpers at WFFC. It's all up to the FAA, and they are just doing their job. As I said in other post, the FAA guys want skydivers to jump from the jet. Their job is to make sure every thing is done correct.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I am starting to think that all these threads on dropzone.com are just a big scam and that the jet is allowed to be jumped and you guys think it will be better as a suprise.

That statement also got to me. Do you really think that Don would be holding back that kind of information? Don would have the word out so fast to get WFFC numbers up, that your head would spin.

First of all, i was having a laugh. Second of all i do get it.

The statement above was meant to be a laugh, guess i forgot those smiley faces again.
The reason i said that though was cause of something Beth said to me in a private message. I was not meaning to put anything or anyone down by that sentance. I actually thought if that could be true that it would be a very cool surprise.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Anyone able to tell me what a good amount money bought over from the UK would be.
I am an average jumper, would like to do about 5 jumps a day.
Do we need cash for nights. Is there a lot of extras i am not thinking about?
My friend got an email from the WFFC saying that jumps would likely be $23 US a jump. This is higher than on their site, so i am wondering if this will also mean that the HALO jumps will be more expensive. If so does anyone have a clue on how much a HALO jump would increase if a normal slot increases by $2?

Just trying to make sure i have enough money to bring over. No i cant bring everything as most of it is on loan.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I am starting to think that all these threads on dropzone.com are just a big scam and that the jet is allowed to be jumped and you guys think it will be better as a suprise.

Scam? I hate marketing spin. Check the other thread in bonfire where all the information I have goes.


What days will the jet be at the WFFC?

Read the thread in bonfire.


And why in my dreams does it have a big double mansion door like to a house on the side with bricks and lanterns? and a little garden? why is it not just a normal door?

I'm a computer guy, not a shrink. And I didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night so I didn't absorb shrink knowlege. Had you advised me before hand... ;)

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Right now the web site says $21 a jump I would expect to pay $21 a jump and plan on bringing an extra $100 US for play money. also plan on paying $6 US for pack jobs if you are paying a packer

It's Jimmy Time!!

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$100 US a day for play money?? Damn i was thinking of that a day.:D

After the email my mate received from WFFC office saying $23, think i will plan $23 a jump.

I am just really trying to figure out if a slot can go up by $2 how much would HALO jumps go up by? I am thinking of doing a couple but want to budget my trip and just bring the cash i need.

Thanks for your reply.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Is there anywhere or anyway to HIRE a vypres in the states for the duration of the WFFC?

Or would someone like to swap a custom made suit to their fitting and design for the loan of a cypres? Suit would not be shipped until mid AUG though.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I watched the jet do one more test flight in Perris today. And I was told by the chief pilot today that the jet will leave Thursday for Rantoul and return to Perris on the 31st (unless Pat wants to detour somewhere on the way home). He said the jet should be taking jumpers everyday. Most likely a sunrise and/or sunset load.

And trust everyone in Perris that they've been working on this for years, not waiting till last minute. It's just been that much work with the FAA.

Who's coming to jump the jet?

Karen Lewis

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Talked with Cajones a bit at the bar tonight. He was onboard the DC-9 during the test run at Perris today. FAA was flying the jet (one of their test pilots) and they went through stall recovery with the door open! AT 10,000' they stalled the plane and let it drop 500 feet before recovery! The plane responded like a dream and pulled right back into flight with no effort. :)
Man, would it have been FUN to be on -that- flight! B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Is there anywhere or anyway to HIRE a vypres in the states for the duration of the WFFC?

Or would someone like to swap a custom made suit to their fitting and design for the loan of a cypres? Suit would not be shipped until mid AUG though.

Doesn't cypres have some sort of loaner program? It might be if yours is in for service though.

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KarnageKrew.com and Roamingdz.com have a few more prizes to announce for our party we will be holding at the UNITED DUNKEN NATIONS PARTY...
Bonnie from www.gravitygear.com ( gravitygirl ) has donated 2 awesome T-shirts of her stock as well as Mads from www.l-and-b.dk. He has donated us a OPTIMA to giveaway on the night of the 23rd.

To date our prizes are as follows.....

20% off a tracking suit from Birdman
50% off Wings container from skdivewings.com
gravity gear t-shirts
karnage krew t-shirts
35% off nitro canopy
30% off base and 15% off options of a Micron from relative workshop
30% off any cookie composites product, including camera helmet
a ring site from Brent finley.
and 10% off a RMW jumpsuit
OPTIMA from L and B

Prizes are looking good, i knoe i don't really want to give anyof them away

See you all there.

We will also have a raffle going for slots on the novelty aircrafts and a raffle for take the 'cash pot' with you.:o

If anyone gets some real sick shots in the air please get me some copies if you are interested as one of our crew is an adventure journolist for a paper in the UK and we have asked about submitting an article for the UK skydive mag. They arevery interested, just need some good photos to add to the story.

Fuck, this is going to ROCK!!!B|

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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