
Can/Should you skydive with a knee meniscus tear?

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Had a bit of a twist on my landing this weekend. I think I heard something pop. But since I've had problems with this knee decided to keep jumping. Two more jumps and then I figured I better stop tempting the good guy upstairs. Today it hurts quite a bit so I went to see my doctor who of course scheduled me for an MRI thinking it is a meniscus tear. I hurst almost the same way it did 3 years ago when I hurt that knee. I'm thinking about getting a brace and jumping! Doctor said he's not going to tell me to jump cuz I could hurt it more (no kidding), but he didn't say don't either. I know I'm pushing it but would like to get my A license in before the end of the summer. So any opinions of professional advice I would greatly appreciate.

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I tore my medial meniscus and my ACL during a hard landing about 10 years ago. Was out about 2 months doing physical therapy. Fortunately healed enough to get back to jumping. I have minor problems with it today (hurts when I go jogging) but nothing major fortunately.

So your choice may be to wait X months until it's better (or until the surgery has healed) or really screw your knee up.

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Disclaimer: This is Not a Professional Opinion...

I tore a ligament in my knee exiting from the airplane at about jump 50. My sports medicine doctor told me I could keep jumping if I wore a brace and didn't try to land standing up or doing a PLF. I only missed one weekend of jumping.

I wore the brace for two months while jumping and butt landed. I got really good at butt landing. Unfortunately, that became muscle memory, and I couldn't make myself stop doing that until jump 200.
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Hard landing in 99. Small tear in my meniscus. Jumped on it for another year. Had my knee scoped, they cleaned it out, and I've had no problems since, that was 6 years ago.

As I recall, meniscus tears are problematic, they can't really do much for them, although, flushing the joint out with saline, seemed to do wonders for me, but the tear was small.

Also, the most painful landings, when I was having problems, were from when I hooked it too high, and the canopy planed out and came down hard, and I tried to stand it up...if you're playing with a bum joint below the waist, and you insist on jumping, my advice would be to plf any landing you are remotely unsure of...although, we should probably be doing that anyway :)

Winter is coming up, might not be a bad time to get scoped. The recovery is pretty quick. NFL athletes have come back from that procedure in a week..took me 6 weeks.

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It's probably not the smartest thing but I would risk it and finish the jumps required to get your license. You only need 25 total right? Looks like you're about there so I would go for it.

As long as you don't come crashing in your knee should be fine. Tape the shit out of it and jump

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It's probably not the smartest thing but I would risk it and finish the jumps required to get your license. You only need 25 total right? Looks like you're about there so I would go for it.

As long as you don't come crashing in your knee should be fine. Tape the shit out of it and jump

at 22 jumps, the odds of coming crashing down on the knee are alarmingly high. I wouldn't do it at 140 jumps. His call.

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Thank you for very useful information. Actually everyone gave me very useful information. Some made me laugh more than others. I did my MRI today and my knee is starting to hurt less. I also did a jump just to see how it goes so I used my good leg and then butt. I can see where this could become a habit. I'll see by Friday what the MRI says, rest up my knee a bit more and then decide about the weekend. I talked to a tandem instructor who also tore his meniscus and was jumping today (with a brace). Little did we know we have the same doctor so talking to him is making me a bit more comfortable about jumping, not that I'm not thinking about all the risk. Anyhow, thank you all for your input, I'll let you know how it goes or if it doesn't. Skydivers are really a great bunch of people. I'm so excited I'm getting into the sport.:P

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What if you have a malfunction and you are under your reserve? Can you also land that on one leg?

What's the big hurry, let things heal up and then hit skydiving hard.
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so I used my good leg and then butt. I can see where this could become a habit.

A compression fracture would be worse than the meniscus tear....

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